Doc Bud's High Brix Q&A With Pictures

re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Chemically engineered plant growth regulators aren't my cup of tea.....

Yeah just trying to give you guys some secrets you won't find anywhere. I was elbows with the biggest grows. I mean we had one lao grow with 25k plants pulled in my town. Weed is grown everywhere around here and there's more than one way to play without turning ladyboy :)

I do believe in the importance of a good root system though, that's the real battle that separates the guys who barely water (because they can't) from the guys who have to water all the time. One guy has little plants.. The other is something out of high times.

When I started, I was reading on the net and a lot of it contradicted what I was seeing right in front of my face and I watched some good trees made (along with my own eventually). I'm not a indoors guy really but I found nutriplant to be one of the things that worked well in the field. Von think is right too- you can't really throw out growth regulators because it's not the way you do things. Think of Tesla and AC.

Now we have guys who shock their nipples with it and take it for granted. Growing big trees is kind of art and a lot of science.

I understand your take on quality though which is why I'm interested and will try your high brix method. Assuming the petition passed (they've banned growing in just our town- some guy got shot in the neck stealing 500 plants last season). I doubt it will pass though- most of the people who grow aren't registered voters which is what the petition needed. You know how that goes. Stoners trying to sign up voters lol
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Sudden, unexpected energy must be deflected or absorbed in a calm and intentional fashion in order to maintain health and sustainability. There has been a lot of activity here in the last couple of days. I’m not much of a poster, as seen from the column on the left, but I stumbled across Doc’s forums about a year and a half ago; I’m still reading regularly. I still am using 6-5-3 and T & J tea for my veggies with absolute amazing success. I’ve used a lot of different nutes, soils, methods and always have great meds, but since following Doc’s advice my plants have exhibited a sixth sense sort of quality; Kit soil has about three more senses.

If you’ve just jumped on this thread with no understanding of “brix” gardening, I would suggest some further research into Dr. Carey Reams. This paradigm is not something made up to make money from ignorant pot gardeners, rather an assimilation of best practice nutritional gardening. This gardening paradigm has been suppressed by big Ag for almost a century now and is only alive at a few small, passionate companies who believe in the nutrient density of our food. Most of the products from these companies are organic. Most non-organic products are minerals which cannot receive an “organic” label. It is processed, mixed and tested in a lab but not created from synthetic chemicals (there is a difference between organic and synthetic chemicals even though the same constituents appear on the periodic table). If anyone chooses to seek out an agriculture firm specializing in “brix” gardening and send in multiple samples of bagged soil, they are always free to do so. However, Doc has done all that work for us. He has done countless research and spent countless dollars on testing just to find a bagged soil that is acceptable to this paradigm. In doing so, he has also made this “scientific,” as repeatability is the cornerstone of the scientific method. Doc has done all the legwork to create a version of this for us that is easily repeatable.

The claims of superior buds are coming from gardeners comparing their “brix” harvest to their previous harvests, not to yours. If I notice my weed is way better than before, it should be acceptable as valid. I started testing brix a while ago, but I gave it up. It just didn’t really give me as much as the visual of the plants themselves. Since going down the “high brix” rabbit hole my plants have exhibited characteristics they never have before. I am currently experiencing some problems in “kit” soil due to my own inability to follow directions. My girls have been in their last 2 pots way too long and according to doc’s instructions should have been finished a while ago. I’ve got some yellowing issues but the bud development is off the friggin hook. I just flushed and got runoff TDS of 150, after 2 drenches in a row. Yes, 150; No nutes. The bud development is absolutely amazing with terpenes through the neighborhod in week 4. Problem is pH, a little low in the runoff, but they’ve been in their pots WAY too long. Even with problems, the plants absolutely thrive in this soil. There is something very special about this mix, and its worth way more than Doc’s rate to see for yourself.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

If all agree on this :The BEST bud has yet to be grown and smoked....then we're cool.


However, I'll state a couple FACTS:

Any one of us would choose high brix vegetables on taste alone vs ANY vegetable grown on salts. There is NO COMPARISON.

The best bud is going to be a result of biology, not chemistry. These plants were designed to grow with living soil, symbiotic realtions with biota, and organic based "fertilizer."

Is my kit the best thing in the world? :laughtwo: No....if it was, why would I change it and update it all the time trying to make it better? Because the best weed has yet to be grown.

I don't go on hydro journals and shove my kit down their throats. I don't do that to AnYONE. People come here because they like what I'm doing. I don't visit others journals and shove my crap down their throats, and likewise I don't appreciate others coming here and doing it UNINVITED on my journal.

It's rude.

So, I totally agree with you Dr. D. The best weed has yet to be grown. I'm trying to grow the best weed I can grow and improve all the time, as are you. We're here to help eachother.

This troll shit has got to stop.

