Hempy Headquarters

Not really there are 2 cardboard cup size pots buried in there with a little soil. After these 2 I'm aiming for hempy all the way. Just learning the ropes here, what's life without a few teething troubles.

the roots are fighting their way out of those. in the meantime they are soaked and the plant is suffocating. the one that looks better has manged to bust out of that.
the roots are fighting their way out of those. in the meantime they are soaked and the plant is suffocating. the one that looks better has manged to bust out of that.

It would be better to get the plants out of the cardboard cups before placing in the perlite. That’s really going to hamper root development and restrict moisture/nutrients getting from the reservoir to the roots.
It would be better to get the plants out of the cardboard cups before placing in the perlite. That’s really going to hamper root development and restrict moisture/nutrients getting from the reservoir to the roots.

I wondered if the cardboard might be bad for... biological reasons. But I'm a synthetic nutrients guy, for the most part, and tend to worry about rot and mold. Maybe those who go the "organic" route would consider such processes to be part of the cycle, IDK.

I don't like "grows roots through the container, just plant the entire thing" starter containers for garden-style plants, and always end up getting the containers falling-apart wet so that I can remove as much as possible before throwing the tomato plant (etc.) into a bucket of soil or the ground. I haven't done any in-ground gardening here for a couple years, but try to grow at least a few miscellaneous plants in containers and set up both in-ground and container plants for Mom at her house. I've never killed a plant by tearing the initial containers apart - even though I always see some roots in the pile of crap that I toss in the corner of the yard to (presumably) compost/degrade.

Last year, I did two tomato plants in containers for Mom. The next day, she called to tell me that she had gone back after I left her house, and bought one more. I offered to come deal with it and she replied, "I watered it real good and planted it in the other container you prepared." (Guess she's not getting the jalapeño plant I was going to put in it, lol.) So, three plants of comparable size and the same variety... The ones I tore the "grows right through" off grew larger, faster.

But, again, that is with non-cannabis plants. I don't do that with them, primarily because we cannot pick them up at the local nursery here, lol. Therefore, I cannot speak to whether this little bit of stress would negatively affect them. Also, because I can buy tomatoes in the store for a few dollars/pound.

Last year, I moved a young plant from a soil environment to a perlite one. I did what I've always done when I make the decision to go with a hydroponic method somewhat... late. Gently removed plant/soil from container, placed in a bowl of water that was ever so slightly warm - that, when I dipped my finger into, felt neither cool nor warm - and gently twirled/swished/plunged around in the water until much soil had fallen off the roots. I quickly grew bored with this (as per usual ;) ), and proceeded to rinse and gently "work" the root mass (what there was of it) in my hands whilst holding it under cold running water. I was probably able to remove 95% of the soil - and ~15% of the root mass, heh - from the little plant. It was fine. Never produced an opposite-sex flower during its life. It was an autoflowering strain, and didn't appear to be stunted.

I don't consider myself to be a "master-level cannabis grower" (LMFAO), so I cannot say, "Do it this way! You will be fine." Rather, I'm just recounting my experience.

I stopped using those expandable discs covered in a flimsy mesh (Jiffy? Don't even remember...) back in 2006 or 2007. Place I was working at had one of the countertop display boxes. They were inexpensive, the owner of the store let us buy whatever we wanted at her cost, so I bought a small poke full. Took them home that evening and saw tiny whitish critters crawling on them. Slowly moving dots. Into the garbage can they went. I don't suppose they were any kind of root maggot, because there are no roots in the dry, compressed discs. But I didn't want to take any chances. I've been wanting to try those newfangled ones, but they don't seem to be sold in stores in my little city.

I'm just... rambling.
hi headquarters ...

fort st veg/clone reporting... the top recruits are under intensive training ...

will check back with updates ... jungle patrol reporting soon ..

Tomahawk by GreenPoint Seeds

Perlite, Wastebasket, and MegaCrop
Did you see the link to one I posted in the thread you created an hour ago?

Have you considered going with one (or, at most, a few) mother plant producing clones instead of trying to do your first SoG from seed-grown plants?
Did you see the link to one I posted in the thread you created an hour ago?

Have you considered going with one (or, at most, a few) mother plant producing clones instead of trying to do your first SoG from seed-grown plants?

I want to make the most out of the seeds I got and narrow down the pheno, it was the only reason I thought of doing sog,

i don’t know if there is an easier way to do it than sog harvest then make a mother of the chosen clone and sog that.
I want to make the most out of the seeds I got and narrow down the pheno, it was the only reason I thought of doing sog,

i don’t know if there is an easier way to do it than sog harvest then make a mother of the chosen clone and sog that.

the majority sogs roll off clones, and are mono-cropped. dealing with different strains/phenos in an sog is counter productive as you wind up trying to cater to too many variables. it's easiest to find the strain / pheno first not the other way around.

in a true sog the flip happens so soon you will not get the info from the plants you are seeking.
the majority sogs roll off clones, and are mono-cropped. dealing with different strains/phenos in an sog is counter productive as you wind up trying to cater to too many variables. it's easiest to find the strain / pheno first not the other way around.

in a true sog the flip happens so soon you will not get the info from the plants you are seeking.

What would be your suggestion for finding the right pheno from 20 seeds, single strain, in a 6 x 6 space quickly? I guess I was wrong thinking sog could help achieve this.
What would be your suggestion for finding the right pheno from 20 seeds, single strain, in a 6 x 6 space quickly? I guess I was wrong thinking sog could help achieve this.

grow them out individual until you find a pheno / strain you like. .. then clone or mother that one.

how did you get the seeds ? if they are bag seed they are likely regs .. you would need to flip early to sex them and cull the males, then reveg the ones you want.. not a scenario you'd want in an sog
you could simply plant all and cull males at flip, then let the rest run. you'd have to choose one and let it mother or veg long enough to pull clones for the next run. not something that usually occurs in sog as the plants are flipped so early.
you could simply plant all and cull males at flip, then let the rest run. you'd have to choose one and let it mother or veg long enough to pull clones for the next run. not something that usually occurs in sog as the plants are flipped so early.
All fem seeds, I should of said so my bad. I was worried for a first time grow 20 femd seeds, whatever pops, would be too many but I don’t want to take too long to get through the seeds. I have other strains with specific medicinal benefits like this one that I want to get to after harvest, 1 strain at a time. It’s also all hempy buckets, not a table.

should I just pop as many as I can, take clones then flower after 2 1/2 weeks of veg? I don’t want 10+ plants exploding the 6 x 6 space.

Edit: i was thinking of taking a clone of each plant, keep it through flower than turn a mother of which ever clones belonged to the best flowering plants.
can take clones up to about 2 wks in to flip. root and reveg get harder later you go.

yeah if fem seeds you're good. :)
can take clones up to about 2 wks in to flip. root and reveg get harder later you go.

yeah if fem seeds you're good. :)

ok so I’ll veg after 2 1/2 weeks with whatever pops out of the 20 then take clones when I can, within 2 weeks of flower at the latest per your suggestions.

lol it’s taken months but the blue print is finally getting dialed in, it feels better understanding things more and more intellectually
ok so I’ll veg after 2 1/2 weeks with whatever pops out of the 20 then take clones when I can, within 2 weeks of flower at the latest per your suggestions.

lol it’s taken months but the blue print is finally getting dialed in, it feels better understanding things more and more intellectually

As long as you get good growth in those 2-1/2 weeks you'll be fine to flip

When I test strains I'll go about 4 weeks. Then I can top at about the 5th node, and they have time to branch more. Heck I usually only veg for like 35 days anyways....lol

May help you with more clone sites too
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