DIY Stealth Cab, Hydro, LED & Multiple Strains in Small Space - Oh Boy!

Thanks, WnF! It sure has been a big week and it seems like they're realing picking up the pace! :thumb:

If you're not having fun doing this, you're definately doing something wrong! :)

I'm having fun, and I'm always doing something wrong. :laughtwo:
See what I mean Mr. Krip! :)

Your always sharing something with us. I'm a visual learner and the video you just posted about lights and lighting was right up my alley. It's one thing to read about it, but for me seeing it is perfect. :smokin:
A visual learner would say something like "I see what you mean."

Some people are tactile learners. They learn best by actually touching what they are doing. If they say "I don't get a feel for that." Then you know to put something in their hand so they can feel it. These are the hands on folks.

Others learn by reading. They read all about it, then do it.
These folks love instruction manuals. You could show them a ton of pictures,
but they want to see it in writing.

Last, we all learn by smell. The electrician that was over today, he smelled every bud. We all know when a Skunk is around.

As a side note, if you can't seem to get something across to someone listen to what they say. Then use their method of learning to get your point across.
Lots of marriages have been saved doing this.

There you go "Teaching 101" :grinjoint:

Sorry, don't know what got me on to that subject! :smokin:
See what I mean Mr. Krip! :)

Some people are tactile learners. They learn best by actually touching what they are doing. If they say "I don't get a feel for that." Then you know to put something in their hand so they can feel it. These are the hands on folks.

I'm gonna look for more women like this :cheer:

Good luck on the contest Mr. Krip! I wasn't worthy either but they don't check your creds :)


I came across this 7-part video series on how to grow MMJ. It's very complete! :thumb:

Most of it will be familliar to many of us, but it's always good to get a refresher and it's EXCELLENT for anyone just getting into growing:

YouTube - Ready Set Grow (High Times Marijuana Growing) 1/7

NOTE: This was the first part of a 7-part series. You can view the other 6 segments by either watching on YouTube and using the links in the right column, or on this page, once Part #1 is done playing, it should show links to the next parts in the bottom of the player.
I'm having fun, and I'm always doing something wrong. :laughtwo:

:rofl: That just shows how bad you really have to screw this hobby up to NOT have fun! If you can avoid burning down your house, it's all downhill from there! :laughtwo:
See what I mean Mr. Krip! :)

Your always sharing something with us. I'm a visual learner and the video you just posted about lights and lighting was right up my alley. It's one thing to read about it, but for me seeing it is perfect. :smokin:
A visual learner would say something like "I see what you mean."

Some people are tactile learners. They learn best by actually touching what they are doing. If they say "I don't get a feel for that." Then you know to put something in their hand so they can feel it. These are the hands on folks.

Others learn by reading. They read all about it, then do it.
These folks love instruction manuals. You could show them a ton of pictures,
but they want to see it in writing.

Last, we all learn by smell. The electrician that was over today, he smelled every bud. We all know when a Skunk is around.

As a side note, if you can't seem to get something across to someone listen to what they say. Then use their method of learning to get your point across.
Lots of marriages have been saved doing this.

There you go "Teaching 101" :grinjoint:

Sorry, don't know what got me on to that subject! :smokin:

Thanks, OMM & great tip on learning/teaching...I smell exactly what you mean! :)
I'm gonna look for more women like this :cheer:

Good luck on the contest Mr. Krip! I wasn't worthy either but they don't check your creds :)


:rofl: Just be careful where you go looking, Blue! :tokin:

Thanks for the good wishes! I'm humbled and honored to have just been nominated! :thanks:

And, regarding them not checking credentials... :yahoo:
"If Dolly Parton was as top-heavy as my girls, she'd be bent over, too!"
- Mr. Krip

No res changes planned for another day or two due to the mid-week "help-I-have-no-AC" res change.

The buds on the AK are now swelling incredibly and the colas are really looking substantial and leaning from the weight. I've been working to make sure they're tied off to something so they stay near the light and don't supercrop themselves.

It's funny, cuz I remember only a few weeks ago commenting that although she had buds, there really wasn't anything "smokeworthy". What a difference a few weeks makes! I can't wait to see what these next/last few weeks of the grow bring but if they keep growing at this rate, I'm gonna be a very happy boy! :)

Most of the colas now have a good amount of red hairs, but the one big 20" cola, and a couple of others, are probably only at about 15% red hairs, which is another reason I'm not rushing to do the res change and start the three-week countdown.

Here's the gratuitous bud p0rn for today!















Sweet goodness! Your journal is moving faster than the decline in the value of my house :) (Thank you State and Federal Governments, love ya!)

Your plants seemed to swell pretty quick between the last two pic posts you did. :goodjob: I can't wait to see what the Overdrive does over the next couple of updates! :goodluck:

I know I said thank you in my journal, but I wanted those who hadn't been over there to know how much I greatly appreciate all of your help, advice and presence on this site. We all benefit from paying attention to you and your grow.

A very sincere :Namaste: to you.

Sweet goodness! Your journal is moving faster than the decline in the value of my house :) (Thank you State and Federal Governments, love ya!)

Your plants seemed to swell pretty quick between the last two pic posts you did. :goodjob: I can't wait to see what the Overdrive does over the next couple of updates! :goodluck:

I know I said thank you in my journal, but I wanted those who hadn't been over there to know how much I greatly appreciate all of your help, advice and presence on this site. We all benefit from paying attention to you and your grow.

A very sincere :Namaste: to you.


DIME, thanks so much! What a nice thing to say!

The feeling is very mutual and I'm glad I can be of help to anyone at this point! :)

I, too, am really looking forward to seeing how the buds develop over the next couple of weeks once I add the Overdrive. I've definately noticed that the further along I am in the grow, the more exciting it gets! :yahoo:
They look drool-worthy Mr. Krip - :bravo:

Sometimes I wish I used LED just for all the pretty colors. It does look like they're starting to put on some weight for you, too. Sweeeet!
They look drool-worthy Mr. Krip - :bravo:

Sometimes I wish I used LED just for all the pretty colors. It does look like they're starting to put on some weight for you, too. Sweeeet!

Thanks, XLR8! The LED does make them look cool, and IMHOm they look almost as good without it, too! They're a nice, frosty-green color! :yummy:

I had heard about using dry ice to introduce CO2 into the grow, but had never seen it done and it's pretty cool! You don't have control over PPM's but, just from the looks of it, I'd have to say it's a lot more effective than using the sugar/yeast method and probably costs even less:

YouTube - Flowering Marijuana With Dry Ice
Looking awesome as ever Mr. Krip!

Any chance you can take some pics of her under white lights? My failing eyes have trouble making her out with all the beautiful colors. Not if it's much trouble but I'd like to see her 'au natural'. :peace:
Looking awesome as ever Mr. Krip!

Any chance you can take some pics of her under white lights? My failing eyes have trouble making her out with all the beautiful colors. Not if it's much trouble but I'd like to see her 'au natural'. :peace:

Ask and ye shall receive!














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