Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

The discussion on defoliation was a delicious read. You guys have me thinking that I might begin vegging an extra two weeks to give them time to rebound from a good defol before flip. I’d recently played with a month in veg and flip, but I’m disappointed in the yields.

Dave Groomer always does a major defol at around Day 21-23 of flower to great effect. That’d be just after they finish stretching and bud sites are set, by my experience.

I tend to train hard, and as a result I get little stretch on most of the chemovars I’m growing. I remember when I started Inwas anticipating major stretch and was shocked at how little I typically get.

I love learning. I’m just now starting to pay closer attention to the process and fine-tune. Thank you gentlemen, for helping me withy this step.
The discussion on defoliation was a delicious read. You guys have me thinking that I might begin vegging an extra two weeks to give them time to rebound from a good defol before flip. I’d recently played with a month in veg and flip, but I’m disappointed in the yields.

Dave Groomer always does a major defol at around Day 21-23 of flower to great effect. That’d be just after they finish stretching and bud sites are set, by my experience.

I tend to train hard, and as a result I get little stretch on most of the chemovars I’m growing. I remember when I started Inwas anticipating major stretch and was shocked at how little I typically get.

I love learning. I’m just now starting to pay closer attention to the process and fine-tune. Thank you gentlemen, for helping me withy this step.
Glad you could come by here and pick something up for later uses as I'm always lurking behind you picking up all sorts of knowledge. Hope you have a great vacation out west. Enjoy
Thanks Shed. I hate feeling like this as I don't ever recall feeling like this. I've watched more stupid TV in the last 18 hours than the last 3 months. Puts me to sleep so getting plenty of rest

Nothin the history channel wont fix.
I would come home from the bar with my roommate all riled up and we'd smoke a blunt and put on the history channel and be out in 30 mins.... haha
So I got up early to take care of my out side garden. Sorry people just fruits and vegetables. Tilled an 80' x 50' area and planted 4 rows of sweet corn, 2 rows of bush beans, half dozen tomato plants, and some red and green pepper plants. Trying to rest some before work as the heat got to me some. Not feeling the best.
Yeah almost that time for me as well. Have all my squash and cucumbers germinated and growing indoors along with my tomatoes. Gonna get the squash and cucumbers in the ground in the next day or two. I have to wait for May 15th generally to not have any frost issues at night. Should be ok.
Yeah almost that time for me as well. Have all my squash and cucumbers germinated and growing indoors along with my tomatoes. Gonna get the squash and cucumbers in the ground in the next day or two. I have to wait for May 15th generally to not have any frost issues at night. Should be ok.
Just make sure you break it up over a few days. Don't get stupid like myself and over do it. I'm playing hell trying to pull my old ass out of it.
Put an oscillating fan on you as well as a cool washcloth on your forehead.
Lots of great advice for you Derby.....but one thing I didn't see anyone mention and the Marine in me can't let it go without harping on it. FLUIDS FLUIDS FLUIDS!!!! And by fluids, i mean water or gatoraide. Water is the best but you might have lost a good bit of your electrolytes and you always need to replace them. I know people think I am crazy when I harp on the color of urine when you pee but if you aren't peeing clear, you are dehydrated and need to pound the fluids.

Don't wait for your body to tell you that you are thirsty, its too late then. You should be drinking 8-16 oz every hour you are out working in the heat. Best advice you will ever receive.....pound the water Derby.
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