Mini Green House Grow

Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Nice pics bro, those buds and plants look good. I hope mine will look that good!!

thanks MI-grower!

What a bud. The colors are GREAT. Good job man. +reps. (edit, i have to spread some before giving it again it says. ) But your gettin close!!

they are smellin' nice and skunky too!

thanks mesrone!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow





these are pics from the lower less mature buds. Most trichs are cloudy with a few amber. The main colas and larger upper buds on the sativa pheno further along at about 40% amber, and I'm going to chop her tonight.

The other two plants are close behind.

I don't think I'm going to do the 48-hours of darkness because I need to start setting up for my next grow.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Lookin great bro. In a couple of weeks they will be dry cured and you will be in some great meds. Been an interesting journey, and very educational adventure to say the very least. Impressive results my friend. Now it's time to reap the rewards.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Very nice pics, Looks like you are going to have some nice buds and some very sticky fingers manicuring those frosty nugs. Great job on the grow and the journal.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow





these are pics from the lower less mature buds. Most trichs are cloudy with a few amber. The main colas and larger upper buds on the sativa pheno further along at about 40% amber, and I'm going to chop her tonight.

The other two plants are close behind.

I don't think I'm going to do the 48-hours of darkness because I need to start setting up for my next grow.

To me, these Triches look clear to cloudy....are you chopping a bit early for a more upbeat buzz? Or, are you going based on the triches from the top?

I've got to make these same decisions soon.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Lookin great bro. In a couple of weeks they will be dry cured and you will be in some great meds. Been an interesting journey, and very educational adventure to say the very least. Impressive results my friend. Now it's time to reap the rewards.

I can't wait to see the harvest! Good Job! I also have to spead the love before I can give you more reps. Damn!

its a forest of trichs

this bud will get you so stoned
or "medicated"

Awesome trich shots brother grower ! Now that is going to be some super smoke :yummy:

Very nice pics, Looks like you are going to have some nice buds and some very sticky fingers manicuring those frosty nugs. Great job on the grow and the journal.

thanks for all the positive energy ;)

you guys rock!

wish we could do the smoke report together! :Rasta:
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Your journal has become my "quickstart" guide, SS. You seem to post gorgeous pics, that have just the right info on them, a couple weeks before I need it.

Awesome job, bro! And thanks for helping out people like me with your pics and methods. They are going to be delicious.

thanks bro, comments like that make it all worthwhile and let me know that this is a great place to share our passion for this herb.

To me, these Triches look clear to cloudy....are you chopping a bit early for a more upbeat buzz? Or, are you going based on the triches from the top?

I've got to make these same decisions soon.

Both, actually.

If my wife was going to partake, I would let them go another week or so, because she smokes at bedtime to help with her insomnia, but even with mostly amber trichs, this strain is too euphoric and cerebral to be good sleep meds for her.

So, since it's for me :grinjoint:, I want to harvest with mostly cloudy trichs and just a few amber.

I'm going to go with how the tops are doing because the bulk of the harvest is the main colas, and they're just where I want them on one plant and close on the others.

I have plenty of meds, so I'm not rushed at all to harvest, but I need to do some grow room setup for my next grow, so I don't have the time to do a staged harvest, where I would just chop the main colas and let the lower buds mature longer. I would probably do that otherwise because these ladies have some nice secondary buds from the LST.

so that's my reasoning on this grow for chop time

thanks doc!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Hey i have one of those but it is hard to take pics of my TV so i wanna buy one of those bonicams man those things are cool

I've gotten pretty handy with the damn thing, even using the built-in tiny screen, although I see things much better using the video output connected to a TV.

It doesn't work real well with depth, so I try to look at flat frosty leaves or just a very small piece of bud.

It's handy, and a lot quicker than setting up my digital camera for macros.

I'd really like to get a good USB microscope, but can't justify the expense until they get cheaper. It would make for some nice eye candy ;).

take care Pacha!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

Setting Sun, a quick question. Have you done a staggered harvest? A how did the plant do?

I ask because I have tried this twice to let the lower buds develop a little more. I cut the tops of the plants off and it all seemed to go down hill from there. Both plants slowly withered up and died. Maybe I cut too much off and stressed the plants out beyond repair. Not sure, I their a certain technic you use to keep them healthy and growing?

Thanks and your grow journal is outstanding.
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

I haven't done a staggered harvest since coming back to growing, but I did on my grows in the 70's-80's.

I was growing sativa bagseed, and I'd chop the top third of the plant and let the rest continue growing.

One one grow, I remember getting three harvests, although the third one was pretty small.

If the plant has some life left in it, the lower buds will fatten up when they get more light.

thanks sonzor!
Re: setting sun's mini-greenhouse grow

You're welcome bro.

I guess some growers reveg their plants after the first harvest and then go 12/12 again.

Seems like that would take a while to do.

Hi sun I agree. Just keep em going in bloom. Guess they want more hight and buds.:smokin:
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