I've only been in high brix for a short time and already have no plans of switching again. I might try another side by side someday for shits and giggles but I don't need any more proof than what I've seen already.
Trump card TheCanuck....

Good morning you fine people!!! I think today is day 39...I'll have to flip back a few pages...but I am pretty sure she's on 39. I gave her a nice spin yesterday. She is LOVING life!!! To be honest I am loving life!!! I'll take some pic's and all that here in a few minutes. I have to take pics of the stalk today. One of my oldest and dearest friends called "bullshit" on OPP being one plant. So I guess I need to show him.. So back with some more amazing results from my tent in a few...

She needs nothing today, just some music and a friend...
Mornin bro! Got thinking of your minor Mg. issues. Being aware of salt loving strains like anything with OG in it.What I tried last time and this time as well with my MK's. is just before flip when everything is still looking peachy, I start to give just a pinch(between thumb and forfinger) for maybe three consecutive waterings or feedings,then go three without.It just keeps enough Mg. in the soil to avoid any Mg. issues later on. It works bro.....give them a little before they show def's..It's like topping off your gas tank so you don't run out of gas on that long road,ya know.This way your not dumping all kinds of salt trying to fix it. My new goal ,now that I know ....is to have NO burnt tips or yellow leaves or taco's right before chop. My last MK crop was highly successfull because of doing this ,and of course my switch to much bigger pots,giving the "recharge" a week before flip(gives the rocks more time to break down).I feel that all these little tweeks helped big time!Doc has said that we want to "flert" with a Mg. shortage and not have too much in our soil. I didn't want to wait until I saw a shortage,so I started giving Mg. like this.Works great and I highly recommend it!Cheers bro.:cheer:
Good morning you fine people!!! I think today is day 39...I'll have to flip back a few pages...but I am pretty sure she's on 39. I gave her a nice spin yesterday. She is LOVING life under her Platinum P450's!!! To be honest I am loving life with them too. I can't say enough times how nice it is to have 2 lights running in my tent and still feel the AC. PRICELESS!!!! I'll take some pic's and all that here in a few minutes. I have to take pics of the stalk today. One of my oldest and dearest friends called "bullshit" on OPP being one plant. So I guess I need to show him.. So back with some more amazing results from my Platinum lights in a few...

She needs nothing today, just some music and a friend...

Curs....is he by chance one of your Hydro buddies? I'm lovin this dude! Let us know his reaction when he sees only one stalk on that beauty!:thumb:
Subbed Ive been searching for a good led light for months. Was gona go with advanced, but these Platinum leds are looking awesome. I joined so I could watch and learn with the rest of you guys. Ive been growing sensi stars under 2 400HPS, scrog in DWC, for a couple of years. I think its time to upgrade.
Subbed Ive been searching for a good led light for months. Was gona go with advanced, but these Platinum leds are looking awesome. I joined so I could watch and learn with the rest of you guys. Ive been growing sensi stars under 2 400HPS, scrog in DWC, for a couple of years. I think its time to upgrade.

Well welcome to the show!!! I am really digging my lights bro and not because they were free. I love what I see in my plant. I'll show ya in my next post....I am happy to be in your decision making process. It's humbling honestly. :Namaste:
Curs....is he by chance one of your Hydro buddies? I'm lovin this dude! Let us know his reaction when he sees only one stalk on that beauty!:thumb:

No bro he's my oldest friend. We've known each other since 2nd grade. He's allowed to call "bullshit" anytime he pleases and again, I have proof.

To the recharge: Its funny you mentioned that. I was just thinking as I opened the tent I should give her a couple Tbl of recharge with the next drench. Thank you for confirming my sometimes scrambled thoughts :high-five: She looks pretty happy now with the little bit of mg I gave her the other day. Her stems are stiff as an off shore fishing rod. Telling you what the only thing that makes docs kit better...is good led.
Okay day 39-40 im high and lazy dont feel like going back (I am sure someone will ;) ) She'll get something tomorrow. This is why I do what I do. Man that little bit of extra really makes a difference. Go figure. These pics I have her spun and them lights are moved up and all that so I could get my short ass in there to take some nice pics of these buds. So with about 25 days to go....Here she is.



No bro he's my oldest friend. We've known each other since 2nd grade. He's allowed to call "bullshit" anytime he pleases and again, I have proof.

To the recharge: Its funny you mentioned that. I was just thinking as I opened the tent I should give her a couple Tbl of recharge with the next drench. Thank you for confirming my sometimes scrambled thoughts :high-five: She looks pretty happy now with the little bit of mg I gave her the other day. Her stems are stiff as an off shore fishing rod. Telling you what the only thing that makes docs kit better...is good led.

Great stuff Curs....ya eh ,good LED's. for sure.I love my budmaster2(from BID's test run).My g8's from Dorm grow are great as well! Just pumping those pars eh bro! Gotta love the trichs and bud size with em ,that's a no brainer!:high-five:
Looking great curso, :thumb: do you ever top your buds? Some call it backbuilding on here

Nope I just let them rip after I top them. I like to let the plant have its own personality (call me weird) and take its own shape and then spread her out to fill the area. Something I learned from Jon705. Led plants grow better low and wide so you can have the light low and use that par that you paid for.
Thank you both for the compliments. Honestly when I started growing in soil....I never in my life thought I would ever grow the quality of medicine I currently am. That's mostly thanks to Doc and his journey and mine meeting. When he started putting the kits together I highly doubt he thought it would be to where it is today. There aren't enough good things to say about this method.

I thought I had it nailed with the former lighting, it was a step above what I had grown in hps. Partly the lighting and partly my experience with the kit as I progressed with the kit, so did my lighting. Really.

That all brings us to here.

I use cooking analogies all the time, so here is another one. Have you ever gone to a corporate restaurant and ordered a steak? Same question about a fine dining steak? Now compare that to something that with all my knowledge of food preparation I would make you.
The difference is uncanny right?

The corporate joint throws the steak on the plate with your microwaved side or something that sat in a steam table for 3 hours and hustle it out to you. (hps)

The fine dining joint will "hot/cold" fire your steak. Which means they will get some marks on it throw it in a broiler until its almost to temperature, pull it out and rest it. Then when you (the diner) are done with all the other shit, the server come through and "picks up" on your table and your now well rested steak goes into that broiler gets sauced then to you. The secret is not in the f'in sauce, its in the rest.
That is my former light.

Now we get to how I would handle your steak, much similar to how the fine dining joint does. However I don't eat shitty food. So I make you grassfed beef. Rested and season properly and finished with grassfed butter. Anyone who knows why I eat this way understands.

At 39-40 days....20+ to go....This is gonna be fun even for me to watch....
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