Mag7 LST Heaven In DBHBB

Nice work 7. They are about to explode. You may want to CAT them at the next drench. Hit them with CAT and recharge them then do CAT again about week 9. Early CATs will slow the stretch....just a thought, they are your plants though.

Hmmmm I'm gonna need further instruction on this method. Will stilI do back to back CD or just the one? If just one, why? I'm interested to know more about this. I'm also ok with a little more stretch but I'm not sure what or if that will cause issues. Any info would be great. I'm not to familiar with what starching sativas will to to yield or quality.
Girls are looking great Mag, they have a nice color to them.....

Hey Buck, hope you're feeling better bud..... yeah man these girl are getting there. They will get a feeding tonight I think as the top would was try last night before bed time. I just need to listen to what Neiko has to say and then contemplate my next move.

You know my only concern is that I have so many bud sites that I may lose some quality in my grow. These the bud sites aren't quite set yet but they are quite small and my guess is due to how much the plant has to take on right now. I'm hoping that the root systems can handle what the plants have up top.

My other concern is harvest. When and if I have done right in the past and if I'll do right in the future. My Panama were over dried by 3 days because I was out of town and totally forgot about them. Bahhhh what a fool I was. Once I jared them I got the rH back but lost the terpenes that I had going. Ughhh this cannabis growing can be very difficult in the beginning, glad I got the best kit to grow with making that part the easiest ....
Canna porn ..


Took a minute but I got the canopy level
don't forget to do a root shot once you harvest. I heard air pots help develop top quality roots

Hey Bebe, thanks for stopping by.... I'll be sure to do that, I want to show what they look like as well with everything that's going by on up top!!!
So as I walk into the grow room as I always do it occurs to me that this is going to be ending soon. I mean I alway knew that I would be packing up and moving on but this journey through my first two grows with a truly remarkably product, it's been amazing.

I had to just open the tent and sit down and admire what has taken place and what is still yet to come. I've had some ups and some serious down. You know the one we never talk about on the forums, yeah those ones. And still I've managed to overcome and still find a way to keep these girls alive and well.

I look at them right now and no shit, I'm fucking astounded at what "I" was able to do with my own hands and some patience. The last the ladies are, in my eyes, just beautiful!! They are so big and strong and sturdy with so many tops!! Ahhhhhh Eeehhhhhh............

The guidance from you fine gentlemen and a few ladies that pop in from time to time has kept my journals going, even if I'm kinda quiet most the time. These days have been the best lately. I'm very happy in all aspect of my life. I'm about to finish school. My relationship is really good, I get to see my family soon and hopefully meet my mentor in February. Life is good!!

So thanks for following along and if you've just been lurking in the shadows, come out every once in a while. We don't bite, we share bong rips! ..
Yo peeps, got an update, I hit these ladies a few days ago with the CAT Drench.... these buds are set and ready to make and entrance so back on up!!! Booommmm powwww .

Now I am seeing red petioles on all the girl but today I'm seeing violet I think. I am not happy with my environment 75/59 Day and 72/75 night. I'm looking into a good small dehumidifier ASAP. Not sure why the humidity has jumped but I'm guessing it's because of Harvey.
The girl looks good but that can change real soon if I don't nip it in the bud fast!!!
Pic for you pleasure ..

Bangi Haze up grant and Congo2 in the back

Bangi cola

Bangi under canopy




Love me some 15s

Quick update.

I picked up a Hisense 32 liter dehumidifier this afternoon. I now have a perfect environment going on. Hahaha makes me happy .

Top left is the upper canopy and the lower left is top of the soil

The girls look good as well. They haven't shown me they need to be fed as of yet so we'll wait another day.


Yo peeps, got an update, I hit these ladies a few days ago with the CAT Drench.... these buds are set and ready to make and entrance so back on up!!! Booommmm powwww .

Now I am seeing red petioles on all the girl but today I'm seeing violet I think. I am not happy with my environment 75/59 Day and 72/75 night. I'm looking into a good small dehumidifier ASAP. Not sure why the humidity has jumped but I'm guessing it's because of Harvey.
The girl looks good but that can change real soon if I don't nip it in the bud fast!!!
Pic for you pleasure ..

Bangi Haze up grant and Congo2 in the back

Bangi cola

Bangi under canopy




Love me some 15s


The stems are strong, and so many branches. Good job:thumb:
Good morning 7....and friends too.Girls are coming along very nicely....your on track my friend...they look stellar.You done this before....right?.....

Yeah yeah good day to you Duggan and whoever else may stop by this fine morning. Thanks for the kind words my good friend. The girls are good today I head to VA for two big appointments. One for my knee and the other for my neck. In the past 16 yrs I've had 5 surgeries to include a hernia fix, L shoulder weaver done and my lower back disc blah blah blah. No fusion as of yet . but the knee and neck are pretty bad, though the L knee has been murder the last few weeks. I mean so bad I've fallen a few time just trying to make a turn in my own house. The next few weeks after today and I'm sure and MRI will tell me if surgery is needed. I can feel grinding and popping and what I feel is a large cyst that pops in and out from behind the muscle and left side of the knee caps. It's kind of fucked up if you could see and feel it with you hand. I can literally move it over when it hits the nerve and I crumble over in pain. Well anyhow, I'll send an update once I hear what the orthopedic surgeon says. Take it easy y'all!!!
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