Derbybud Does CBD Strains In Coco & More

The tops should start stretching and reach up through your canopy, here in a week or so I'll trim off most of the side branches leaving the main colas to suck up all goodness.
Mixed up the rez with bloom nutes. Ended up with a 1.71 EC and a ph of 6.14. Going to keep an eye out for burnt tips but I think these pigs can handle it.
So today when I went to fill up my rez with rain water I opened one of my 2 1/2 gal containers and a few mosquitoes flew out. Apparently my rain catcher has some unwanted larvae in it and it's been a while since it rained to replenish with fresh. Well I've had tad poles in there so it doesn't surprise me. So out came my pantyhose filter for the dump. Always something to deal with. Added a little extra Z7 to the mix. Die bitches die.
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