Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spectrum

Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Well there you go! Once again Professor Icemud to the rescue. Keep 'em where they are. Mine are actually set just like yours right now so I will leave well enough alone.

Bob ;)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Well there you go! Once again Professor Icemud to the rescue. Keep 'em where they are. Mine are actually set just like yours right now so I will leave well enough alone.

Bob ;)

I'm actually glad I re-read the study, and I think I will just keep them where they are as well. Looks like 12/12 for the strains they used seemed to be best for economic yield as well as cannabinoid content :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

GLR works great! Had success with it myself :cheesygrinsmiley:
I have also used DLS as I get closer to going to works well also. :winkyface:

Good to hear you had great results with it too, I used it for many many grows under my HID lights but haven't tried it under LED yet so it will be interesting to see if I get the same results. I imagine I will as long as the lights contain red :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Quick Photo update... Day 53 flowering (from the flip)

Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Good to hear you had great results with it too, I used it for many many grows under my HID lights but haven't tried it under LED yet so it will be interesting to see if I get the same results. I imagine I will as long as the lights contain red :)

BID was the person who steered me to a journal by Xlr8. It convinced me! Did it with both the MH/HPS, and CFLs (I get the huge ones that put out 450W, but only use 150W) And yes make sure they are red, but I have had both blue and red bulbs going at the same time also. (Multi-spectrum) On the advice of someone here I kept both types in my tent (MH/HPS) and it worked well

I got the first ones 6 years ago and have now gone to T5 and CFL

One of the reasons I had to switch was energy consumption of MH/HPS. That's under control now :yahoo:
Good luck with your CFL experiment! I KNOW you will nail it! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

BID was the person who steered me to a journal by Xlr8. It convinced me! Did it with both the MH/HPS, and CFLs (I get the huge ones that put out 450W, but only use 150W) And yes make sure they are red, but I have had both blue and red bulbs going at the same time also. (Multi-spectrum) On the advice of someone here I kept both types in my tent (MH/HPS) and it worked well

I got the first ones 6 years ago and have now gone to T5 and CFL

One of the reasons I had to switch was energy consumption of MH/HPS. That's under control now :yahoo:
Good luck with your CFL experiment! I KNOW you will nail it! :cheesygrinsmiley:

So far the plants are loving the GLR :)

MH/HPS is definitely an amazing blend, I used the same combo when I was using HID lights :)

Hope all is well with ya!
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Well everyone... I wanted to share some good news...

So you all know I've been looking for a good job opportunity and I found one and started today... and guess what... Its in the Cannabis Industry!!!!!

I'm now working for a start up company that is looking to go public within 6-9 months and my job is to seek investments from accredited investors who want a part of the pie before it goes public...minimum investment is 25,000k and the company is actually establishing not only a brand in the industry, but they are working with local and city governments to create "cannabis zones" in which the city allows for a certain area of land to be used specific to cultivation and production. They also will be building a 6 acre cannabis facility which includes 4 growing warehouses (huge scale), a testing lab, a distribution network, and extract processing and packaging facilities and leasing the actual facilities and equipment to growers.

I'm pretty excited about the opportunity because it not only is in an industry I love, but also I know very little about investments which I will learn a ton, and there is huge earning potential with stock purchase as an insider :) Also the guys that head this new company are not new people to taking companies public and have done so to at least 4-5 other major brands which many of you may heard of so to them they already have the formula, and just a new industry to apply it to :) very excited...

Best part about the job is its part time which will allow me to go back to school to learn more to make me more valuable for the future... the universe is looking up at me :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

May I be the first to happily tell you I told you so. Rarely does one get to use that phrase in a positive way, but I knew that you would get something more interesting than what you had to leave. CONGRATS!

Karma comes around I hear.
Bob ;)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Congrats Icemud that's great news. Always nice to have the good story.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Cool job Ice & very lucky to be involved in such an opportunity :high-five:

The learning curve just stepped up & very interesting.
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! Congrats! :bravo:
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

May I be the first to happily tell you I told you so. Rarely does one get to use that phrase in a positive way, but I knew that you would get something more interesting than what you had to leave. CONGRATS!

Karma comes around I hear.
Bob ;)

Thank you Dr. Bob! Those are some very kind words and I appreciate you for giving me some good vibes :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Congrats Icemud that's great news. Always nice to have the good story.

Thanks SBG! I like to share stories here and there... :) I figure its not only a good way to get thoughts off my head and into the public but also to receive advice and suggestions from those who may have been through similar experience. :) I really appreciate everyone here :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Cool job Ice & very lucky to be involved in such an opportunity :high-five:

The learning curve just stepped up & very interesting.

Hey Fuzzy Duck! I'm super excited to be in the ground level of this company in the path for massive expansion. Investors are jumping at the opportunity to be part of what they are doing, and millions of dollars are being exchanged which is really the sign to me that I am in the right place at the perfect time :) now just to figure out how to get shares of my own :) too bad I'm not an accredited investor with 50K to invest... I would be all over it :)
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Couldn't happen to a nicer guy! Congrats! :bravo:

Thank you Graytail! I really have appreciated your advice and kindness along the way :) I don't have a whole lot of people to talk to about my life and so it really has been a blessing to have you around to just talk with and I very much appreciate all the suggestions and insites you have shared with me about your own experience. Thank you Graytail! I very much appreciate you!
Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Update time!!!!

The Budmaster COB tent: veg

The COB/Veg tent is coming along really nice, and I think that my TLC that I gave the ladies is really starting to show as the tent is growing very fast now, and I don't see many deficiency signs on the new leaves which is a sign of relief to me as I think that a combination of overwatering, too low of PH of my feedings were really stressing the girls out. So now that I have been checking PH every feeding as well as letting the soil really dry out things are turning out for the best :) nice healthy vivid bright green new growth!!! sweetness!!! Not much else to report on so lets take a look at some pics :)

Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Day 55 Flowering (from the flip)

Well the Budmaster GOD tent is looking really nicely in the 8th week of flowering since the flip. I think that within the next 2-4 weeks things should be ready to harvest but I took a look at the bud formations as well as the trichomes and some look much closer to the 2 weeks, where some may go longer than 4 weeks, but no cloudy or amber in the trichomes yet so still have a ways to go :) The buds really are starting to fill in the lower nodes as well as gaining girth of the buds. Some of the fan leaves have started to yellow and die off which is somewhat typical at this time of the cycle, however I think I too may have caused some of it by being a little too quick with my last watering so I'm going to let the soil dry out completely before giving them just a dose of plain r/o water. Other than that, not much else going on in the tent but the smell is getting really potent :)

I did find a banana on the black diamond OG the other day, just 1 that I noticed so I pulled it off. The odd thing was that typically when I see banana's (in the past) the bud actually looks different from the others with the pistils usually more curly than normal, and with the Black Diamond OG, the bud with the banana looked the same as the others, so it may have just been a freak thing and hopefully it won't produce any more. I didn't see any pollen spilling out of it or anything so may just be shooting blanks... hahaa

Anyhow... Here are some photos of the plants in the Budmaster GOD tent, along with some trichome shots I took with my cameraphone on zoom, and a 30x lupe held up to the lens...

Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Looking good brother.

Re: Icemud LED Grow Featuring The All New Budmaster COB Technology - White Full Spect

Looking good brother.


Thanks Millertm!!!! Hope all is well with you!
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