Aurora Indica Feminized - LED - Soil - 4x4 - Grow I

Day 56 Flower - 8 weeks into flower and probably another week to go. I walked into my house today and I could actually smell the girls from the hallway. I was so excited because this is the first time since last Monday that I've been able to smell anything due to my clogged nose! I left the flaps open on the tent last night so that is probably why it smelt in the hall. Otherwise my carbon filter does a fantastic job.

Yesterday I watered and instead of adding molasses (to date I haven't added any into my flushing like I said I was going to, it has just been regular tapwater). Instead I added this EM-1 Probiotic stuff. It is a water and molasses mixture and has some enzymes in it. They seemed to really like it. I think I added 4oz of the stuff to 4 gallons of water, 3/4 gallon per plant. Maybe that had to do with the smell too. They looked so happy and there is still fresh hairs just bursting out of every corner. Will it continue to just produce fresh hairs or when that stops is that a sign of final maturation? Anyways trichs are getting a little cloudier but not too much. The frostiness is a little more noticeable under the LEDs now. It used to be hard to see unless you turned the regular lights on and the LEDs off.

About a week ago I pulled a couple small nugs off that were low for some testers. Today I came home and tested them as my first smoke. The last stuff got my buzzed for an hour or so. This stuff actually got me high for about 1/2 hour and probably buzzed for another 1/2 hour. It's much more of a sweet taste than the other stuff but still just sweet smoke and not a sweet bud taste. The nug I cut a couple days ago will be a real test nug but i'm really happy with the progress.

The featured girl is plant #5. She was moved out of the center very early because I wanted to give my fimmed plant the best light and it was a good decision. This plant had good light and good wind the whole time. It looks really good to me. I'm pretty excited to see which of the 3 that look the same actually produces the highest yield. They all look so close to me.

Family Pic - I am actually incredibly happy with this picture. I have always envisioned a carpet of colas. I saw pictures of it and a few journals of it and I didn't even really think I could do it, especially my first time. But I went for it and even though that scraggly plant doesn't fit, I still have a carpet of colas. This is the first time I can really say that I feel like I did it. I could do better yes, but I have really achieved my goal of utilizing my space. Such a great feeling for me. The colas are heavily leaning on the net too so I am happy I installed that for support.
Day 58 Flower - I think I will be watering in two days. Other than that nothing has really changed. There is some moisture in the air due to the weather and RH has been right about 50% and temp 79 with lights on. 55% and 71 lights off.

The feature girl is the one that grew out of the gate the fastest but had a twerked leaf. I thought she would be the best but really she was just the tallest. She was scraggly the whole time and I just have no idea why. It did better than I thought it would. I would guess maybe half the yield the rest will produce. Maybe the big girl in the middle will make up the difference.


The canopy

The trichs - still no amber

A nice cola
Awesome! Really packing on weight and still clear trichs. So... 10 weeks?

I'm at 59 days and I expect to start chopping at day 67. However if I don't see amber trichs of about 10% on any I will probably push until day 70. Of course, if I see 10% tomorrow than I will chop it tomorrow. Could be anytime and since I don't have experience with this part at all I am just guessing. They are starting to smell much less sweet now and I'm sure that's a sign they are finishing.
At least with an indoor grow you don't have to worry about the weather messing up your harvest. The weather was nice with my first outside plant so I think I chopped it at th right time. My second outdoor plant was getting close, then we got days and days of rain. I ended up letting her go a little longe having run outside in the rain and cut it down. In hindsight I should have taken her when I saw the rainy forecast.
I have no doubt you'll chop at the right time, your grows been awesome!
Day 60 Flower - I decided to water today and this will likely be the last watering I do, I think. I used the EM-1 stuff and plain water and the ph was 6.0. I had read somewhere that if you let it really dry out in the last week of flower the plant will produce a lot of resin to protect the flowers in hopes that it can still get pollinated one last time. Even though I might be able to sneak one last watering in I will likely just let it dry out at this point. I would rather the plants be dry than wet when harvesting anyways so they don't take as long to dry.

I anticipate not being able to get all the work done for each plant all at the same time so I will probably do one a day as each one ripens a little differently. I checked the trichs again today of every one and noticed just a couple bulbs of amber, a little more cloudy and still a good chunk of clear. I can tell plant #2(back left) will be my first one I pull. It is pretty cloudy and I bet I see amber trichs in the next couple days on this one. 5-6 more days would be perfect and then I could just pull one a day.


Looking good. heres the list too lol.

