Let's Find a Mother! Hiking Through a Field of Mary Jane

I just realized I never posted any root pictures, and it's been awhile since I posted any pictures at all, so picture day!

Things are humming along fine. All the plants look great! Their roots look wonderful. The few plants that were bad look much better and I see lots of new healthy roots. Only sterile for me from now on!

The plants had a pretty irregular light schedule for 3 or 4 days, but they have been on 12/12 for about a week now. They started on GLR, went to 12/12 for one day, then I got paniced about the roots and put them on 16/8 for 2 days before deciding to just flower them. So far, I haven't seen any response to the photoperiod change, but they might be a little confused. I'm hoping a lot of them have a good amount of stretch. These things are the densest bushes I've ever seen! After 3 rounds of defol, the lateral branching is probably starting to be too much. I'm hoping some stretch will open things up a bit, although I suspect I will be removing branches at some point.

23 of the clones were rooted on Sunday night, so I had a late night transplanting them into 1g pots. I'm using a soilless mix of, roughly, 3 parts GH coir, 1.5 parts vermiculite and 1 part perlite. This is my first time using the coco. I think I like it so far. The mix looks and feels almost like a soil. The stringy fibers in the coco kept confusing me. They sort of look like old roots, so it felt like I was using old soil as I mixed it up. I ran out of my little 1g pots I bought at the hydro store, so I've started using whatever containers I find around the house to make interim pots. None of these clones will be going directly into flower. Some will become mothers or fathers. I want to keep at least one of each seed until I've smoked each strain. I don't know how many mothers I will end up with. Originally, I had thought I would keep 3-4 mothers and grow that many strains. I'm starting to think I might keep anywhere from 8-12 mothers, and just not grow/flower them all in each crop. Since it's easier to grow one, or two, strains at a time, I think I will setup a rotation of sorts. Eventually I will have a second flowering room as well. Then, flowering 2 strains at a time per room, I would be able to grow a room full of each strain every other grow, or every 3rd grow, for 8 or 12 mothers respectively. I don't know that I want to have that much variety, but at least I've come up with a workable plan to keep them. Eventually I want to do some breeding as well, so having several strains to start with might help.

Anyway, here are a couple pictures.
First up is a whole garden shot. I realized as I took this photo, I won't be able to take this same angle a year from now. I have to stand back so far to get the whole garden in the shot, I end up where the second flowering room will be.

I'm amazed how even this canopy is. Yes I've done a lot of training, but nothing is tied down in this picture. I've barely done any bending for well over a week now. The whole room has only grown about 2" vertically in the last couple weeks, but they have been getting thicker and wider. I don't think this wide angle shot gives any indication of just how dense these bushes are.

A couple of these pictures I took last week when I was dealing with the roots issues (the pic above was taken Sunday night, so it's more current), but I guess I never posted any of them. Oops! I'm posting them now as a reference. This is a shot of one of the plants that had bad roots.

This plant's roots are not as bad.

Another shot of some ugly roots, but still not terrible.

And here is what most of them look like. When I first thought i had a problem, I was just unlucky and all the plants I inspected, just happened to be the bad ones. A couple days later I did a thorough inspection and realized the problem was not as widespread nor as severe as I first though.

It was hard to get this to photograph with my phone, but I think you can see the stuff floating in there. This is looking into one of the outer buckets with the plant removed. This is as I was flushing the system, and part of the reason I'm flushing the system. :winkyface:

Here is the reservoir after flushing and adding some H2O2 to the clean RO. I think the foam is from the tea I had been using. There is also DM Zone in there. I let it foam in the res for awhile, then I cycled the system twice before adding the nutrients. This amount of foam is nothing either. At one point, it was 3-4" think! There is still a little foam in the reservoir everyday, but it's not as much. I bet it will be gone next res change. Today is 1 week since this reservoir was flushed, but I did an add back with more nutrients on Friday, so I might let this res go another few days.

