InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

So, I was catching up and this caught my eye. I’ve only topped once. I topped above the 5th node because that’s what I found to be the most common, that or above the 4th. So in your experience, what’s the reason you top around 8 or 9?
My feeling is that the longer you veg the higher you can top. Topping above the 8th or 9th node gives me a lot more lower branches to be tops, but you have to have the time to wait for all those lowers to catch up.

Does that make sense?
Thanks Crazy! Is that the first additional chemical that came to mind? I thought small doses of arsenic would be more your style ;).

Naaaah its too slow in my mind, things need to happen instant preferably yesterday... hate waiting 20h for a print to finish, yesterday I was so excited I started tweaking the printer while it was printing 9h in to a print that took 12h and after that tweak it just turned garbage. LoL

Make sure your poll taxes are up to date before you vote!

Poll taxes?! WTF that sounds ridiculous... we got a 300% tax raise on plastic bags before summer here. Its both a good thing and a bad thing. We Swedes are pretty good in not throwing bags in nature and a plastic bag is guaranteed more useful when reusing it multiple times before making it in to a garbage bag. Now everybody buys a paper bag made of trees, using it once and then buys plastic bags on rolls to throw trash in. In my world the paper bag takes more energy to produce, cutting down trees which is probably the best thing against Co2, less useful when reusing, plus the need to produce plastic bags for just throwing trash in... This is 1+1 math?! But I guess the government needs more cash now when bleeding resources for pandemic, here every Krona ($) needs to be accounted for in tax budgets.
Growing plants and members, here is the Monday update!

Let's start off with pistils on the @Weedseedsexpress plants for the summer grow. These are both on flip day 9.

Power Plant:

Chocolope is getting stretchy as predicted by @DobeWan :

No pics of Carnival lately, so here are some from the Oval of Brightness® before I took it out this morning. Flip day 35:

You may notice that the plant has an overall pale color and fading lower leaves. Because of this I have recently been adding nitrogen with 4ml/gal of cal-mag+ along with 4ml/gal of Armor Si (should help with both PM and to balance the N:K ratio) to the 6g/gallon of MC.

Here's a bud:

This is what happens to a leaf after you kill the PM with citric acid:


And here is the flipped Candida that was sprayed with GA3 that seems to be showing something vaguely sex-related:

Time will tell. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Keep your family members safe and secure along with your plants.

Amazing plants Shed :passitleft: Thanks for sharing the results after citric spray. Power Plant must have great genetics. I've grown Pure Power Plant(Power Plant x White Widow) four times and it produced very fat and dense colas. I don't know how the original Power Plant performs but I can say that PPP was very different than WW and my friends who smoked the original PP in Amsterdam told me that PPP had very similar effects but slightly better in potency. I am sure you'll enjoy these nugs.

My feeling is that the longer you veg the higher you can top. Topping above the 8th or 9th node gives me a lot more lower branches to be tops, but you have to have the time to wait for all those lowers to catch up.

Does that make sense?

I've seen and joined some other discussions about this topic recently. I've started a plant training journal to share the method I've been using for awhile. This method includes topping your plant from a relatively higher point, maybe at 10th node or even higher. After that, I just mainline the plant like LightAddict did in his fluxing central journal but sometimes I go for quadlines, hexalines or even octalines depending on the planned veg. time and genetics.

My confusion is about the primary or secondary colas. Some of our great fellow growers here are saying that anything above the 4th node can be considered as a secondary cola, which are smaller and fluffier than primary ones. Considering this, I haven't been growing a lot of primary colas for years because I mostly go for lots of tops. I am also happy with my cola/nug size and on my last grow, I've harvested above 340g of dried smokable material, using just 230W from the wall, despite the thrip infestation.

I can understand why the primary colas should be bigger but what you said on the second quote was actually what I've been thinking. Longer veg. makes up for a lot of things and I think sometimes secondary colas on a huge plant is more desirable than primary colas on a regular plant.

Just wanted to jump in here. Cheers :passitleft:
My feeling is that the longer you veg the higher you can top. Topping above the 8th or 9th node gives me a lot more lower branches to be tops, but you have to have the time to wait for all those lowers to catch up.

Does that make sense?

Yes it does. I grow outside, so I don’t do any light manipulation/extended veg. Topping at 8 or 9 may not work for me as I’ll already be in flower, unless topping in flower won’t hurt anything.
Yes it does. I grow outside, so I don’t do any light manipulation/extended veg. Topping at 8 or 9 may not work for me as I’ll already be in flower, unless topping in flower won’t hurt anything.

I would advise against topping in flowering. You'll get that huge cola from the crown instead of two weaker and fresh top nodes. You can still bend your plant to expose all of your budsite to light. Good luck with your grow mate :passitleft:
I would advise against topping in flowering.

