How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

Welcome home fightsmallcell.

So glad it's going good. I was able to make my oil. I haven't had a seizure since the first day. I usually get a weird "electrical" feeling headache early on. I haven't even had one of them. I'm tacking twice a day. It stays in place for quite a while, but before it is all gone a small piece gets to my tongue. I'm trying to keep it in place.

My last lesion was cut out a couple weeks ago so I can't try it on my cancer, but I'm sure I will before too long the way that it grows on me.

The only problem with the oil is the same as everyone else's, there is never enough.

Glad to see you back. Wishing you and your husband the best!

Welcome home fightsmallcell.

So glad it's going good. I was able to make my oil. I haven't had a seizure since the first day. I usually get a weird "electrical" feeling headache early on. I haven't even had one of them. I'm tacking twice a day. It stays in place for quite a while, but before it is all gone a small piece gets to my tongue. I'm trying to keep it in place.

My last lesion was cut out a couple weeks ago so I can't try it on my cancer, but I'm sure I will before too long the way that it grows on me.

The only problem with the oil is the same as everyone else's, there is never enough.

Glad to see you back. Wishing you and your husband the best!

Damn brother Jim. You're going through it over there. Have you tried tacking a smaller amount, but more frequently through the day?
Keep us up to date on the "C" word.
Thanks Bill. Yes, I think that 'good feeling' helps a person keep going on. Next batch I hope to have more. So I can tack a good amount a few times a day. I can't say I want a lesion just to try the oil on it. I know it will help, as your wife has seen.

I've got to get some experience growing and making oil for family and friends. Get to our age and things start going bad due to a lifelong deficet of cannabinoids. That's where the oil really has great benefit. Our generation.


Wildjim I tack 3 times a day for pain and stomach healing. I have fought acid reflux for many many years and because of it I have
Barrett’s esophagus. Not sure it's doing anything for that but I will agree with the just plain GOOD FEELING. I wife uses the oil for skin cancer also. She dabs some one the spot and covers with small band-aid. 6 to 8 days later it's gone. It's good to hear that it works for your epilepsy and over time I believe your skin cancer will be gone also. Happy Days
Dang Wildjim! You have your hands full for sure.

My Mother has battled with the same skin cancer as you have. She was a sun worshipper when she was young, always tanning to the point of being too dark with no sunscreen whatsover. Baby oil mixed with iodine of all things.

The lesions on her arms keep coming back, but she will not go through what she did many years ago for it. It was some kind of cream that she had to apply to her face and her arms, and the effects were just awful. She looked like a monster all swelled up and red blotches. I lived out of state at the time and came home to visit, I was so shocked to see her in that condition.

Now that she is tacking the oil we're going to try it on her newest lesions on her arms.
Please keep us updated on what effects it has on you, I want to be able to assure her that it's working for others whenever possible.

Thanks Beemerbill too. :)

And I second the welcome back Fightsmallcell!
Thank you Motoco for helping me with the hardest part, using an oz of something that helps in an attempt at making something better. That is a hard choice. I did it and it worked.

The oil doesn't appear to be helping with my glaucoma but a couple puff a couple times a day does the trick. But since I started using my oil, I haven't had a seizure or the headache that usually comes first. A localized vibrating electrical charge like feeling. Not a real pain headache but it is worrisome because of what usually comes next. I was down to 3 or 4 seizures a day smoking. I don't like to think about before but I had about 25 a day. Not GM seizures but life changing for sure. I haven't had one since my second tacking. As I said, no headache either.

I walked into Wally World yesterday and I felt something like the headache. Then I noticed the door opening apparatus and figured the radar from that caused the feeling. My doctor says he sends patients to Wally World when he wants a non-scientific test for epilepsy. But I thought it had something to do with flashing fluorescent lights at the ceiling. Anyway, I never remember feeling that as I went into Wally World before.

Thank you all for helping me out.