All of this went into ~1c of coconut oil, and 1/4 or so of that went into some brownies. :)

Look at the roots on this clone! I think this is one of my TGA Apollo13xVortex plants. I do like these GH Rapid Rooters. As a matter of fact, I think I've liked every GH product I've tried.
"Idk that this pic really illustrates how thick they really are"

Doggy u have a shadow so black and dark I can neither see light through them nor the stalk. Yes... yes it does get the point across. Those lights aren't dim and a.leaf is 80% transparent and its black in the center sir... "for thine bush doth overflow" lol

I'm so jelly of that setup. They look epic man
nice looking root Hiker, that foam would drive me nuts lol..+reps

I expect the foam will go away next time I flush the reservoir. Might be tomorrow.

"Idk that this pic really illustrates how thick they really are"

Doggy u have a shadow so black and dark I can neither see light through them nor the stalk. Yes... yes it does get the point across. Those lights aren't dim and a.leaf is 80% transparent and its black in the center sir... "for thine bush doth overflow" lol

I'm so jelly of that setup. They look epic man

thank you sir :Namaste:

I sure hope they start stretching soon! Even my big bushy sativa doms (on the right of picture) have stayed short! I guess I just need to be grateful that I don't have to be in there bending everyday now :)
hey man

looks good. i watching in background. im so busy at min that i havent been around much. That and a few other things. This site isnt as freedom of speech as it seems, but never mind. Looks good thoug, nice even canopy and roots look fine.

Thanks for visiting :Namaste:

Ya once I slowed down and looked at every plant I realized I had exaggerated the extent of the problem. I'm real happy with how they are looking now. I've been watching the same 3 plants as a reference. One bad, good, and in the middle. They are all looking great!
oh ya, I forgot to share this...

Less than a week from flip and some of these plants are already getting covered in trichomes! :)

Now let's hope I don't "fix" whatever is causing that! haha
That Clone looks fantastic ....... Yeah I also really like those rapid rooters. Great for popping your beans in.
Thanks Mutt

I had never used Rapid Rooter before. I definitely like them. I used rockwool for my seeds because that's what I knew. I think I'm done with rockwool though. I may not use these rooters anymore either. I used up the whole bag and have already started gathering parts to build an aero cloner.
I dig your setup hiker. +reps. Your going to kill it with the flo n gro perfect use of the space.

Will be back soon wife is yelling at me now for being on here to much. lol

cheers hiker

Thanks for checking out my thread!

I'm using the CAP Ebb&Gro. It's the same concept as the Titan Flo & Gro, but they are a little different. If you're using a Flo&Gro though, anything I'm doing should apply just fine. :)

you mentioned a trough of sorts to catch run off in Sensei's thread.Have you checked out the foam trays Shotta uses? im going to try and find some myself for the ladies in the grocery bags.Im thinking I can just fill the trough and bottom feed then:)

I'm not sure I recall the post you're referring too. I'll see if I can find it and I'll go look for the trays on Shotta's thread.

I'm leaning towards making a frame of 2x4 on edge, then putting a piece of pond liner in it to make a sort of bathtub/tray. I was gonna put the foam panels inside that, but maybe I'll put the foam down first, then build the bathtub floor. oh wait! I just remembered I took pictures of the veg area last night!


So you can see the raised end of the basement. I'm planning to have all my non-flowering growth here. I want to build sort of shelves/cabinets in this area. You can't tell in this picture, but the raised area is sort of divided into 2 section by that post you can see. The side on the right is wider. One side will be for mothers, most likely the left side, and the other side will have an area to veg plants to get my 4-6 branches, and lighted shelves to do some breeding in the future (loosely based on the sultan method found on this forum).

Anyway, this area is too cold, so I am thinking I will put up more of styrofoam paneling against the walls. You can see that I've already put some on the bottom to insulate them from that concrete. The lights should keep the area plenty warm once I isolate it from the concrete. I'm going to try and make it so I can remove some of the panel easily in case I want to lower the temps in the summer. My basement stays at 54 in the winter and 56 in the summer, so that may not be an issue.

So to catch the run off. I thought I would just make a frame the size of the floor and then staple some rubber pond liner to it. I have to check the price, but I suspect this will be less expensive than buying trays.
Why not just use 16" saucers like I have under mine? They'll hold almost a gallon of runoff

I will use drip trays for the mothers.

