Colorfuldayze Aug-Dec 2014 Auto Grow

Many congrats on your harvest my friend! Bravo and may your meds be mesmerizing in magnificence :)

:Namaste: Light Addict and many sincere thank u-s sir. :high-five: to mesmerizing in magnificence! My inspirational thought for the day. Coffee is kicking in. Just about time to top it off with some preemptive pain relief and dawn my bike helmet and finger machetes and get to it. Cheers LA and all things kind to you my friend!


ps I think I may have had a 'flux' inquiry from fellow member growsorgnc that I responded to on 12-26 via referencing you. I wouldn't even begin to try to answer anything regarding flux - other than I know this awesome guy who is you :) Cheers LA
Great job Colorful....i bet your next harvest will blow your mind as you got some of the mistakes out of the way now, but still a great said SE.....if you are close to the Carolinas hit me up and if we are close enough i have some good meds i will share with you and yours:).....:)

Hi Green! Thank you very much. I agree and hope you are 100% correct. It is a great feeling to know that growing forward I can put all of the 'same old rudimentary mistakes' behind me for good. I know that a lot of that stemmed from the lack of continuity by not growing regularly.
Your offer is beyond thoughtful and kind GD and I thank you sincerely. We'll be a bit further south than you but in the event we find ourselves up there, I'll PM you for sure :) You are a friend with weed and are kind indeed! All the best to you and LB this fine Sunday. Cheers!

:Namaste: :high-five: :thanks:
I love growing, I love smoking, I hate trimming lol keep up the good work mate.

Well that's it then wildwelshman, we 100% agree on all three counts :) It's hardest for me to painstakingly trim the smaller whispy stuff but on the other hand, it's still good medicine for which I'm grateful so I just keep snippin. Cheers to you!

Congrats on your harvest Colorful :) if you can do so well breeding sub-par genetics, imagine what you can do if you start breeding some more currently popular ones.. I'd love to see that. Take care + happy holidays! :love:
Well that's it then wildwelshman, we 100% agree on all three counts :) It's hardest for me to painstakingly trim the smaller whispy stuff but on the other hand, it's still good medicine for which I'm grateful so I just keep snippin. Cheers to you!


I di try and encourage as much as I can..i always end up trimming while being stoned and it don't speed things up that's for sure..just thinks off that lovely dried, cured bud at the end buddy..
Congrats on the harvest Colorful! The first of many to come, no doubt.

I thought I was going to hate trimming. But actually, the sic F@#! I am, actually enjoys it. I love rolling a couple of fattys, firing up a couple of podcast and, yes pulling the all nighter! Sticky, tired fingers and wonky eyes. looking forward to it!

Send your product my way! I'll get ya trimmed and ready. I work cheap :)
Good 817am tassie time Colorful :)

I certainly missed the party the past 24hours! :)

Nice harvest mate, congrats.

I like the pics of your hands. Now don't go getting all funny GreenDreamz, I know you got a thing for fingers, so calm yourself. :rofl:
Sorry, scars on your fingers, cracks...general wear and tear.

Then I read...old fogies...bad back...1.5 hours...then rest and test :)

I like your journal mate, you're good people :)

Ranger, You put that perfectly! Thank you for saying what I was feeling about colorfuldayze... he's truly an asset to this community!!

Howdy colorfuldayze, Congratulations on this Magnum Opus. Ab ova, your wisdom, willingness to learn and teach/share, have lit the way for others. You deserve a bountiful harvest.
Ditto & congrats on the chops Colorful...

Thank you BAR I really appreciate it!! All the best to you, and I cannot wait to catch up on your journals - I've been so busy! Looking forward to reading up while having a bloody mary in the evening! Cheers BAR

:Namaste: :high-five:

Congrats on your harvest Colorful :) if you can do so well breeding sub-par genetics, imagine what you can do if you start breeding some more currently popular ones.. I'd love to see that. Take care + happy holidays! :love:

Thank you SoilGirl and thank you for your kindest words. I will apply everything I've learned growing forward but I'm going to need a lot of your eyes for guidance. It is the best feeling to be able to share all of it with you. Thank you and likewise a happy and wonderful New Year to you!

:Namaste: :thanks::green_heart:

I di try and encourage as much as I can..i always end up trimming while being stoned and it don't speed things up that's for sure..just thinks off that lovely dried, cured bud at the end buddy..

Cheers wildwelshman - you were both encouragement and inspiration :high-five:

Congrats on the harvest Colorful! The first of many to come, no doubt.

I thought I was going to hate trimming. But actually, the sic F@#! I am, actually enjoys it. I love rolling a couple of fattys, firing up a couple of podcast and, yes pulling the all nighter! Sticky, tired fingers and wonky eyes. looking forward to it!

Send your product my way! I'll get ya trimmed and ready. I work cheap :)

Thank you SweetLeef!! :Namaste: In the end I enjoyed all of the trimming tremendously and I actually wish I wasn't as rushed because I would have enjoyed it that much more. It was sticky and danky in there :) We could exchange efforts my friend because I would work for free just for the chance to see the gene pool you are raising! All the best to you Sweet and many many thanks!


Good 817am tassie time Colorful :)

I certainly missed the party the past 24hours! :)

Nice harvest mate, congrats.

I like the pics of your hands. Now don't go getting all funny GreenDreamz, I know you got a thing for fingers, so calm yourself. :rofl:
Sorry, scars on your fingers, cracks...general wear and tear.

