Blue Angel 2019

Damn,BL-you get shit done when you put your mind to it!-That tent came out nice!
I've got a gopher in my front yard that I've tried to trap about 6 times-I finally decided he's smarter than I am,so my plan now is to wait it out till he dies of old age-or I do,whichever comes first....

Thank you sir! I like to finish my tasks the day I start them because I hate finishing a task I started the day before. So the rate this tent is being built is actually super slow for me! Slowly but shurly it’s getting there!

Your gopher problem carcass. I’ve got a solution for you. I learned this yesterday from the people I got the traps from. If you take a piece of hubba bubba, break it into four pieces or so, put it on the ground near where you think it is. The gopher will eat it, and it will plug their intestines and ultimately ending their life. Give it a try!! Maybe there won’t be a standoff between you two anymore. :thumb:

I noticed a mistake on my update, that every time I try edit them, after clicking it, it signs me offline every time I try. So I will maybe try fix it now. Two updates ago I said positive air pressure, I meant negative air pressure.
The gopher will eat it, and it will plug their intestines
Thanks, BL, I think I'll try that- trapping, poison, and gopher gassers haven't it's worth a try...

....but he may just chew up the gum and start blowing bubbles at me. . . .
Go to Neil built a grow room and videoed the whole thing. He used Panda film and made his door with Velcro. Check his site out.
I loved that one. I'm going to try and do the same idea..

I cut in and tapped up a fresh air intake on the bottom left corner of the tent. Turned on my carbon/fan combo (lowest setting) and my door almost sucked through the back of the tent haha :laughtwo: Maybe I’m over exaggerating a bit, but it would not pass the BLS inspection. I need to get some Velcro tabs and put it around my door to help keep that in place. I also cheated and turn my light on. :slide:

I was actually kinda shook! Almost disappointed. I was expecting it to be way brighter then it seemed. When I opened my last tent, it was shocking to how bright it was. Now I opened my tent, and i was almost like, “that’s it?” :hmmmm: (Scratches my neck like a junky looking for more) “you got any more of that light..?” :lot-o-toke:

So yeah, I’m not sure if it’s the bigger area that needs to be lit up, or if the space blanket shiny material intensified the light or what. I found my self saying, “damn! I wish I would have just saved my old tent and built a brand new one.” I wish I had a par metre and tested the old versus the new. What’s your opinions on the picture I’ll post. It just seemed less bright. Ahh man! What did I do! This was my worry about building a new tent. Change is scary, and when you roll the dice for the better, it’s not always butterflies and rainbows. I jumped in, head first, ankle deep! Now it’s up to me to iron out these wrinkles.:bong:




New tent ^ vs.


One of the first photos I have of my original 4’ tent with the light in it. (Notice how small my green Crack and black diamond plants were)^


You can’t really see it, but the door is sucked in too much. Some more tweeking needs to be done there.

That’s it for tonight, I need to make a run to the dump tomorrow, as the wife and I cleaned up a bit of the garage today, and loaded up a truck load full of crap to go the the landfill. An old fridge that came with the house, that crapped out on us. Good riddance!

After the dump run i will go and buy some velcro tabs and see if I can get the tent finished. I need to transplant the ladies into 5 gal pots before they go into the tent. I’ve been seeing roots at the bottoms of the holes for about a week now. We’ll see if I find the time for that.

Well, enough rambling I guess.. have a great night everyone!

Hello, welcome to Blue Angel 2019. I’m new to the site, so I will spend a bit of time introducing my self. I’ve been growing for almost two years, growing indoors (successfully) for about 8 months or so. I don’t know everything, but I like to think I have a good grasp on things. Always room to grow (no pun intended) and love to learn new things.

Oh, I’m also Canadian, Eh!

Last year I built my own grow tent, 32” wide, 2’ deep, and (originally) 4’ tall. I built it out of 3/4” pvc pipe, and furniture grade 3 way elbows. I was in a pinch last year to get it finished, and bought the most readily available product to wrap it with. Space blankets from wal mart. It has its draw backs, yes. It by no means affected my grow as my girls came out marvellous, but it’s flimsy and tears super easily. Now that my tent is temporarily empty, I would like to buy some panda film and re-wrap the tent. Unfortunately I may have to wait, because I modified the tent, and built a platform for the tent to sit on,out of wood. Cut holes in the bottom of the tent so the pots were sitting just “below” the tent. (Will get a lil more into detail about this a bit later) It now made my tent 5’ tall. I have some 6’ 2” pvc pipes and would like to get rid of the platform and 4’ poles, replace with 6’2” poles, then re-wrap my tent with panda film. My problem with that, is that I have no more height above my tent, so for now I will probably have to just deal with what I have, for now. Untill I get into a bigger place and have the room for it. I will also get into why I have no more room above my tent a bit later. For now I’ll show my 4’ original sized tent.


