Aurora Indica Feminized - LED - Soil - 4x4 - Grow I

Aww apparently I broke the rules so no more backpacking pictures. It doesn't really matter honestly as I don't have any more trips planned before this grow is over so whatever. I'll make sure the next ones I take during my next journal fit the guidelines. In case anyone was wondering I had two really nice pictures up that people were commenting on. Rules are rules and we carry on.

Everything looking great in there my friend. Those colas are stacking very nicely:thumb:

Thanks! Glad they are stacking. Probably the thing I worried about the most in this entire thing. You just kind of hope you've done everything to allow them to do that. Until you actually see them fill in though it's a bit nerve wracking.
:goodjob:yeah it will never too late.:high-five:
Never too late until it's chopped! I am digging the frost as well. I didn't really do it on purpose but I think it's a sign that my environment and feedings have been pretty good.

Glad you like the hiking stuff. I've lost 45 lbs in two years (part of that is learning to control my munchies after 15 years). The other part is doing trips like this. I think I have a trip to Crater Lake planned for late September or early October.

Thanks for joining up. It is always great to have new faces along for the ride!
Day 49 Flower - 7 weeks in the books and some of the leaves are starting to get eaten up by the plants or are showing little deficiencies. Nothing too bad. It seems like some of the buds that were full of orange hairs have swelled and now I see a bunch more fresh white hairs.

I was going to water today but the pots were still a little heavier than I wanted so I will wait until tomorrow. I did do a defol and got rid of a lot of really light green or dried leaves. Also got rid of all leaves blocking anything. This is the last time I will do anything of this sort in a major way.

Other than that nothing new really. Next few days are going to be hot so perfect time for a watering right before.

One of the beauties
Day 50 Flower - I gave each girl a full gallon of water with nothing added to it. They were all drinking it up fast. I expect to not have any water left in the runoff trays within an hour or two. Crazy how much they drink now. One branch bent over so I taped it back up and we will see if it lives. It was one that wasn't tall enough to get to the net so no support to hold it up. Next few days will be in the 90s here so I expect to have to water again soon. The next watering is probably when I will start adding some molasses. I measured the runoff and most of the plants were around 170-190 ppms.

I will try and feature each plant over the next 5 updates. I am going to start with the one that looks the best.

This one was originally plant #3 and I considered it my "runt". It was fimmed (not on purpose) and has grown to be the healthiest and best producing of the plants. Never give up on a runt! It also has been in the prime lighting since week 3 in the vegetative stage. At that point all the plants were getting great light so you could really say it has been in the best light the whole time. It got a good amount of air when there was only one fan and it gets a lot of air with both fans. Here she is as a whole. Just a few colas in the far back corners of the picture aren't hers. Everything else is. Come to think of it, my favorite number is 3. Wore it on my soccer jersey my whole life. I was one of the shorter kids in school too so maybe it was meant to be that this "runt" will be my best plant. ;)

Cola from #3. The large one from yesterday's update was from this plant as well
Word, bro!

Great pics. Great report.
Remind me, are you going for 1 or 2 more weeks?

I think my aim is around 63 days which would be 9 full weeks. That would be just under 2 more weeks. Really I will probably post pics of trichs and people can comment on when they think I should pull them. Anyways. Here is what one of the buds looked like. Maybe 60% clear and 40% cloudy? Still a bit to go I think.
Day 52 Flower - The humidity has been about 42-45% and never got above 50% since the last watering. The heat is supposed to calm down but no rain so they still should finish well. Not many leaves turned or fell off but I did tie up a couple colas as they were starting to bend. Good problem to have I suppose but I'll have to put in some work this weekend so none of them snap on accident. The net is helping but better safe than sorry.

Trichs under natural light are still so clear. This may go a full 10 weeks instead of the 9 that I was thinking. I know some people have suggested that already but I'm starting to believe it.

Family Photo - I noticed the scraggly plant looked a lot better for the first time in a while today. The bud on it looks fine and some good colas. I don't always get all of it in one photo but this is the whole tent. I'm not sure if it is genetics or what but it definitely has the more of the characteristics of sativas than all the others. Thinner leaves and taller and "scragglier". Then again could just be deficiencies.

The featured plant of this post is the one to me that is 2nd best. There are really two that are tied but the buds are filling in very nicely on this one. She sits in the back left corner where wind and light were good. This one was plant #2 from the beginning and it would be funny if this ends up being the 2nd best. The numbers I gave them were the ones I thought would be the best based on seedling stage. We all know thats a dumb thing to try and guess so early on! :)

Not the prettiest picture considering all the cords but she has seemed to like this corner and although is shorter than the one in the middle and the one that is about equal to her, she has packed on some nice sized colas

Also some very pretty ones too ;)
Omg they are really looking great Asesino, looking really fat today! I was wondering offhand, not sure if it' s been answered or not but when was the first dose of CalMag you gave them and how much?
Omg they are really looking great Asesino, looking really fat today! I was wondering offhand, not sure if it' s been answered or not but when was the first dose of CalMag you gave them and how much?

It was 1 tablespoon per gallon and I think it was a couple weeks into flower. I used it with just water opposite the feeding of nutes. I had heard cal/mag issues were very typically in flower so I guessed it wouldn't hurt to add it. If your plant doesn't show deficiency issues than maybe don't add it? I just knew it would be good to have and it did help.
Thank you for all your great information Asesino! I'm literally going to try to do my grow as according to yours and just hope for the best lol. I still sticking with my yield looking like it's gonna be a monster yield for you! Christmas coming early! ;)
Thank you for all your great information Asesino! I'm literally going to try to do my grow as according to yours and just hope for the best lol. I still sticking with my yield looking like it's gonna be a monster yield for you! Christmas coming early! ;)

Environment and patience are key. Whenever you think they might need water wait until the next day. Other than that if you follow what I did I think you'll be happy (and you can always ask questions). I know I am pretty happy at the moment. No matter the yield, I know this stuff is going to be high quality and that was the ultimate goal.
Hell yeah man i'm tired of all the shitty weed everywhere in my city so it's about time to grow my own too hahaha. I may have many questions coming your way and then again I might not, we'll see how hard this thang is. ^^
Thanks! After it being really dry and the defoliation I did a couple days ago I am excited to see them today. They should be very happy today!

Great job on the Defoliation Bud, really clean job. +Reps, what day of flower did you do it, Day 49?
Great job on the Defoliation Bud, really clean job. +Reps, what day of flower did you do it, Day 49?

Yeah day 49, a little later than I wanted but they looked like they wanted them gone so I took them. I pull a few leaves here and there every day. Followed my theory of doing it within 24 hrs of the next watering.
Looks really good mate :bravo:

If you want a heavier Indica type effect you should let them go until you have at least 5%-10% amber trichomes on the flowers(not sugar leaves, they mature faster)
There will always be a lot of genetic variation when growing from seed, so your scraggly girl is probably down to genetics.
I think you'll find all your plants having a different smell, taste and effect from each other.
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