Mag7 LST Heaven In DBHBB

Great day to ya 7! and friends.:high-five:..7, just wanted to get something cleared up. You say you took those pics(with a flash right?) about an hour before "lights on" ? Don't do that OK! You are post flip ...they need ALL the darkness ...a full cycle, with NO bright as fugg light interruptions. Just my thoughts bud. During the dark period a very specific element in the plant is allowed to build to a critical level , causing "bloom" to commence. If this 'dark' period is interrupted like that , i'm assuming a lot of stress will be in Anyhow , stove timer is goin off.....cheers 7 and friends!
Great day to ya 7! and friends.:high-five:..7, just wanted to get something cleared up. You say you took those pics(with a flash right?) about an hour before "lights on" ? Don't do that OK! You are post flip ...they need ALL the darkness ...a full cycle, with NO bright as fugg light interruptions. Just my thoughts bud. During the dark period a very specific element in the plant is allowed to build to a critical level , causing "bloom" to commence. If this 'dark' period is interrupted like that , i'm assuming a lot of stress will be in Anyhow , stove timer is goin off.....cheers 7 and friends!
If they are stressed from something like a very momentary, very bright light, then they don't show it. I've done it a handful of times throughout my auto grow while they are blooming and literally the only time they've shown any type of stress was the day after I took about a pound of fan leaves from them.
If they are stressed from something like a very momentary, very bright light, then they don't show it. I've done it a handful of times throughout my auto grow while they are blooming and literally the only time they've shown any type of stress was the day after I took about a pound of fan leaves from them.
These aren't brix plants though just fyi
I haven't noticed any stress as of yet. I've only done it a handful of times but I'll look for signs of stress. I hope that something so quick wouldn't be able to do so much harm.
If it is just the flash it probably isnt that big of a deal. But if you have other lights on when you do it you can cause light stress. As Duggs said the plants need a certain amount of time in the dark to let the bloom hormones build. Inside without far red lighting being used it takes a while for a plant to fall asleep. So quickly waking it up a couple of hours before the light comes on will take away from letting the bloom hormones build. If I were to be trying to get pics in the dark I would do it with 5 or 10 minutes left in your dark cycle or right when lights go out.
Ok, I understand. I'll be sure to keep all the lights off next tine

Great morning to ya 7. Just sayin ,...a good , safe way to get great pics is to simply turn off the lights at any time during the lights 'on' , take the pics and then turn the lights back on OK. This way basically mimics a big cloud blocking the sun a few min' big deal OK! Way safer than giving them an ultra bright light deep into their 'dark' period .Cheers bud...have a relaxing 'last day' bud!:Namaste:
Up next is three large beauties!! Two Congo and one Bangi Haze x Ace! They have all received there first GE Drench. Ea lady too about 2.25 gal of water. It was mixed for 3 gallon each in 5 gal buckets. Each plants gets her own feeding bucket lol. 15 ml of GE and 3 ml tea.

I have realized that it's time to upgrade my feeding process. Right now it takes about 30 min each girl by hand!! Not anymore, thanks to DopyL I have picked up what need to feed. Pics once it out it together. Everything is looking lovely in this tent. So check it out

7,'s all !...lookin good around ....was wondering if ya had any opinions on using the 'kit'? Ease of use , effectiveness, reliability etc.?
You seem to be thoroughly enjoying yourself sir! Hats off 7..great work bud!:high-five:

Hey Doogs how's it going bud?? Yes sir!! The kit is amazing, if you feed when the plants tell you there ready you'll never fail. I feel the feeding schedule it the easiest I've one the market. For me it's very simple. Don't overthink and don't read into the direction to far, if it seems simple it's because it is.

My plants are healthy and flourishing right now. Thanks Doogs for all your helps and advise. I'm absolutely have a fun time ..
Well well well, this journal has been dead for almost a week now, let's do an update.

Yesterday I fed everyone RO with 1/4 TP.

The Bangi Haze has had a few fast paced stretchers that I've had to tie down a bit. But she is growing nicely and with be coming up on 3 weeks post flip here soon. Still though she won't need her first cat for at least 2 weeks I think. I think bud d set may be just right at that point. Possibly a little earlier but I won't know until I know lol.

Congo 2 is doing really well and Congo 1 is doing ok as well but she's definitely different. Because of the fluxing some of her beaches are not as even. More than likely because of the room I had to train her and the time I have to flower and finish. She'll be ok but I do hope she fills in some.

I've been trying to keep the canopy as legal as possible, it can be a little difficult but I'm managing lol

Far right back corner: C2
Front Left: Ci
Front right: Bangi Haze



Bangi Haze







Looking Great Seven! What ever your doing, keep doing it, nice color and shine!

Hey DL thanks for stopping by, I think just leaving them alone is doing the trick!! At one point I've been gone for 5 days and came back to major growth and no issues. I just love that I can do that with Docs kit!!
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