2 Girls & 1 Kit: Major PITA Takes High Brix Outdoors, Summer 2015

Major...your cruisin pal! How's security? Thought about it lately....i know , i know, we've bin there already, i get it pal. Just wanna keep you on your toes with em. Maybe put some directional Claymores on a few trip wires or...:rofl::rofl: Messin around ....got my self laughin...I think i got issues....no guff!:high-five:
All kidding aside Major....don't let anything happen to those babies....they're gonna be spectacular at finish!
These other lil issues are minor ,as you say....overall they look fantastic and should amaze you in a month or so. Anyhow have a nice night in your world. Cheers.
Major...your cruisin pal! How's security? Thought about it lately....i know , i know, we've bin there already, i get it pal. Just wanna keep you on your toes with em. Maybe put some directional Claymores on a few trip wires or...:rofl::rofl: Messin around ....got my self laughin...I think i got issues....no guff!:high-five:
All kidding aside Major....don't let anything happen to those babies....they're gonna be spectacular at finish!
These other lil issues are minor ,as you say....overall they look fantastic and should amaze you in a month or so. Anyhow have a nice night in your world. Cheers.

Thanks bro! I am just crusin'. No defense except they are not visible from the road. You can see them from a small section of my driveway. We'll see where it goes. I know I still have a couple of months+ to go and a good chance anything good or bad can happen between now and then. So far, so good. I happy as a pig in poop with the results so far. I figure they will be about 7' tall when they start to bloom. The 25 gal pots are probably holding them back quite a bit, but if the roots are really through them, then who knows?
Ya Major....lets talk about that area from your driveway. The part you can see...could you just put something near the girls ...like one of those foldable things , ya know. Just stake it down so it wouldn't blow away. Dunno ,. Oh , wait , you said around 7 feet at bloom start!
Major....they're gonna be huge! whats the surounding soil like they're in? The roots have gone thru those bags a long time ago, i bet. Have a great night .
Anyone else see an old indian looking down at the one plant? I cant wait to see what those do! They still stretching Major?

You'd think they would be beginning their stretch, but not so much. Not sure what is going on, or why. They seem to have slowed their vertical growth. They used to add an inch per day. Then it was a reliable 6" per week for many weeks. Then 5", then 4". Now I'm thinking they will only add about 3"-4" this week. Maybe once they begin to really bud-out they will stretch more. By then, they should all be 6' - 7'+. No worries though. It makes them a little less visible and I won't know what to do with all of it - assuming they finish OK. I'm looking for the indian, but not finding him...yet.

See him now? :)
I won't bore you with every drench and foliar spray. My current plan calls for De-Stress each Wednesday and Brix each Sunday, with drenches as needed. Drench rotation is: Full strength Transplant+Tea > Water+1/4 strength Transplant > Growth Energy+1/4 Transplant+Tea > Water+1/4 Transplant > REPEAT.

The kit instructions are simple enough when using the full kit (about 50 gallons soil). But I am currently working with a single plant in a 1 gal. pot. My solution is to mix foliars at the rate of 1ml. per ounce of water. The drenches are mixed with the results of my "Drench Calculator" I posted on Doc's thread. Whether working with one plant or 10, I now have a guideline for mixing regardelss of pot size. It gets interesting when you feed one gallon of soil. For example, Tea is only added in trace amounts. My tools for measuring these small quantities (crap photo):



While in small pots I place the plant in a 1/2 gal. yoghurt tub. One quart of drench is just about perfect to thoroughly soak the pot and nearly fill the tub.


My goal is to update when something unique happens, on the weekends with current pics and measurements, or if there is a problem and I need guidance.

Dude can you send me this program!? I could really use it!
Dude can you send me this program!? I could really use it!

