How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil

I have a question too. I am having oral surgery tomorrow to remove a bone on the palate. Am I going to be okay to keep up the oil regimen or should I not use it for a few days? There will be stitches in the top of my mouth.

Also, I'm going to take some before shots of my Mom's lesions and post here. Then will do follow up shots as we go.
That okay Motoco?

Don't stop the oil. Your stitches will heal faster as well. Good luck also!
Insecticide I think. Dang. No white ash, might be lots of salt/nutes.

I made cannabutter once that did that. Tasted and smelled awful, the first couple of times I ate the caramels I made from it I got headaches. They didn't continue after that. I flushed the plants well, so I don't have a clue what happened there. As Motoco said, could be the strain. They still worked the same, so as long as I could ignore the taste they were fine. ;-)

Good luck Sis, hurry back.

There going down, but only a little. $1,500.
Cannafan are you home yet? Sure hope everything went as planned. Thinking of you. :Namaste:
Thanks guys, and my brudder from anudder mudder (60Cal) LOL

Everything went well, I am very impressed with this oral surgeon and his staff. Can't say it was an enjoyable experience for my poor mouth though. LOL

He was going to write me a script for Norco, but I told him I wouldn't take it and that I would be using the concentrated oil. He totally agreed and even wants a report from me on how it worked for the pain on my next appt. in a week for follow up. He says he's waiting for the laws to change here too, on the extracts and edibles. Without actually saying so, I think he wants to be able to make the suggestion to patients that can't handle prescription pain killers. YEY! Funny, he never even mentioned a script for antibiotics. I think he knows more about this cannabis oil than he's willing to discuss openly yet. ;-)

Cajuncelt, that is one impressive looking machine! Still a bit pricey, but the more exposure these things get to expanding their usages, the more competitive it will get and the prices will go down. :)

Also, I was thinking about your latest batch of oil. Can you get it tested to be sure it's going to be effective? What you need it for is extremely important, and I would hate to think you have a bad batch that isn't going to be any benefit to you. With the stage of big C that you are in, time is of the essence and there is none to waste. IMO

Maybe I'm being overly cautious, but I just had to get that out there.

Glad your good Sis, and way to go with your Dr. It's amazing how many people are willing to bring up the "M" word now days.
I also read that there was a study showing that the USA can make 2-3 Billion in taxes if every state was legal, "Greed will get'er done"

Didn't I tell you that Father was a mailman.
Glad your good Sis, and way to go with your Dr. It's amazing how many people are willing to bring up the "M" word now days.
I also read that there was a study showing that the USA can make 2-3 Billion in taxes if every state was legal, "Greed will get'er done"

Didn't I tell you that Father was a mailman.

Yea, they could line their pockets a whole lot more if they legalize than losing what they have to pay swat teams/DEA to bust people and keep prisoners in jail for this nonsense.

It costs the state $35,000 per year to house just one prisoner in the prison system locally. Our prisons are extremely overcrowded to the point that child molesters and other vicious crime prisoners are being released early. It just maddens me every time I read about one, and there our innocent users and defenders of earth's bounties sit like they were murderers.
Sorry.....soap box.

So, now I know why the neighborhood women gathered at the mailbox to gossip instead of over the white picket fence.....

Cannafan sounds like you had a doctor. Our cardiologist is that way. He know it's good for a person. Heal fast.
Yes Beemerbill, he is one of the good guys. I don't say that about too many doctors/surgeons in my experience with them through the years. LOL

Okay, back to work!

Here's what I'm starting with before I get the pics of my Mom's lesions this weekend. I have some spots on myself that have become worrisome to me because they won't go away and are getting larger. I'm going to start applying the oil tonight.

First up is one on the back of my left leg that started out about 1/8" across when I noticed it 3 months or so ago. It is now 1/2" across.

The next two are on my right arm which took serious sun damage through the years. These have grown too, but I failed to measure them when I did the one on my leg:
(Please excuse the extreme skin dryness, dehydration is a continued issue with me because of the intestinal problems)




I will measure and take pics every couple of weeks.

Now, what I did with the oil was to take the very first batch I made that turned out really thick and added Jojoba oil to it. I was unable to find the grapeseed oil, so I felt the Jojoba would be good. It doesn't go rancid and pure Jojoba is used in cosmetics, so it's safe for the skin.

