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I did a little looking into the twin seed. I'm not really sure this is a polyembryonic situation, because it's actually conjoined seeds. But interesting nonetheless.

From one of our other seed sponsors, this was posted:


This mutation is very common. Polyembryonic seeds contain more than one seedling. Once germinated, it will produce two taproots instead of one. If carefully handled, these seedlings can be successfully separated into two plants.

Strangely, one of the two plants will be a normal offspring of both mother and father. The other plant could be a descendant or a clone of the mother.

Three-seedling polyembryonic seeds have also been reported.

And from another online source:

Despite its interesting biological marker and outcome, there is no real advantage to breeding plants with this trait. No effort has been made thus far to develop a true-breed with these characteristics.

Some cannabis seeds (polyembryonic seeds) can germinate two plants. Technically, this is a phenomenon known as polyembryony. This happens just as in the human species. In this case, however, one plant will be normal and one will be a clone of the mother.

Like with human conjoined twins, you cannot separate these seedlings too early. They can be separated when they reach between 20–25cm in height. This phenomenon should not be confused with so-called “Siamese twin” marijuana, which is a mutation in which two plants share the same root.
I have learned something already! I love it! I never knew it was a “Siamese twin” mutation. I've not seen a two-seed either. I wonder if you can twist them up a little and graft them together? :eek: Maybe better root ball? Dunno I'd love to give it a try though. :Rasta: Very cool pics too. The idea of having two major Veins is awesome no matter what. It would def create a unique training opportunity.
I have learned something already! I love it! I never knew it was a “Siamese twin” mutation. I've not seen a two-seed either. I wonder if you can twist them up a little and graft them together? :eek: Maybe better root ball? Dunno I'd love to give it a try though. :Rasta: Very cool pics too. The idea of having two major Veins is awesome no matter what. It would def create a unique training opportunity.
As cool as the twins are you should see the triplets!!!
She devil 😈 triple threat
Always some weird madness in my garden


Weird story. I was messing around with a soil block ideas. I ended up with Soil block ball bag thing, like the trees in the nursery. I planted 4 seeds, one on each ball. 3 took well. . very hearty. The other no matter how much love I could give it never came up. So I ended up week or 2 later, with a green onion rooting that needed a home. So naturally I'm like let's see what this does in the pod bag thingy. A week or so went by. I was up potting everything in the tent. Green onion pod was getting handled gently into it's new pot. Bam green onion fell out of the pod, revealing the triplet pushing it out. It was pretty astonishing. Never have I ever.

Now she's in the middle of some severe training. Think I'm going to braid her together


I had been a grower for a whole week when I had to do my first helmetectomy. A tiny light colored seed I didn’t think would pop to begin with. A tiny seedling no experience and ham hands, I was a little nervous. She lagged behind the others for a while then Bam! She’s my biggest and healthiest plant of the 5..
Surgery this morning appears to be a success. I've had to do this a time or two through the years, but this one was especially difficult because there were two husks there and another seedling in the way. It was pretty clear that "Annie" wasn't opening up and in danger of strangulation.

So, here they are! Frannie is the bigger girl and is already showing a tiny true leaf tongue inside there. Hopefully Annie will open up today.

I now have 6 seedlings. I gave them all a very fine mist of water this morning too.

Surgery this morning appears to be a success. I've had to do this a time or two through the years, but this one was especially difficult because there were two husks there and another seedling in the way. It was pretty clear that "Annie" wasn't opening up and in danger of strangulation.

So, here they are! Frannie is the bigger girl and is already showing a tiny true leaf tongue inside there. Hopefully Annie will open up today.

I now have 6 seedlings. I gave them all a very fine mist of water this morning too.

Awwww twin sisters. Hopefully unlike what eagletts do it won't push the weaker one out.
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