It's all excell, and the code is right there. If you wrote down or copied that code he's showing, you can made a spreadsheet like that too. ;)

I'll be stealing your "code" major,, good stuff thank you
Whew!! That was a long read but this Oregon boy is all caught up and along for the rest of the ride. Can't wait to see what this crazy summer can produce. Reps+ to you Major
Whew!! That was a long read but this Oregon boy is all caught up and along for the rest of the ride. Can't wait to see what this crazy summer can produce. Reps+ to you Major
:welcome: Thanks Budley and welcome neighbor!
I'm hoping for a strong finish, but anything can happen outside. :high-five:

Mornin Major...hows all my brotha? Just wondering if your ladies have started to show off at all yet. Any clusters, stretching, ?Also was wondering if you've tested for Brix levels cuz of the surrounding soil thing you've got goin on. Anyhow have a great day day my friend. Got the boys this weekend so.... Cheers pal. :high-five:
Good morning duggan!
I wish I could say there are budlettes all over the place, but these girls are taking their sweet time.
I plan on doing an update today - with a brix reading from the top of a plant. I missed last week mainly 'cuz there isn't much to show. They keep getting bigger, and they are staying healthy, but nothing new to report.
Have fun with the kiddies and stay green!
The Weakly (Week #16 / Day #109)

Hey gang! I hope you are all having a great weekend. I missed last week. There was nothing new to show. Still nothing worth noting, but I want to keep this journal going. Someday we'll see some buds out of these girls, the Cannabis Gods willing.

Everyone got all the usual drenches at 150% of "normal" and their foliars. Brix again tomorrow morning.
Weather has been ideal until a couple of days ago. We are into the dog days now with temp's well over 100. I went down at sunrise this morning and it was already mid-70's. The high will be about 107 today. Possible thunderstorms later this week, but not likely to be much of anything.

We do have a couple of major fires burning which is making everything look and smell like Hades. If my pictures look weird, it may be because of all the smoke in the air. I also have a major whitefly infestation on our Brussels sprouts which are right next to the MJ. So far the plant don't show any effect.

They keep growing - now all are close to 6 feet tall (Pitbulls) to 7 feet tall (Ace of Spades). Both AoS plants are adding height really well again (stretch?), but the PB's are slow to add inches. At this point I wish I could flip a switch and get them to 12/12 or 11/13. We are still have about 14.5 hours from sunrise to sunset. They have to start "showing" something soon.

I pulled a top fan leaf from the AoS. The brix reading looks like 18 to me. :thumb:

Here's what they look like this morning. More of the same ol' same ol'. In the background you can see the hop cones coming on strong. Maybe the MJ will take the hint.





I can't help but feel like I'm growing giant bonsai plants. I can tell putting them in pots was a mistake. Even though I'm only growing two plants in a "kit", I know they want more soil. A LOT more. Like Doc said, these are technically not HB plants since the roots are through the pots and into the surrounding non-kit soil.

Things I think I've learned:
Planting 4 feet apart is way too close. Next time, 8 feet between them.
I don't think I'll use the HB kit outside again. It works great, but like Doc always says, environment is number one. It is also completely out of our control. IMO, if you want to take full advantage of the sun and the kit, I'd use at least 5 kits for each plant (as in buy in bulk).
All the plants are very healthy and seem to be able to withstand heat, pests and other nasties quite well. Other plants in the garden are not faring as well, but the MJ plants are cruising ... so far.
I started these in mid-April and moved them outside near the end of May. Way too early for being in pots. If I did this again, I probably would push everything back about one month.

Cheers to all of you. Have a fan-fricking-tastic weekend! :Namaste:
Evenin major, lookin friggen nice to me. They're gonna be huge brotha.:thumb:
Look at them pal,...watcha gonna do with all the "trim" ? Man , i could make some wicked bubblehash out of it.
Your gonna have ALOT of produce from them, there ladies Major. They look nice and green so far too eh....no fading of any kind ? Even lowest fans still green? I'm comin down...gonna set up a secure perimitter around them.:slide:...how's the neighbor workin out...the one with the "produce"? Have you figured out when harvest should be ? Have a great sleep ....later.:high-five:
I agree Duggan, they look really good! I bet they start within the next week or two. Most OG genetics generally finish beginning-mid October.
Outdoor growing has the benefit of starlight. Starlight has a certain wavelength that helps trigger flowering with less of a dark period than would be required indoors.

Great job Major.:love:
It's a bush. It's a tree. Nope, it's dope.

Whoa! I gotta start figuring out how to grow outdoors like you, the plants I have on the deck in pots are only about 2ft tall. Well done, Major.:thumb:
They will always get bigger when grown directly in the ground, you could've probably have 8 feet plants by now if planted this way. But they look great so no harm done :thumb: Still, when they'll really go crazy is when they start flowering. You might end up with 12-14 feet plants if the roots continue to expand, and that will give you from a pound to 5 pounds of smoke for sure, depending on genetics :hookah:
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