My Mom is concerned about having a syringe in the house full of something that could look suspicious to some, so I cleaned out a tube of antibiotic ointment, then filled it with the oil using the syringe. Now she can keep it in the bathroom or with her without causing any raised eyebrows. LOL


Edit: only the middle photo is the arm. I got them mixed up when I saved them.
Yea, they could line their pockets a whole lot more if they legalize than losing what they have to pay swat teams/DEA to bust people and keep prisoners in jail for this nonsense.

It costs the state $35,000 per year to house just one prisoner in the prison system locally. Our prisons are extremely overcrowded to the point that child molesters and other vicious crime prisoners are being released early. It just maddens me every time I read about one, and there our innocent users and defenders of earth's bounties sit like they were murderers.
Sorry.....soap box.

So, now I know why the neighborhood women gathered at the mailbox to gossip instead of over the white picket fence.....


Kick some butt with your oil Cannafan, sorry, "Sis". Your doing a great service for us and the people that will follow here.:adore:

$35,000 is a lot of money to house our green brothers & sisters for something that should of been legal long before booze. Do you think that if I contact LEO (law enforcement Officer) and tell them that I promise not to grow more than 15 plants (legal in Washington state) they would just pay the $35,000 instead of growing 16 plants and going to jail? That's right Sis I have a soap box in my living room too.
Hi Motoco, I did not mean to stay away so long. Also remember to send the search party to Colorado since that is where I live now. LOL I have been working hard on several projects at once and trashed my back. It will be nice when we have enough oil that I can start taking it also. Also a good strain of CDB will be a nice pain med for my back since the man made pills do not work. My harvest was about 3/4 lb. I do not have a scale. But it will not be the best oil since I harvested early. Everything is about 2 weeks of curing right now. I also have my tent set back up and have started to next crop of flowers.

Hi fightsmallcell,

Hope your realize we was ready to send out the search party for you! Say 'hi' to the hubby. Glad he enjoys his new meds. Thank you for giving us an update an hope to cya you soon.

Hi fightsmallcell,

Colorado? Holly bat poo! You have been a busy gal! Did you guys bring the tractor? No joke, I want a tractor, lol. Great news though as you can go 'med' shopping now. I'm totally happy for you guys. If you ever do get a scale I would recommend Ohaus. Say what you want for the digi's scales as they are much more convenient for travel but nothing like the reliability of a good ole mechanical triple beam with a 'scoop tray' :)

Hope the hubby is doing well! It is time to start taking care of yourself! Soon you will be feeling like new. BTW great decision to move in my humble opinion although nobody should have to move for meds. Good to cya back fghtsmallcell.

Hi Motoco, I did not mean to stay away so long. Also remember to send the search party to Colorado since that is where I live now. LOL I have been working hard on several projects at once and trashed my back. It will be nice when we have enough oil that I can start taking it also. Also a good strain of CDB will be a nice pain med for my back since the man made pills do not work. My harvest was about 3/4 lb. I do not have a scale. But it will not be the best oil since I harvested early. Everything is about 2 weeks of curing right now. I also have my tent set back up and have started to next crop of flowers.
Got scan results back. Still no cancer in colon (whew), existing tumors on liver are shrinking still with 2 now gone. But, they've been replaced by 2 new "hyper-aggresive" tumors.
So, they say I need liver resection on the 2 new friends. But, since they're on different lobes, they want to install a stint that will leave only 35% of my liver.

Man, I'm going to medicate. Cut or poison. That's all these fools know. My decision is no surgery/no chemo. Still kinda scary to go against these guys, but I have to.

Canjuncelt. Darn it. I am so sorry that you got this very scary news. I read this a few days ago and am sorry it has taken me this long to let you know that I have been thinking of you. You have made a tough but brave decision and I am jumping with joy that you now have the meds you need. And some top shelf med too!!!!! Hope you never run out of med again. But we all know the obstacles we face in trying to grow our own. Thank god for your good friends that believe in the oil enough to help you with getting the product you needed. Take care of yourself. :)

There are a few other posts that I want to comment on but it is taking me time to get caught up
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