Any2's Vertical 2k Double Donut w/ High Brix - First Indoor Grow

Thanks Doc!!! But tbo I am just duplicating your instructions. And you are always welcome to go on and on.....and

Ok so I really did not explain myself very well and I cross posted in Q&A too so here is better info. My 1st 2 donuts will be complete this weekend sometime and I have the soil from the Wild Thai's in totes and soon the "Fab 5" soil will be in totes as well. There were small outbreaks of PM on the Thai's on the lower leaves and some on the other donut as well. What I did see was cut off and everything was washed according to plan. The room will be completely empty for clean up procedures with the sulfer and bleach water cleaning. Obv the veg room has been exposed to spores I am sure as it is in an adjacent area seperated by a zippered panda film entrance. With regard to the has obv been in an environment and fostered some plants with PM and root matter is in the soil.

1) Will that come up again in 2nd run soil? You mentioned the top layer of the soil will be taken care of but what about the rest?

2) Thoughts on use of Eagle 20 for plants in the 2nd run soil or in general?(I know you and shotta had some dialogue but that kinda stuff weirds me out for some reason)

So here is my gameplan.

a) Clean room thoroughly with bleach water solution. (Foliars build up and make a mess after awhile)
b) Run a sulfer burn in the room as suggested.(With veg plants and soil inside?) Not sure.
c) Use Eagle 20 for the up and coming plants that are in veg now.

This shit sucks for sure and I want to do everything I can not to have it again.

Thanks for all you do again Doc!!!!


Ok sorry for the lack of job, damn flu and taking care of family that now has it has taken up all my time. Here are a few shots from the grow and both donuts have been harvested. I know my output was low but learned a ton in the process and now gonna focus on higher yield this next go around.

Some Wild Thai nugs.

Some Blue Dream



Very impressive Any2!

You have some nice smoke there.

Been awhile since I had an update and as soon as I get some things cleaned up I will post pics. Going to change the set up a bit and instead of double donuts I plan on having an oval or racetrack type configuration. Placing the lights closer together so they can work off each other. Hopefully after longer veg time and this config my yield will improve.

Having a small setback with PM re-appearing on some smart pots. I washed them in the washer with bleach water and even soaked them and after closer inspection of some plants I found what I think to be a mold. I do not see it visually on the plants but noticed some leaf twisting and a loss of vigor. So I am going to do a sulphur burn with everything in the room then follow up with a dose of Eagle 20 as I get ready for flip. much as I love the smarts they are proving to be difficult to re-use in the event you have PM and I think it is a good host to keep the spores going. For now I am switching to plastic 7gal here on out.

So stay tuned....going to run 6 wild thai's again, 3 grandberry and 3 GDPs.

Some pics of the smarts.




Is that PM or just plain old lime (calcium) buildup? Most pots get that white crusty stuff on them, can come from the water, soil or nutes.
Is that PM or just plain old lime (calcium) buildup? Most pots get that white crusty stuff on them, can come from the water, soil or nutes.
I suppose it is possible. I washed them in bleach water from the prior grow which housed some mildly infected plants. They had no stains on them and looked brand new and recently transplanted them 2 weeks ago and I let them really dry out after a drenching of water after the transplant. I could easily be jumping the gun but the plants signaled to me that things were not good. They lost vigor and showed some leaf twisting and just switched off the high brix look and now I can really tell if they are connected to the soils energy. From now on I will be taking a much more preventative/proactive stance on fighting PM as before I was pretty laid back thinking it was just something people always talked about. Boy was I wrong lol. has been a real fun journey and figured I would break my teeth and learn alot this first grow and I am amazed of all the talented growers that put out some amazing product. Hats off to all of you.


You could tell those would develop into some fatty nugs with how dense the pistil cluster is.
Yea that pistal cluster was from the Wild Thai which came out amazing. Even after I did a good job of completely stressing them out with some bone headed manuevers. Curso is so sucks to play nurse throughout a grow lol.

Ok so here we go for another round with a few modifications. Changing the 2 side by side donuts and re-configuring the layout to an oval or racetrack type shape. Bringing the lights in closer togther with both lights working together with some over lapping of light. Depending on how the plants react I will see if I need to bring them even closer because the middle plants are sharing the over lap zone and they might be to far apart. We will see how it goes. Running (6) of the Wild Thai's again that were vegged much larger this time and they were vegged in the 7 gal pots for a bit too. I wanted to give this strain another shot as I really tortured them with some noob mistakes last run.
I have (3) Grandberry and (3) GDPs also for a total of 12. I did not get to veg these as long so they are much smaller.

Sulphur vape was done last week for 4 hours and I might repeat in 3 weeks. I could not change into 7 gal plastics from the 7 gal smarts that may have had some residual PM in the fabric but it could also be calcium deposits as well. I tried and was successful with one plant but it was dicey at best taking them from the smarts and into the plastics and the one I did do was shocked preety hard but did recover. So I said the hell with it. I was frustrated with the whole PM thing and I really hate that crap. Added 3 more floor fans for movement at the bottom levels where small PM patches occured and it made sense as I only had the top fans going. Hopefully that remedies things. Doing some clean up of the bottoms and a little defoil here and there this week one or two plants after work. Started 12/12 on the 26th and we will soon be looking at the cat drench feedings and some Recharge. Brix last Sunday and De-Stress today and this week was an Energy feeding. Pics.






I hope I get nice plants like those man :]
I had a question about the soil mix do you add all the amendment to the bale?and also did u use worm castings am I suppose to use all 20 pounds I ask you since you growing with docs kit also and you seem to have these beautiful ladies I hope u don't mind and also the first watering to cook the soil does it have to be r,o water or can it be tap that's been bubbling for 2 days i don't think it matters really as long as its been out for a while right?hope you can help me since im doing the mixing right now as i type lol and it doesn't say doc is online
I hope I get nice plants like those man :]
I had a question about the soil mix do you add all the amendment to the bale?and also did u use worm castings am I suppose to use all 20 pounds I ask you since you growing with docs kit also and you seem to have these beautiful ladies I hope u don't mind and also the first watering to cook the soil does it have to be r,o water or can it be tap that's been bubbling for 2 days i don't think it matters really as long as its been out for a while right?hope you can help me since im doing the mixing right now as i type lol and it doesn't say doc is online
Welcome!!!!! And hell no I don't mind at all!!! And one thing you will love about the high brixters is that they will all answer questions, but most importantly all you have to do is follow Doc's instructions and advice. I will tell you and I am not ashamed of saying so is that I have read and re-read both the In the Lab thread and the Q&A thread as well as many hi brix journals over and over again. There really is a ton of info in them. But to your question......yes I did use worm castings and I did use tap water left out for a few days so I hope that helps!!!!


well thanks a lot for the welcome :) I hope soon ill be posting pics of some nice ladies with shinny leafs and more in the future resin covered ladies thanks for the reply man did u use all the worm castings?
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