Yeah, that’s what I figured. I‘m using small tomato cages for support on my last two plants I’m growing for this year. Figured I’d try something different since I’ve already done LST and topping. I’m using green stretchy garden tape & pipe cleaners to help manipulate/open up the plant for more light and growth.
Yeah, that’s what I figured. I‘m using small tomato cages for support on my last two plants I’m growing for this year. Figured I’d try something different since I’ve already done LST and topping. I’m using green stretchy garden tape & pipe cleaners to help manipulate/open up the plant for more light and growth.

Defoliation on bloom weeks one and three would also be great to provide more light for your budsite.
Plants look excellent, Shed!
Good to see things are getting back to normal.... at least in this little corner of the world!
That Carnival is a real beauty!
Amazing plants Shed :passitleft: Thanks for sharing the results after citric spray. Power Plant must have great genetics. I've grown Pure Power Plant(Power Plant x White Widow) four times and it produced very fat and dense colas. I don't know how the original Power Plant performs but I can say that PPP was very different than WW and my friends who smoked the original PP in Amsterdam told me that PPP had very similar effects but slightly better in potency. I am sure you'll enjoy these nugs.

I've seen and joined some other discussions about this topic recently. I've started a plant training journal to share the method I've been using for awhile. This method includes topping your plant from a relatively higher point, maybe at 10th node or even higher. After that, I just mainline the plant like LightAddict did in his fluxing central journal but sometimes I go for quadlines, hexalines or even octalines depending on the planned veg. time and genetics.

My confusion is about the primary or secondary colas. Some of our great fellow growers here are saying that anything above the 4th node can be considered as a secondary cola, which are smaller and fluffier than primary ones. Considering this, I haven't been growing a lot of primary colas for years because I mostly go for lots of tops. I am also happy with my cola/nug size and on my last grow, I've harvested above 340g of dried smokable material, using just 230W from the wall, despite the thrip infestation.

I can understand why the primary colas should be bigger but what you said on the second quote was actually what I've been thinking. Longer veg. makes up for a lot of things and I think sometimes secondary colas on a huge plant is more desirable than primary colas on a regular plant.

Just wanted to jump in here. Cheers :passitleft:

I did similiar on a smaller scale to a reg seed if I understood correctly.. Hope you don't mind if I share a pic mr.Shed and good morning to ya all....


All topped above 5th node, will use lst and other forms of torture this week but straight to hell if it turns out male... haha

Was a seed that fell from my gold cheese over summer that popped up and date is transplant date only.
Hi Shed :ciao: I got lost in your journal. You were trying things for PW and mentioned for flower. I've used Defguard in early flower. It worked and the smoke was delish. I don't know if it's something you'd be interested in or knew about. It's bio-warfare. I forget what in there.
Finally caught up that was like reading a couple chapters from a book. Good thing Sunday mornings are good for reading.
So my question is I’ve got this mega crop soil conditioner. I guess it’s de. How should I go about applying it.
Like it says to work into soil if possible.
so I’m going to wait till my bag of missing promix arrives to to try mixing some of it in. I dk really how much to add. I will grow in 5g of promix.
And Mc as nutes.
As I recall previously you were exploring DE in the past and was wondering if you found anything?
Finally caught up that was like reading a couple chapters from a book. Good thing Sunday mornings are good for reading.
So my question is I’ve got this mega crop soil conditioner. I guess it’s de. How should I go about applying it.
Like it says to work into soil if possible.
so I’m going to wait till my bag of missing promix arrives to to try mixing some of it in. I dk really how much to add. I will grow in 5g of promix.
And Mc as nutes.
As I recall previously you were exploring DE in the past and was wondering if you found anything?
@Scottylikesbud , you don’t need a lot. About 1tbsp per gallon is lots. When making my organic soils, I use about 1/ 2 quart in what becomes about 130 gallons of soil.

Also, if you go by their recommended rates of 75lbs/acre, and assume 12” soil depth, that works out to about 5300 gallons of soil per pound of DE.
So if I’m growing in 5 gallons about 5 tblspoons? Or should I play it safe and idk go 3 or 4? As idk how this is going to affect the grow.
And thank you for your time to answer my question. That’s very kind of you
It’s really not a case of giving too much, it’s a element the plant uses as needed to build strong cell walls, it’s not a nutrient that will cause lockouts of other nutrients.

What I use is likely way more than I need but as it doesn’t hurt anything, I really don’t worry about using more than I need. I buy mine at the feed mill for about $1 per pound so really not a big cost either lol

Their rate allows approximately 1g per cubic foot but natural soil has silica, so 2 tbsp per 5 gallons will give you somewhere around 30g per cubic foot. As you likely paid more per pound than I do, I would not use it quite as liberally as I do :rofl:
Okay, so how much would I add? I got it so I can use it, so what would be the best way in peat, cause I’m not sure if peat has any silica hence me buying the product.
I’m not sure what the correct amount would be. Is what I’m asking.
So is it 2 tables spoons or 5.
I honestly was just going to throw in like a cup or Something.
Silica makes thicker stems right, so I had no problems with that.
I just don’t know how to use it properly XD
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