InTheShed Grows Inside & Out: Jump In Any Time

Hey what's up Shed?

Congrats on your harvest.

I use pure coconut water it's also high in ga3 aw well ss other pgr's. Not as high as what you all are using but there.
I usually always get a few seeds when I use it as a foliar.

Good stuff.

Good luck with your seed project.
I may try treating my next auto with low doses, to induce stretch but not sex reversal, and see if it produces a marked increase in size and weight at harvest.
Post a link here for everyone when you start that project!
Very interesting idea!
What BL said :).
First, what is “Raison D’etre?”
What Amy said below :).
for What reasons did you apply the GA3, and in what order of interest are you hoping the results to be?
I'm attempting to make Candida seeds since they are very hard to find these days. Celt posted the process here using GA3, and since @beez0404 didn't have much luck making Candida seeds with colloidal silver I thought I would try another way.
Main reason for being...
Hey what's up Shed?
Congrats on your harvest.
I use pure coconut water it's also high in ga3 aw well ss other pgr's. Not as high as what you all are using but there.
I usually always get a few seeds when I use it as a foliar.
Good stuff.
Good luck with your seed project.
Thanks for swinging by bo! Given the specificity of GA3 concentrations needed and the fact that different concentrations produce vastly different results, I'm thinking that working with the purified powder would produce more consistency. Consistency is king. 👑
Growing plants and members, here is the Monday update!

Let's start off with pistils on the @Weedseedsexpress plants for the summer grow. These are both on flip day 9.

Power Plant:

Chocolope is getting stretchy as predicted by @DobeWan :

No pics of Carnival lately, so here are some from the Oval of Brightness® before I took it out this morning. Flip day 35:

You may notice that the plant has an overall pale color and fading lower leaves. Because of this I have recently been adding nitrogen with 4ml/gal of cal-mag+ along with 4ml/gal of Armor Si (should help with both PM and to balance the N:K ratio) to the 6g/gallon of MC.

Here's a bud:

This is what happens to a leaf after you kill the PM with citric acid:


And here is the flipped Candida that was sprayed with GA3 that seems to be showing something vaguely sex-related:

Time will tell. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Keep your family members safe and secure along with your plants.
Thanks MrS! Topped once around the 8th or 9th node. Then I keep the top two nodes flat while the others catch up, and then let them all grow. It's pretty much my standard training, but these I haven't supercropped at all.
When do you find it beneficial to LST? Is there any difference in yield that you've found between your standard training and LST?
excited for the powerplant. have a dr seeds version in the wings. probably central to my next run.

wish i could let it out like you shed. they're all chugging wonderful plants. :)
When do you find it beneficial to LST? Is there any difference in yield that you've found between your standard training and LST?
It's hard to tell since I've never run clones side by side. Straight LST makes my plants almost too wide to fit through a 3' door, so I'm tending away from that these days unless it's going to be a very short veg. Even my Power Plant and Chocolope are getting pretty wide and they're not trained flat.

Sorry that's not too helpful. On the auto side, I LST all of my autos with the exception of DDAs, because they are so varied in their time-to-pistils.
excited for the powerplant. have a dr seeds version in the wings. probably central to my next run.

wish i could let it out like you shed. they're all chugging wonderful plants. :)
Thanks bluter! I've heard lots of good things about the Power Plant so I'm looking forward to getting it into jars.
I've heard lots of good things about the Power Plant so I'm looking forward to getting it into jars.

have heard it can go long.
It's hard to tell since I've never run clones side by side. Straight LST makes my plants almost too wide to fit through a 3' door, so I'm tending away from that these days unless it's going to be a very short veg. Even my Power Plant and Chocolope are getting pretty wide and they're not trained flat.
OK, so naturally a plant that is LST'd is going to be wider than one that is not. Your veg time runs longer I assume when you LST.
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