Works the same Jim as migraines, at first they change how they feel and act, it keeps getting better and better friend. Its healing the receptors and the glands in your brain (feeling the buzzing effect). Then when that issue isn't a worry (it takes time for your brain to train 'no worries') you start to notice other things that start disappearing. You just keep improving on all fronts. Things you don't notice as much others do, such as a positive attitude change from doom and gloom. You start looking healthier because you feel healthier. Just remember also to keep eating and hydrating even if you don't feel like it. I realize I'm so redundant on this but if you make it a habit and learn to do this almost automatic the healing process is expedited. I want to see you with your grandkids brother as this is truly a gift from the heavens. Best to your wife and you. People like you brother is why I love 420 awareness.

Thank you Motoco for helping me with the hardest part, using an oz of something that helps in an attempt at making something better. That is a hard choice. I did it and it worked.

The oil doesn't appear to be helping with my glaucoma but a couple puff a couple times a day does the trick. But since I started using my oil, I haven't had a seizure or the headache that usually comes first. A localized vibrating electrical charge like feeling. Not a real pain headache but it is worrisome because of what usually comes next. I was down to 3 or 4 seizures a day smoking. I don't like to think about before but I had about 25 a day. Not GM seizures but life changing for sure. I haven't had one since my second tacking. As I said, no headache either.

I walked into Wally World yesterday and I felt something like the headache. Then I noticed the door opening apparatus and figured the radar from that caused the feeling. My doctor says he sends patients to Wally World when he wants a non-scientific test for epilepsy. But I thought it had something to do with flashing fluorescent lights at the ceiling. Anyway, I never remember feeling that as I went into Wally World before.

Thank you all for helping me out.

Hi Bill,

You still using a high cbd strain only? Great for pain and inflammation but blended with a high thc strain heals all the glands and organs for the complete win. You know me, I'll hound you to death, lol. Best to the wife and you brother.

Wildjim I tack 3 times a day for pain and stomach healing. I have fought acid reflux for many many years and because of it I have
Barrett’s esophagus. Not sure it's doing anything for that but I will agree with the just plain GOOD FEELING. I wife uses the oil for skin cancer also. She dabs some one the spot and covers with small band-aid. 6 to 8 days later it's gone. It's good to hear that it works for your epilepsy and over time I believe your skin cancer will be gone also. Happy Days
Hi Motoco, Yup I'm still doing that way. What ratio should I mix the two oils. Anything to make a person feel good. Thanks my friend.
Hi Motoco!

I have a quick question pertaining to the below quote. My wife has a spot on her leg that bothers her (cosmetically) and we tried putting some oil on it with the band aid. It scared her after like the second day because it indeed did look a little bigger and had a few other spots that were not there before. Now that I read your statement above, I feel better about it. Since it behaved exactly as you described, does that mean the chances of this being cancerous are high?

Good Morning Friends,

Also a mention on the skin cancer (future reference). You have to add some grapeseed oil (a drop or two per gram) so it goes on more easy without tearing scabs open. You have to take a small amount and rub it in thoroughly around the outside of the spot to penetrate the skin good. Then apply a liberal amount on the area itself and cover with a waterproof band-aid. Leave on 3-4 days then remove and re-apply until its gone. What to expect; it can look a lot nastier (many people think its not working or causing infection) and folks stop using it. First off what the oil is doing is extracting the cancer/toxins from the area so the area looks bigger than before and most think its spreading. The oil is doing what it is supposed to do. In three/four treatments it should be gone depending on the size and how long its been there. Also Jim it takes a good week to get seated thoroughly in your receptors. It gets better Jim. You have had issues for quite some time brother. Just good to hear things are improving.

Cheers :circle-of-love:
Hi bill, I believe the baseline is 2:1 high THC to high CBD and adjust to your needs from there.

