Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

The spray designed to work with High Brix soil and the kit is Leaf Wash. It has neem, karanja, orange and fish oils. Works great! 22.00 per quart, but you use 1/4 ounce per quart of it lasts hella long time.

I've controlled mites---really nasty ones----using nothing toxic at all.

If you're late into bloom, blasting the crap out of them with weak DeStress will help. Don't use Brix on super soil.
You'll find the insect pressure is WAY decreased once you're in High Brix soil.

Yes sir! Thats just one of the many reasons I'm so excited to switch over. I gotcha, no Brix foliar on the SS, no problem. I'll continue with the DeStress as prescribed! Do you sell the Leaf Wash? If so I would like to order please... for my next grow, just incase. Good shelf life on the Leaf Wash? Thanks again Doc, as always, I appreciate you so much!
Crafty is small too. Only about the size of a pack of smokes...and hits hard. I'm sure you've looked at reviews and such, but I'm sold on the S&B tandem for a portable. I've had a Solo, Pax and Mighty and the Mighty is hands-down the best. A close friend has the Crafty and he says same thing. Good luck in your choice. Let us know.
Ya , i agree Gov. My Firefly 2 has a really small good, i don't like it. The desktop i have is the Vapirise 2.0, very nice . Still like smoking J's the best . Cheers eh.
Ya , i agree Gov. My Firefly 2 has a really small good, i don't like it. The desktop i have is the Vapirise 2.0, very nice . Still like smoking J's the best . Cheers eh.

When I quit smoking cigs 2 years ago, I kinda veered away from smoking cannabis too. I still share a J now & then, but vaporizing is where it's at for me. I've tried close to 10 different vaporizers between portys and desktops. I don't want to hijack this thread any more, but can discuss assorted vaporizers in some detail in the right
I have the Mighty and as far as portable Vapes go, I love it. I don't even use the Cloud Evo desktop anymore, but I do prefer the bong to the vape. The buzzes all seem similar to me out of the vape.

I just wanted to say I am really really loving these new drenches! I am testing the plants that are finishing up and that have had the new drenches all through flower and each one seems to have levels of potency I haven't achieved before. Everyone I try feels like the strongest weed I've grown. Not to mention green petioles on 15 week old fan leaves and no tacoing at all. The smells are stronger and the tastes are more complex which didn't seem possible. Great job and thank you for these Doc!
I've had an Herbalizer for several years and hate it. I thought I'd like the whip (don't like bags) but for several reasons I don't. I hate the Herbalizer.

Recently picked up the EVO and I'm in love. I found IT. This is the one. I am a bong guy too and pair it with a bubbler and/or a Hydratube and it's all I want and more. I'm in heaven!
I have the Mighty and as far as portable Vapes go, I love it. I don't even use the Cloud Evo desktop anymore, but I do prefer the bong to the vape. The buzzes all seem similar to me out of the vape.

I just wanted to say I am really really loving these new drenches! I am testing the plants that are finishing up and that have had the new drenches all through flower and each one seems to have levels of potency I haven't achieved before. Everyone I try feels like the strongest weed I've grown. Not to mention green petioles on 15 week old fan leaves and no tacoing at all. The smells are stronger and the tastes are more complex which didn't seem possible. Great job and thank you for these Doc!

Thanks for the feedback Neiko! I'm always trying to improve and will continue to do so. I've also re-worked called Snake Oil. It's not needed as much with the new drenches, but will pop the terps a tad more on the whacky hydro strains.
Yep. Clone only....although there was a cross made a few years ago with a Kush male, just for safekeeping.

Someday it will be available, but you guys here will be the first to get it prior to that.....PROMISE.

Really??!!! Yee Ha!!!

I drool every time I see pictures of it and hear the feedback from those who have been under her spell!
We're getting old, but don't feel old. I still work circles around the new generation.

Too funny, Buck....I've hired all the young kids around here to do various jobs and they have the attention span of a gnat and only last about an hour, and that is with me working alongside of them....I finally gave up.....I can work circles around all of them..... :rofl:
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