How to Make Feminized Seeds With Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro LED

Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

normally i would never say this to another doode but the circumstances say its ok so:

"Nice ball sac doode!!!!!" :rocker: :eyebrowsmile:

Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

Alright !

Thanks kimmy! :)

:yahoo: Lovely sight! Congrats!


Yeah I'm psyched! lol

normally i would never say this to another doode but the circumstances say its ok so:

"Nice ball sac doode!!!!!" :rocker: :eyebrowsmile:

Thanks bro I'm taking that as a compliment! lol

You may be happy to hear I've now located a second one, and now have a set!! :thumb:
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

Congratulations! :thumb:

I'm sure I'll be over run in no time.

I guess I'll be doubling up on allergy meds for a while! lol

All thanks to Colloidal Silver!! :)

Hey, you played a part in this too! :circle-of-love:
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

Congrats on your success Toker.

T- minus 1 day. Check the sig.
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

You want that plant with the pistils on the leaf?

I'd say you might be able to pull off a self pollination.

I'd take some cuttings tho and reveg them, and clone them, and you'll stand a better chance of holding on to it.

Later seeds could be made from the clones.

That's definitely a strange and cool mutation.
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

I'd try for a clone first. You just need a small one to make a few pollen sacs that you can impregnate a branch on the mother plant with. If that doesn't work out, you can always try for the reveg as a fallback.

I don't believe in the idea that you can't/shouldn't take clones from a flowering plant. I've seen reports where not only does it work just fine, but they explode with branches like they've been supercropped! :)
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

Yeah I was checking it out already.

Very cool, and worth trying to save.

Myself I'd try any, and every method.

Making seeds is a definite possibility.
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

I'd try for a clone first. You just need a small one to make a few pollen sacs that you can impregnate a branch on the mother plant with. If that doesn't work out, you can always try for the reveg as a fallback.

I don't believe in the idea that you can't/shouldn't take clones from a flowering plant. I've seen reports where not only does it work just fine, but they explode with branches like they've been supercropped! :)

I totally agree with Boscoe! But try clone and seeds both!!
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

A reveg is where you harvest, and leave some lower leafy branches.

Pop it back into veg, and let it start over.

Do that also!
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

Toker, what would be result of clone of CS'd just sacced female pollen? :)

You mean take a cutting off a plant producing Colloidal Silver pollen?

Some people just spray a branch, and when it starts to produce pollen remove it, and keep it alive like a clone.

Kinda like you keep roses alive in water longer in a vase.

Just long enough to keep it isolated while the sacs open to produce pollen.

Not really trying to root the cutting, just letting the tiny pollen flowers open.
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

Thanks kimmy! :)

Yeah I'm psyched! lol

Thanks bro I'm taking that as a compliment! lol

You may be happy to hear I've now located a second one, and now have a set!! :thumb:
1 sac two sac tater sac 3 the more balls the better i always say, ok actually i never say that till just now but eh wth! lol soon i can say "dayummm tok you got a lotta balls !!"

I'm sure I'll be over run in no time.

I guess I'll be doubling up on allergy meds for a while! lol

All thanks to Colloidal Silver!! :)
lol :rofl: omg!! doode your balls make you cry and sneeze!! alergic to you own sac thats rough!! ok i gotta stop i could crack em off all day,,the jokes of course!! sheesh such dirty minds, :rofl:

Click my link for a picture, 1 fan leaf, on 1 strain has about 6-8 calix's forming where the stem and leaves meet, I'm 28 days into flower, so I don't think it'll clone very successfully, that's why I think self pollinating the plant will give me a better chance at reproduction
one of our sponsors uses a leaf like that in their banner i think...have to go look

I want to stabilize it as a genetic trait that I can trademark and sell ;)
be nice if it was legally possible but just like big pharma cant patent cannabis (thats why they fight re scheduling so hard) we cant hold trademarks,patents,or ip on the cannabis plant, but you could make a logo using it in part and copyright the logo !
Re: How to Make Feminized Seeds with Colloidal Silver - Sponsored by Intelligent-Gro

Congrats on the "set" !
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