Thank you budnoob that's what I needed. Happy Tokerday
Hi SmokesDaKush,

That has been my experience. The oil tells the tale. You can also tell if it feels a little irritated when you shower and dry off with the towel. Its seems to me these are old exposures to the sun (always at the beach when younger for me). Another little tip; when you think its gone do a couple more treatments to make sure. When doing experiments on skin cancer (had a couple of spots) sometimes you think its gone and stop, it comes back worse when not completely healed. Easy to tell when it is gone as it never comes back. Also some spots are deeper than you think; that being said there is no exact timeline as far as the heal goes, some shorter, some longer. Just keep the treatment up till its gone as mentioned and a couple treatments more. Hope this helps.

Hi Motoco!

I have a quick question pertaining to the below quote. My wife has a spot on her leg that bothers her (cosmetically) and we tried putting some oil on it with the band aid. It scared her after like the second day because it indeed did look a little bigger and had a few other spots that were not there before. Now that I read your statement above, I feel better about it. Since it behaved exactly as you described, does that mean the chances of this being cancerous are high?
Well, I either messed up this batch or something is off with the flowers. There is a bad taste/smell from the oil. I consumed a little prior to making the oil & I thought I tested alot of nutes. Maybe these weren't flushed? Really clean in appearance, but gives me a horrible headache too. Strange.
Hey Bro,

Doubt if it was you making the oil. Did you burn a dub and check the color of the ash? Some strains are just nasty tasting (for me lemon haze was the worst). A headache from tacking? Not good as the oil takes headaches away. That is strange as you have made the oil long enough, it wouldn't be that.

Well, I either messed up this batch or something is off with the flowers. There is a bad taste/smell from the oil. I consumed a little prior to making the oil & I thought I tested alot of nutes. Maybe these weren't flushed? Really clean in appearance, but gives me a horrible headache too. Strange.
I have a question too. I am having oral surgery tomorrow to remove a bone on the palate. Am I going to be okay to keep up the oil regimen or should I not use it for a few days? There will be stitches in the top of my mouth.

Also, I'm going to take some before shots of my Mom's lesions and post here. Then will do follow up shots as we go.
That okay Motoco?
Helps tremendously my friend! As always... :cheesygrinsmiley:

I'll have to ask her if she feels it when drying as well. We'll attack full forward...

Thanks Motoco!

Hi SmokesDaKush,

That has been my experience. The oil tells the tale. You can also tell if it feels a little irritated when you shower and dry off with the towel. Its seems to me these are old exposures to the sun (always at the beach when younger for me). Another little tip; when you think its gone do a couple more treatments to make sure. When doing experiments on skin cancer (had a couple of spots) sometimes you think its gone and stop, it comes back worse when not completely healed. Easy to tell when it is gone as it never comes back. Also some spots are deeper than you think; that being said there is no exact timeline as far as the heal goes, some shorter, some longer. Just keep the treatment up till its gone as mentioned and a couple treatments more. Hope this helps.
I never stop my regimen; even with stitches as the oil is a disinfectant also. In fact I would recommend it as the last time I went to the dentist and had stitches he didn't prescribe antibiotics and it got infected (before I was using the oil). You will be fine, don't know if it will do anything for the drool, lol.

Posting pictures on your Mom's lesions would be great! Anything we can add to awareness helps so many others as pictures can be worth a thousand words. Thanks Cannafan!

I have a question too. I am having oral surgery tomorrow to remove a bone on the palate. Am I going to be okay to keep up the oil regimen or should I not use it for a few days? There will be stitches in the top of my mouth.

Also, I'm going take some before shots of my Mom's lesions and post here. Then will do follow up shots as we go.
That okay Motoco?
Hey Bro,

Doubt if it was you making the oil. Did you burn a dub and check the color of the ash? Some strains are just nasty tasting (for me lemon haze was the worst). A headache from tacking? Not good as the oil takes headaches away. That is strange as you have made the oil long enough, it wouldn't be that.
Insecticide I think. Dang. No white ash, might be lots of salt/nutes.
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