PurpleGunRack - 420g
Leeroyz420 - 400g
Coloradokid19 - 350g
Friend #1 - 325g
I guessed - 273g
TheBlaze - 262g
Dirt Mcgert - 246g
KingstonRabbi - 225g
Rodgers - 220g
Friend #2 - 150g
Day 60 Flower - I decided to water today and this will likely be the last watering I do, I think. I used the EM-1 stuff and plain water and the ph was 6.0. I had read somewhere that if you let it really dry out in the last week of flower the plant will produce a lot of resin to protect the flowers in hopes that it can still get pollinated one last time. Even though I might be able to sneak one last watering in I will likely just let it dry out at this point. I would rather the plants be dry than wet when harvesting anyways so they don't take as long to dry.

I anticipate not being able to get all the work done for each plant all at the same time so I will probably do one a day as each one ripens a little differently. I checked the trichs again today of every one and noticed just a couple bulbs of amber, a little more cloudy and still a good chunk of clear. I can tell plant #2(back left) will be my first one I pull. It is pretty cloudy and I bet I see amber trichs in the next couple days on this one. 5-6 more days would be perfect and then I could just pull one a day.



Hey asesino, looking good in there! Just a few questions. Do you plan on washing your cannabis when you harvest? ( a technique made popular on this site by doc bud ) and if not i would suggest it. Most people wash there fruits and vegetables but don't wash there buds off after harvest. Bud washing removes all dust/debris from the plant that entered your environment and also rehydrates the leaves and promotes a more even dry/cure and if done correctly you won't have to worry about mold. I believe I also read somewhere what you mention about letting the plant dry out on the vine but I've also read a proper hang dry should be 6-7 days before the burping process begins and i'm afraid if i let them dry out on the vine and then harvest that they will dry out in 3-4 days and not cure properly but it seems you would rather have them dry out quickly, what are your thoughts on this?
I bud wash, but only let them dry on the racks for 4 days and then into the jars.

Assasin... beautiful plants mate! You should get a little more swell in this last week. I'm thinking my guess of 262g might be a little under. Probably closer to 300g. + REPS!!
Hey asesino, looking good in there! Just a few questions. Do you plan on washing your cannabis when you harvest? ( a technique made popular on this site by doc bud ) and if not i would suggest it. Most people wash there fruits and vegetables but don't wash there buds off after harvest. Bud washing removes all dust/debris from the plant that entered your environment and also rehydrates the leaves and promotes a more even dry/cure and if done correctly you won't have to worry about mold. I believe I also read somewhere what you mention about letting the plant dry out on the vine but I've also read a proper hang dry should be 6-7 days before the burping process begins and i'm afraid if i let them dry out on the vine and then harvest that they will dry out in 3-4 days and not cure properly but it seems you would rather have them dry out quickly, what are your thoughts on this?

Yes, I have read this thread over and over and had it confirmed by a few of the more experienced growers that watch my thread that bud washing is a must do. As intimidating as it is, I have learned everything I know from these threads and so far I have been very happy, so why change? The amount of information and forward thinking starts with people like Doc Bud and so many others here. To me forums always have the best information available, you just have to know who to trust. Luckily I've made a lot of friends on this journey and I know they wouldn't steer me the wrong way. This was what I hoped to gain by actually doing a journal and even though I was really skeptical at first about doing one, I am so glad I did.

I currently go about 4-5 days before watering. I just meant earlier that I didn't want to water and then pull them the next day. With the humidity being higher than it has been here this week I am sure they won't drink quite as fast. I will probably harvest a plant at day 67 (today is 61) so they won't be that dry on the vine as I watered yesterday. The plant will just think water is scarce and start protecting itself with resin. They really aren't drying up per se, and if I need to I can always give them a little water. The leaves and everything aren't dried up so there is plenty of moisture there. I'm thinking 4-5 days on the racks should be plenty, not looking at a full week before jarring.
I bud wash, but only let them dry on the racks for 4 days and then into the jars.

Assasin... beautiful plants mate! You should get a little more swell in this last week. I'm thinking my guess of 262g might be a little under. Probably closer to 300g. + REPS!!

Lol and as I am typing my response, one of them beats me to it! Just look at Blaze's journal, the proof is in the pudding I think. Why not just follow what all these awesome growers who get great results do?

Thanks man, my inexperience will probably show with this comment but I was thinking the guesses were a little high at this point. There really is no good basis for that statement though, just a feeling.
Thanks for the kind words bud. ;)

It's always tough giving estimates by photos alone. Still, looks like you have plenty of decent sized buds there. So you should get a great result from your first harvest. :thumb:
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