I've got to get my stuff tested and put a stop to this crap. Too bad I'm so damn busy right now. I'm gonna do it soon. I have to now.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

My HIGH BRIX plant is the BOMB and nevermind all the science or chemistry or technicalities of it! Im super stoked about what Doc does and sells. Through all my studies hes someone who seems to do more out of love than for money. The KIT isnt expensive and it DOES grow some of the best smoke...nuff said!!
Doc, i just wanna personally say thank you very much for what youve done and for what youre doing. Ill admit my initial thoughts of you were less than stellar (thought you were stuck up lol) but now i realize it was because we're a lot alike...we both wanna do the best and remain realists in the process.
Once again, thank you good sir. Keep on doing what youre doing and nevermind the nay sayers.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

H.B. rocks and that's all there is to it!It works with no guess work,is inexpensive and the man behind it all is passionate about what he does (you).I've been growing for about 30 yrs. now and let me tell , anyone who gets into H.B. will not be looking back.....i know i won't ,that's for sure! You rock Doc!!! Thanks again for all you do for us!!Cheers eh:)
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

My HIGH BRIX plant is the BOMB and nevermind all the science or chemistry or technicalities of it! Im super stoked about what Doc does and sells. Through all my studies hes someone who seems to do more out of love than for money. The KIT isnt expensive and it DOES grow some of the best smoke...nuff said!!
Doc, i just wanna personally say thank you very much for what youve done and for what youre doing. Ill admit my initial thoughts of you were less than stellar (thought you were stuck up lol) but now i realize it was because we're a lot alike...we both wanna do the best and remain realists in the process.
Once again, thank you good sir. Keep on doing what youre doing and nevermind the nay sayers.

H.B. rocks and that's all there is to it!It works with no guess work,is inexpensive and the man behind it all is passionate about what he does (you).I've been growing for about 30 yrs. now and let me tell , anyone who gets into H.B. will not be looking back.....i know i won't ,that's for sure! You rock Doc!!! Thanks again for all you do for us!!Cheers eh:)

Keep up the good work doc

:cheer: AGREED and BTW Doc, i need more Transplant Please sir, I PM'ed you:peace:
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

That is pretty funny got to admit.. It's the quality end of it that maybe the difference, the bud washing thread made a lot of sense at least. Maybe something in veg transfers over to the final product that's not removed in the flush. The right lighting and establishing roots early though is basics. The rest is just feeding/nuking it correctly.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

For what Doc has done for all these growers we should get down on our knees :) Go back and look at all the research ,money and work he has put into this! Not to mention ,he is ready to share his wealth of knowledge to anyone who will listen. People who have doubts should take a few days and read all his journals ,then they will see!!! Cheers all:)
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Someone will be by to edit/delete/advise and take any other actions needed soon, until then please get back to our mission at hand and leave the drama behind. Moving right along. :thanks:
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

H.B. rocks and that's all there is to it!It works with no guess work,is inexpensive and the man behind it all is passionate about what he does (you).I've been growing for about 30 yrs. now and let me tell , anyone who gets into H.B. will not be looking back.....i know i won't ,that's for sure! You rock Doc!!! Thanks again for all you do for us!!Cheers eh:)

Dugan is RIGHT ON !
Non believers should do some research , like read a bit before you eat the non sense the Chemical Producers that promise Big Bud concentrates that rely on perfect ph changing and ramping up and down the formulas each weekly mix needing a ramp up and then ramp down and then changing from grow stage formula to bloom formula and then another product that claims it will flush out the chems before you harvest and dry.
The concept is rich minerals that come from the earth not chemicals mixed in a laboratory, if anyone can't grasp this, it is a bit like a licenced electrician that would use a penny instead of the proper fuse , guess what happens ....
Burn Baby Burn.
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Bro, that zzz lookin sum Awesome, them leaves be shining with awesome growth,
You must be using Docs ?
How old they be ? You do foliar ? If so how often, what foliar mix/ spray you give em ?
Thanx in advance
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

Hey Bulldog...Those are MK Ultras from th seeds and they are about 6 weeks from seed. I foliar spray with Doc's "kit" as per instructions.Once a week with "Brix" and twice a week with "Stress. Plants love them sprays.You would have to see it to believe it Bulldog! The soil is in perfect ratios for the purpose built sprays to feed the soil via the leaves ,and in turn the microbes feed the plants...the right way.I sprayed last night with "Stress" and almost had to take a double take ...cuz i couldn't believe the effects the spray had on them.They almost looked a little tired,or lazy the night before! Today they got "Transplant" water and "Tea" 2 gal's for 3, 7 gal. pots,evenly for all 3.Tomorrow i will for sure have to raise the light because of the fantastic growth! Lovin it!!! Cheers all:)Oh ...and Doc,if you catch this ...i'm going to need more transplant and energy real soon. Everything else is ok for now. Help?:)
re: Doc Bud - High Brix Q&A With Pictures

I would say ,yes you can but there would be alot of guess work. Doc's kit soil is in perfect ratios and harmony.Coco is a totally different ball game .I've ever grown with coco but alot of growers do and have great success.Doc's kit takes almost all of the guess work out of the picture!It works...look around at some of his work.Nice stuff! Later Bulldog!
Looking Awesome !
Just a quick question, would coco produce the same result ?
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