Light Addict's Fluxing Central - Featuring The Original Flux Journal Emma thinking now :) She's talking about colours, scents, wick name it :) She hasn't done any for a few years but wants to get back into it so all good there. I'll ask her to do something nice for you buddy :)
Emma makes scented candles mates (some weird shapes too....maybe suit your shop lmao) anyway, she added wax to theoils and they last like....3 years lol :) Seriously though.....wax mixed in with the Mango is awesome :)

Hey OZ Emma should market her candles here in the states. If they work as you say, sounds like a money maker.:thumb::420::peace:
Hey Light, may I post a photo of the best bud of the gifted Q?

She's a natural red head :), and she has different sides....

:bongrip: ...Slits for eyes...:bongrip:....couch lock....:roorrip:...:thedoubletake:...'whaaaat'....:thedoubletake:....:thedoubletake:.....high sex drive....:wood:....:bongrip:.....:thedoubletake:
I use Serenade. It is organic, OMRI listed, and best of all, it actually works. And you can use it up to and including the day of harvest.
My buddy who grows around 10,000 tomato plants every year swears by it. It says right on the label "controls Powdery Mildew" . I've used it to treat all sorts of tomato diseases.
But my buddy says you need to develop a sixth sense to KNOW when a disease or fungus is coming on. If you have a certain time every year that diseases and such are prone to come on then you spray before that time as a preventative. And when you go organic it puts your mind at ease about picking fruit off the vine and eating it. Same with buds. You'll get no herbicidal metallicy taste like you get from unnatural products. Even synthetic ferts have that "off-taste" in my opinion. And it also soothes your psychological thinking too... knowing that you are organic
Once you use Serenade you'll never stop. Oh and another thing, if you buy these types of products, by them from the manufacturer [if possible] because these things can sit on the shelf of a hardware store and slowly lose their effectiveness over time.

This thread is Bull Hebolistically Awesome!
Hi LB....I've spoken to her about it before but it's "just a hobby" mate. Yeah, crazy I know, doing something you enjoy that could an income.......sounds familiar to me lol :)
This is a free to post your pics etc zone :) OZ I want a candle off Emma now lol. :)

:nicethread: :adore: :popcorn:

post your pic zone, is music to Fluxy Ladys' ears!

10 days of growth progression, fully restrained

Today is a BAD DAY!!!!!! Simply put, I was right to not be keeping anything of value here such as my God light! Today a guy from Council caught me off guard. snip

Get rid of EVERYTHING (every seed, every cannabis fiber particle) post haste!

And see if you can get a couple of dwarf tomato plants in pots to put in your grow spots.
When searching the Internet last year, under "images tab", the word FLUXING showed zero plants in December,

now "LA's self-named-word" show's his award winning girls on Bing, Google & Yahoo images, mixed amongst all the welders!

WIKI should have it by summer. :goodjob:
Hey my friend all is good. Im prepared to get busted with what I have in the house. Wouldn't lose much apart from my plants and light. All my good stuff is away safe awaiting my move of residence shortly. I refuse to give my girls the bin. So chance it we shall!

Jst a lil heads up bro...if you get busted there itll make it that much harder to come to the u.s. If thats still a plan in your future.
Jst a lil heads up bro...if you get busted there itll make it that much harder to come to the u.s. If thats still a plan in your future.
Mrs. LA is us citizen. He wont have any problems.
I thought I would be OK considering Id be married to a US citizen who has all her family in US?

Trich nice side by side pics :) also great post above on the Fluxing listings! :) awesome!
Its all about morality dude. Since 9/11 its been hard for anyone, let alone a "moral" criminal to get into the u.s. married or not. Unless you're a refugee, which i know youre not, its gonna be a rough trip. Ive seen it plenty. Remember marijuana is still illegal under federal law. Theyll think if youre a criminal there youll be a criminal here
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