With the door shut^


The top cross brace I hang my light off of^

So, at that time I had it in my fifth wheel (before Snow was on the ground). I then moved it inside. I know right! Smart decision lol :high-five:

So fast forward some time...:morenutes:

I was quickly running out of room, my girls were exceeding my expectations. With only 4’ of room, when I transplanted them into 5 gallon cloth smart pots, there was no room for the light to comfortably hang above them.

I then built a platform for my tent to sit on. Cut holes in the bottom and boom! I now have a 5’ tent (kind of).

So I then, wanted to have two more plants ready to put in the tent when these two were finished. See this is where I needed better timing judgment. I’ll get into that more later.

I germinated two Jamaican mountain kush seeds, and I needed a veg compartment. So I built a grow box, to sit under my tent. Easy peasy! Not, I himmed and hawed, swore, a couple times, built it too big, got mad, broke it, rebuilt it, and Voilà! End result was a (nothing pretty, but it doesn’t have to be damnit! :goof: Lol) grow box made to my exact specifications.

What it looks like with the cover on^


The cover off, friction fit!^

I built the box to be 32” wide, 2’ deep, 16” tall, inside to inside. I built it with wood because I was flipping my other two girls soon(in the tent), and didn’t want to disrupt their 12/12 light schedule. Wanted minimal light penetrating through it. Needed it sturdy for the tent to sit on and it’s light weight as I built it with 2x4’s ripped in half, 1/4” plywood inside and 1/2” on the top.

I then tapped black garbage bag on the outside of tent and platform.

Side view^ left a small viewing window.


Front view^ door off.

So that’s why I ran out of room above my tent.

Now, let me get into my lighting choices, and strains. In the box I have a small 2’ T5 light that my plants love. In my tent I have a 1000W Higrow LED light, again my plants love it. In the tent I had one Green Crack and one Black diamond.

Before they finished flowering, I was running out of room in my grow box. Poorly judge my timing, as I should have flipped my flowering girls earlier or germinated the two JMK later then I did.

Ren on the left and stimpy on the right^
I Topped them at the 3rd internode. LST the crap out of them. They still outgrew the box.

I ran out of pictures that I’m able to post, And will post more after this. I’ll also post my last pictures of the flowering plants before harvest.

So, long story short. Ren and Stimpy turned out to be males. Big waste of time. Oh well :surf:

So this brings me to the present. Also explains as to why I chose Blue Angel 2019 for the name of my journal.

I germinated one Dark Angel feminized seed from crop kings seeds. As well as a Blue Cookie seed from crop kings. I have them in peat pucks at this time, but will be moving them to their first pot tonight, into coco.
haha seems like alot of work!
I flushed the Blue Cookie with 3.5 gallons of fresh clean water ph’d to about 5.8 let it drain a bit and back in the tent she went.


I then brought the Dark Angel out and gave her a gallon of water mixed with nutrients. No cal mag, as she’s doing a lot better then the other.



I re tied the branches down, at a higher point on the branch to continue growing her out sideways.

I also forgot about a key member I have as a companion for my ladies. He was locked away in my veg box as I forgot him in the box when I moved the ladies into the tent. I put the lid back on cause I don’t have much room in the grow area and completely forgot about him. He’s reunited with his friends and happier then a pig in shit!


gnomes protect things, and bring goold luck and fortune....blah blah blah, hope things get better from here!
so far good read!!!

I cut in and tapped up a fresh air intake on the bottom left corner of the tent. Turned on my carbon/fan combo (lowest setting) and my door almost sucked through the back of the tent haha :laughtwo: Maybe I’m over exaggerating a bit, but it would not pass the BLS inspection. I need to get some Velcro tabs and put it around my door to help keep that in place. I also cheated and turn my light on. :slide:

I was actually kinda shook! Almost disappointed. I was expecting it to be way brighter then it seemed. When I opened my last tent, it was shocking to how bright it was. Now I opened my tent, and i was almost like, “that’s it?” :hmmmm: (Scratches my neck like a junky looking for more) “you got any more of that light..?” :lot-o-toke:

So yeah, I’m not sure if it’s the bigger area that needs to be lit up, or if the space blanket shiny material intensified the light or what. I found my self saying, “damn! I wish I would have just saved my old tent and built a brand new one.” I wish I had a par metre and tested the old versus the new. What’s your opinions on the picture I’ll post. It just seemed less bright. Ahh man! What did I do! This was my worry about building a new tent. Change is scary, and when you roll the dice for the better, it’s not always butterflies and rainbows. I jumped in, head first, ankle deep! Now it’s up to me to iron out these wrinkles.:bong:




New tent ^ vs.


One of the first photos I have of my original 4’ tent with the light in it. (Notice how small my green Crack and black diamond plants were)^


You can’t really see it, but the door is sucked in too much. Some more tweeking needs to be done there.

