Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

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re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

I would not use a food dehydrator to dry cannabis. when a bud dries and cures the chloraphile degrades and the taste improves as the bud cures, this would not happen in a food dehydrator and leave a large amount of harsh taste. I use a collapsible drying rack to dry my trimmed branches for 5-7 days before the buds just break off the stems and are ready to be trimmed from the branches and placed into storage containers.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

I would not use a food dehydrator to dry cannabis. when a bud dries and cures the chloraphile degrades and the taste improves as the bud cures, this would not happen in a food dehydrator and leave a large amount of harsh taste. I use a collapsible drying rack to dry my trimmed branches for 5-7 days before the buds just break off the stems and are ready to be trimmed from the branches and placed into storage containers.


That's what is in the video! I'm heading onto the net to see how much these are right now. Thanks KJC!:thanks:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Hmmmm. A high quality dehydrator is a good option for those who have limited control over the drying environment. A good dehydrator offers significant control over drying conditions. If you have a quality dehydrator that can comfortably handle the volume of your harvest you'd be a fool not to use it.

A high quality dehydrator allows for adjusting temperature and relative humidity - independent of room conditions. A decent one is affordable for those who grow for their own use, but maybe not for those who are pulling down pounds of product at a time. It is not for those on a Ramen-diet budget, but not a total bank breaker either.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

I use a sideways laundry bin, which is that same material for drying small stuff, and even dried some trim on it. It worked really well, but you sort of get a flat spot on fluffy bud anyway. I have heard there is special equipment made for drying/storing tobacco and cigars that works amazingly well because as PJ said you can really control the conditions to the dot.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Happy Thanksgiving
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg and More! CFL's/LED/HPS

Good creativity Canna my friend ! ...

Definitely deserve reps for that dryer ! :)

Happy Thanksgiving Canna!

Happy Thanksgiving

Nice! You're ready to dry a couple of pounds!

Thanks Guys!
And while I had some time this morning after making my bud dryer and between cooking times, I just had to get a progress pic ....or two. I just LOVE watching the process of these seeds! I've always wondered how the little volcano tops were formed on the seeds, I guess now we know. And the mottled look that young seeds have, check out the textured pattern going on with this:
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