I think I'm making this more difficult because I'm the type of person that wants to "do it right" all the time. I have a personal philosophy that is summed up in 3 words... "good enough, isn't". It's subtle but powerful :)

So this is getting me hung up not wanting to do anything half assed, but at the same time, so many aspect of these first couple crops are one time things. This first crop is giant bushes vegged for many weeks. That's not the plan for this room. I transplanted 42 clones into solo cups last night. These will never go into the buckets though. Some will become mothers, the rest may provide a couple more clones in a few weeks or get trashed. Ultimately, I want to clone and veg with bare roots or in rock. For veg, I'll probably end up with a tray system like Jon has. I used trays before I switched to buckets the last time I grew. I like them. Their only downside is they take up a lot of vertical space, but that's not an issue for vegging before sending to flower.

Maybe I don't even need anything to catch run off. I can just let it make a mess for this one off batch and then clean up later. It's all concrete, so it can't hurt anything.

I'm sure I'll come up with something, but I'm open to more ideas. I guess I'm reluctant to buy a bunch of drip trays I won't be able to use later.
Grrrrrrr :confused:

Unless I have to, I normally don't go into the basement during lights out. I had to go down there to get some more pellets (house is heated with pellet stove), and I happened to notice the temps in the room were 77F. WTF?!?! at night?!?!

Sure enough, I get down there and one of the lights is still on!!!!

I've been pretty settled on a Titan Flo & Gro for the second flowering room, but Titan is on my shit list right now. I started out with 2 of their Apollo 11 timers running 2 lights. In the first couple of weeks, one of the timers failed. It did the same thing this one is. The outlet is always on. You can hear the relay clicking, but it doesn't help. I exchanged that one. Thinking it was a fluke, and having faith in such a respected brand, I even purchased a third Apollo 11 to go with the third light. A week or so later, another timer does the same thing. That time I was able to smack it and get whatever was stuck inside to move. Everything has been fine for another couple of weeks. Until today that it.

I'm done with these timers. 3/5 failures is unacceptable. Now I'll have to manually turn my lights off and on until I can find a suitable replacement. I'm writing Titan a letter and complain. Knowing their market, they should realize how critical a 240V timer would be. It controls the lights for god sakes!

OK I'm done venting. I'll feel better after I vent at Titan for awhile. You can bet my hydro shop is gonna get an earful too next time I am down there.

Carry on. Smoke 'em if you got 'em. :bigtoke:
Here is the letter I sent to Titan.

Dear Titan,

I've had 3, out of 5, Apollo 11 timers fail on me. All 3 times, they stopped powering off the outlet. In one incident, I was able to shake the timer and 'unstick' something inside and it returned to normal operation. This is just a note to let you know your QA on this product is apparently not doing a good job.

I've not used any Titan products in the past, but you have a good reputation among indoor growers. When choosing my 240V timers, there were other brands to choose from, but I felt confident given Titan's reputation. A 240V timer is most often used for lighting control. This is a critical function in an indoor garden. Imagine how disastrous it can be to find that one of the lights in your grow room has been disrupting the plants' dark cycle!

I'm planning to add a second flowering room in the next year, and was pretty decided on buying a Flo & Gro, but this timer experience has made me question that decision.

I don't expect any response, and I'm not sure what they can do to make me happy right now. My opinion of them will depend more on any affect this has on the plants than on Titan's response.
Brutal Mann I run 2 of em myself and never had an issue. Titan is usually pretty good about their customer service I'd expect to find them eager to resolve this for.you and right any wrongs. Sorry ur having such hard luck man.
They already responded. The Apollo 11 is not intended for digital ballasts. The fault appears to lie with my hydro shop. I guess it's too much to expect a bunch of stoners to keep track of every product in the store. :winkyface:

I'm not sure what I will do about this. I'm not getting to my grow store anytime soon. We went into town twice last week! I hope my hydro shop takes care of me. It can't wait until the next trip to town, so I'll need to order some timers online. I'll check again, but I don't think my local hardware store sells 240V timers.
That's crazy, been using mine with a dual 600 and a lumatek 600 for years. Maybe I'm lucky. Hope ya get it figured out man.
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