That’s it for tonight, I need to make a run to the dump tomorrow, as the wife and I cleaned up a bit of the garage today, and loaded up a truck load full of crap to go the the landfill. An old fridge that came with the house, that crapped out on us. Good riddance!

After the dump run i will go and buy some velcro tabs and see if I can get the tent finished. I need to transplant the ladies into 5 gal pots before they go into the tent. I’ve been seeing roots at the bottoms of the holes for about a week now. We’ll see if I find the time for that.

Well, enough rambling I guess.. have a great night everyone!

To be honest this turned out way better than I initially thought. No doubts just amazed at the neatness! How did you make the door?
haha seems like alot of work!

Your right! It was a lot of work! But I enjoy building things from nothing. If I can save a dime here and there because I can build it rather then buy it, you bet your ass I’m going to try lol!!

gnomes protect things, and bring goold luck and fortune....blah blah blah, hope things get better from here!
so far good read!!!

Hasn’t brought me fortune yet, I’ll keep waiting!

Hope you got to the exciting parts of my journal! I see you went through and liked a bunch of my posts, just not sure how far you made it.

Thanks for stopping in! Happy to have you! Drop by any time!!
To be honest this turned out way better than I initially thought. No doubts just amazed at the neatness! How did you make the door?

:laughtwo: No faith! Lol jk I built my first tent and knew what to expect with building the second one from the first. So it was a bit easier to figure it out. The panda film is much easier to work with as it’s a thicker more sturdier material. Building the tent, no problem! Dialing it in to the way I like it, Is the problem. I had my old tent, exactly the way I liked it, and dialled in. Now the frustrating part of dialling it in is what’s in store for me.

I just used panda film material for the door, tapped it above and dropped it down in front.

I did that with my old door I made in the last tent, but I taped some metal coat hangers around the outer edge of the door and centre to maintain a flat door, the coat hangers helped and served its purpose. I can’t do that with this door as it’s a much bigger door. Again, trying to dial it in is the tricky part.
Try adding long plastic something like the piece you turn when you open blinds or something of that nature on the door to cause it from being sucked inwards.

That’s a great idea! I just so happen to have some old blinds sitting in my truck bed waiting to go to the dump. I might just have to dig some of those out! :thumb: Thank you sir!!

My worry about using that, is when I lift my door, it won’t have any flexibility or give to sit above my tent.

I bought some construction grade zippers a while ago, with sticky sides, I put it on one side of my tent door last night, but screwed up and had to pull it off. The zippers would be ideal for sure, I was just scared something unexpected was going to happen with using that product as well. The unknown can be scary. If the Velcro doesn’t work, I think I might try the zipper idea again.
That’s a great idea! I just so happen to have some old blinds sitting in my truck bed waiting to go to the dump. I might just have to dig some of those out! :thumb: Thank you sir!!

My worry about using that, is when I lift my door, it won’t have any flexibility or give to sit above my tent.

I bought some construction grade zippers a while ago, with sticky sides, I put it on one side of my tent door last night, but screwed up and had to pull it off. The zippers would be ideal for sure, I was just scared something unexpected was going to happen with using that product as well. The unknown can be scary. If the Velcro doesn’t work, I think I might try the zipper idea again.
cut them in half to provide sectional bends.
cut them in half to provide sectional bends.
Again, great idea!!

I’ll show you what the zipper I used was. If I can get it to sit properly, I’m thinking this is the way to go. One zipper on both sides, bada-boom bada-bing!


If I would have put it on properly the first time, I prob would have left it on there.
Again, great idea!!

I’ll show you what the zipper I used was. If I can get it to sit properly, I’m thinking this is the way to go. One zipper on both sides, bada-boom bada-bing!


If I would have put it on properly the first time, I prob would have left it on there.
wouldn't it still suck inwards though once everything is turned on? I'd think the zipper just closes it and nothing else as there's nothing to brace it. In my closet my door actually blows outwards instead of in. I hang a blanket in front though to keep light in and out.
wouldn't it still suck inwards though once everything is turned on? I'd think the zipper just closes it and nothing else as there's nothing to brace it. In my closet my door actually blows outwards instead of in. I hang a blanket in front though to keep light in and out.

It would suck the outside in yes, but with it secured to not suck in the door completely, it should work, no different then Velcro, all it’s doing is holding it secure into place so it doesn’t suck the door completely in. I want the negative air pressure to suck the door shut, but I don’t want it to suck it through the opening creating a big gigantic hole. Same thing with job sites, there’s always a negative pressure pulling air in, but not out, to prevent dust from exiting work area. The sticky sides of both zipper should hold it into place, allowing the negative pressure to take in affect but not pull the door right in. With the blind rods, it would create a “solid” outside edge of my door, but it’s not necessarily holding the door into place, therefor still being able to suck the door into the hole. I’m not ignoring your help, it was a great idea, but I’m more looking for something to sit permanently in place, holding it firm in place :thumb:
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