First Grow - White Widow x Big Bud

Hey your lying something has happen, they have fatten up haha. I know im the same way thinking nothing happen then i said oh wait there is a new leaf. lol

Look at what i did with my babies to see whats actually going on. I put a stick in the cut and marked the first line as to where the clone is today when i put them in solo cups. I then added a few more lines to track progress. Just something that will keep me busy for a lil.


Just a little visual progress tracker. Its hard to see growth when your looking at them everyday all day....Im keeping in the dome right now for a little longer.

day 26/27 not much really happening last few days. I thought one of my plants may be heat stressed as the top main bud was smaller then any of those lower down so I move my light a little up. Wanted to try get them towards the 12 inch distance but doubt that will happen.

4 weeks into flowering today. I swear they ain't growing but they are. The first picture was taken on the 27th April and the second picture was taken yesterday 2nd may. Quite a difference for 5 days. Just hope they start forming BIG stinking buds now! Humidity got upto 69% lights of if it carrys on I'll have to turn my extractor fan up.

day 30 - I've just taken this picture 1 hour before lights go of they're ready for bed as they are drooping a bit. Took another side shot of the girls so it's easier to see the buds forming. If I'm totally honest they look shit and I expected some hard bud to be growing by now but I'm not sure what to expect or how they look at this point but to me they don't look that great. I'll have to get a picture just before lights come bk on tonight I haven't taken a dark picture yet.

Day 31 update - had some issues last day or 2 the fan leafs are drooping like mad and quite a few turning yellow right at the bottom. The girls were drying out so i just gave them a feed hopefully it was underwatering.

There's another picture an hour after watering. Not sure about the yellowing but I think it's to do with light as I raised it a few inches up as temps were reaching 29 -30. Humidity seems fine now between 30-50% lights on and 50% lights of. I've still only been giving my plants a litre of water each, might up it a little?
thanks man I'll keep an eye on them. There's a fair few red stem fan leafs aswell but after researching it's apparently normal. And thanks again it's a great learning experience. I already know a few little things I can do to better the next 5 seedlings so fingers crossed all goes well for the next few weeks.

day 26/27 not much really happening last few days. I thought one of my plants may be heat stressed as the top main bud was smaller then any of those lower down so I move my light a little up. Wanted to try get them towards the 12 inch distance but doubt that will happen.

Check this out it might help us new comers.

Nutrient Disorder Problem Solver

Plants are looking good and i love this strain.

Day 34 flowering the girls are fattening up. Still got yellowing leafs but I'm thinking it's just naturally doin as it's suppose to as this strain is known to be done fast anywere from 49 - 60 days. My tallest tops are about 18" from the light reflector will probably keep around that. Was wondering should I pop something under the small one so they get fatter buds?

Not sure what's wrong with that seedling looks deformed to me been like it for the last few days. ??
Forgot to mention can anyone recommend when to flush I was planing a 2 weeks flush but that would mean starting soonish?
I'm looking for a head and body high but mainly a monging type. I'll start taking some closer pictures so you can see better for yourself. Thanks again for advice :thumb:
As for my smallest and shortest plant should I raise it a little with something or leave it be?
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