Then I read...old fogies...bad back...1.5 hours...then rest and test :)

I like your journal mate, you're good people :)


Hiya Tassie! Thank you brother and you are never late to any party sir! LMAO re: hands...there had to be a connection to Dirty Dreamz! lol You can really tell a lot about a person's hands - true dat. All things good to you Tassie, and thank you sincerely!

:Namaste: :high-five:

Howdy colorfuldayze, Congratulations on this Magnum Opus. Ab ova, your wisdom, willingness to learn and teach/share, have lit the way for others. You deserve a bountiful harvest.

Hi Ranger, and wow, thank you so much for your kind words! I'm getting to this reply later but read it earlier today while taking a short break and it just gave me a lot of inspiration and energy so thank you!! All things kind to you my friend. Cheers!


Ranger, You put that perfectly! Thank you for saying what I was feeling about colorfuldayze... he's truly an asset to this community!!

Thank you Beateo, I'm blushing now, you are too kind. It is an honor to 420 up with you and all! *still blushing*...thank you B! Best to you!


Wow Colorfuldaze!! Congratulations on a Great Harvest!! Ill miss seeing the forest but Love seeing how great it turned out! Again Congrats my friend! :goodjob::bravo:

Hiya teatime and thank you very much! I feel the same as you. It is really lonely in there now although the amaryllises have taken over :) The wonderful plants were so determined and stuck it through all of my abuses and misgivings and with their resilience have blessed me more than I can put in to words. Thank you dear lady and all the best to you and Happy New Year!

:Namaste: :green_heart:
HARVEST UPDATE - WE DID IT YaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!!!

Hello and a warm cozy Sunday night to each of you. I am glad to report to you that with much inspiration, support, and well wishes from all of you I have successfully completed the cutting, trimming, hanging, evaluating, note taking, pictures, and some other stuff :) for the harvesting of my first sensimilla crop in five years and in my first 420 journal. It was a tiring task that took all of 18 hours +/- to complete. I have not made any assessments or speculations of how much yield I may have since I'm more interested in dry weight at this point and more than half of the harvested buds will likely loose up to 70-80% of their wet weight once cured; however I would postulate that I may have 150-200 grams dry-cured weight minus all of the interior stems which our lady friend puppy sitter is chomping at the bit to do for me. :)

I've got to get moving and start a late night of chores and preparations for leaving (mrs colorful has been so kind and supportive but I need to catch up and match her efforts and return her love and patience) but I want to briefly share my last two days and the final harvest scenes with all of you before I kick into another gear. I will likely be in somewhat of radio silence until tomorrow evening.

I appreciate all of your sharing and being here for this journey. I hate to sound cliché but everything about this grow is about all of you because as I said on page one of this journal, it would have failed without you and the 420 community. Thank you all, I hope you enjoy the pictures I selected, and know that there will be many more from this grow and journal to come. I wish all of you a blessed night and productive and stress-free Monday.


Popcorn buds from the branch-main stem node look delicious!

The Big Sativa Dominant Pheno-N that is Currently in the Top 5 if not THE Best Pheno IMO


The Final Harvested Crop - 12 Plants

The Locals Have Moved In to the Open Space With the Sleeping Forest to the Left

Thank you all and all the best to you each of you. Good night and sleep tight :)

Good night mate, thanks for the update. Sleep easy :)

Thank you Tassie and likewise to you! I think I'm going to have cannabis cone dreams with a big smurky smile on my face tonight. :) I had to take a break from my chores and come back and take a second look :)

BTW a little thought that I want to share before I forget it :) When I was trimming one of the big colas that is in the top 5 keeper column (and not the PhenoN in the most recent post but I'll post pictures of it soon - promise :) as I held it in my palm directly under my eyes and hunched over snipping and sculpting it, after about 20 seconds my eyes started to tear up and it was almost like I was standing over an open pale of gasoline on a hot humid day. The aromas and vapors were so skunky and dank that I had to set it aside, stand up and go to another room and let my eyes clear up - no different that extremely vaporous white onions only danky sweet skunk.

Has anyone else experienced this before? It was the only one out of 12 that this occurred but this one was extreme.

Then I realized that I was holding a dominant Ruderalis Skunk pheno in my hands and all of the plant and bud characteristics look like the storefront pictures I've seen for years of the variety. Big, bushy, and meaty. Not totally dense buds and has a high leaf to bud ratio. I can't wait to taste test it.

Because of the drying time still needed, even if I rush dried some, I don't think I'll be able to try all 12 before I leave :) I'll have help with that department though and will look forward to renewing my love of them when I get home :)

Now how's that for a night capper...I last look :)

Cheers brother Tassie, and best to all!

Looks like a great (similar yet different) pheno varied harvest colorful, some beautiful looking buds in there and some nice big colas :)

Bet you are going to have a great time testing each one and looking over your notes when done will be some great info in there.
That one with the potent affect from just trimming will be an interesting one to know how the smoke goes, reminded me of chopping onions when you were talking bout tears in the eyes haha

:goodjob: look forward to seeing everything to come with you :thumb:
Good morning mate, I hope you had a good nights sleep :)

Well no, first I hope you stopped going in there for one last look and went to bed :)

I've never experienced the vapours...maybe you're stuff is a little too good :)

I like your smoke reports, so look forward to that one.

How long are you away for, sorry if you've already mentioned it.

PhenoN ...implies there is or were Pheno's A-N...amazing.

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