First Grow - White Widow x Big Bud

Bend it over slowly at first and adjust the tention each day
like this ... but do not break it ;)



Day 18 flowering. Just another little update as I gave them there first proper feed last night at 1ml/1L sensi bloom a+b also added abit of that plant magic...Damn they seem to love it woke up just checked them and there the happiest I've seen them. :D
Was worried about the size of them as my minimum goal for this grow is 10 oz but after reading up and looking at other people's I should clear that easy all been well. Fingers crossed!
So what ever happen to that weird thing growing on the top that you let go? I always wondered about big bud. These plants are a cross between big bud and white widow?
hey man the plant at the back far left is the one with the weird topping. It grew one main cola and some others all around it. And yes there a cross mainly indica. I did hear rumours about hermie towards the end of flower with this strain. Lights come back on in an hour so I'll upload some closer pics of the girls.
Thats a sweet x man. I love white widow and if big bud was to make her buds bigger all the better....Sorry but i dont remember if this is the first time your growing it? Cant wait to see the results as im sure they will be awesome.
Yeh first time growing can't wait til finish. I've started 5 more up in jiffy pellets the other day there going to go in my back garden for about 10 hours a day. I plan on bringing them inside on a night for warmth not sure Wether they'll need more than 10 hours light though.when this first grows done and dry I was going to put the other 5 in my tent for flower after I've sprayed it down with neem oil.

There's all of em and the 2 close ups are of that weird one you was talking about. Only real problem I have is cold temps 15 - 17c on lights of but they seem use to it now. I'm training that none trained single cola one down to try keep then all even as possible.
Im at the same point right now wondering if i should put some of the clones outside but its still not stable yet. Im just as anxious as you are to find out the end result. Did you breed this or it was from seed?
There from seed I purchased them online from a website called the vault. They are feminised seeds aswell. And those bud sites really seem to be fattening up quick. Still atleast 4 weeks to go. It's been 3 weeks today since start of flower. Humidity seems quite High the last few days ranging from 30% lights on 50-59 lights off.
Forgot to mention do you have your clones under light or do you put them near a window and take light from the sun? I was told I should put them in the shade to start of then after a few days give them 5 hours direct sunlight a day. Then gradually work upto 10 hours as they grow bigger.
Im not expert and this site has a lot of them here. What i have done and learned from here is to keep clones under light for 18hrs on 6hrs off. Some people say clones can be under 24 hrs which is true and i have done that for a week but I and i say "I" have seen and believe that doing 24hrs isnt good. I saw a better response when i let the lil guys rest for those 6 hours. I searched and asked this question and it was a toss up with a mix review. So i went ahead and did my own test.

No one can argue that well you had them under 24 so when you took them off to 18/6 it was just the timing that caused the better reply to the clones. I dont think bc this time around i went 18/6 with clones and they took off A LOT faster then when i ran the first guys at 24. Just my take on it man, try it and let us know what your outcome is.

Still in love with the idea of super sized white widow buds. Them girls are mighty tasty my man. That strain was very popular back in the day and to get some now would be a pure flash back for me.
Thanks for the input buddy. Checked my girls last night when lights came back on and temps was 55f or 13c, they seem okay at the moment.

Day 24 flowering: gave them a feeding last night upped it from 1ml/L to 1.5ml/1L sensi bloom a and b and also added 2.5ml of plant magic. They seem to love this stuff. Despite really cold lights out temps they seem fine very happy and green! I plan on going to week 6 or 7 before giving them plain water for 2 weeks.
Okay so I've started 5 more wwxbb feminised seeds they've germinated and are on my window sill. They are in jiffy pellets at the moment. I was just hoping for some advice if anyone can help that'd be great.
The plan was to veg these whilst the others finish flowering then put these other 5 in the tent. Seen as though my lights are on for 12 hours I may aswell use that to my advantage and place my 5 seedlings in there from 10pm to 10am then before lights go of put my veg lot in the windowsill for another 8 - 10 hours then I could just pop them somewhere in darkness for 4-6 hours til my lights come back on again at 10pm. The big question is will this work for the next 4 - 5 weeks until my others are done. I have plastic cups and another 5 fabric dirt pots 17l prepped with canna terra soil. Was just going to have them grow in plastic cups for 5 weeks until they can go in the tent and be transplanted to the fabric pots otherwise they won't fit in the tent to receive the 12 hours light 10pm to 10am 600w hps.

Tried to explain it as easy as possible. If anyone can help would be very appreciated as it's giving me a headache lol.
they'll prolly be crying for a bigger pot by 5 weeks. I wouldn't do more than 2 weeks. definitely not more than 3, and that's really only if they're slow going. get 1 gallon pots, they're like 1$ around here, sometimes .75 cents. they take up almost the same space as a solo cup.

I just put one of mine into a 1 gallon from a solo cup, and it took the same space the solo cup did. I'm tight for space too, and the 1 gallon is perfect for both the plant and me :thumb:
good point frenchy, id do the same. the roots grow so fast you dont want them crowding in those small containers. Im learning all about up potting now from being on here
5 weeks would be'd have to watch them for that week. you should be good no questions for 3-4 weeks by starting in solos for the first week or 2nd then 3rd or 4th put them into 1 gallons. if you can get away with putting them in the gallons till about 2 1/2-3 weeks you should be able to get 5 weeks out of that. and I wouldn't do much more then that
I'm getting some 5 litre pots today they are in the plastic cups at the moment. Nothing much has happened in the last 2 days just bud sites fattening up and more appearing from the bottom.
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