OMM's Aloha Journal Part III

I received a phone call from jo this evening
jim is in the hospital as of yesterday he is very a really hard time with his breathing
please send our buddy all our prayers and good vibes to get better he does feel like he isn't going to make it according to jo
so lets all send love and good vibes to him :circle-of-love:
Love you Buddy prayers love and good vibes your way we all want you to get better if not we hope and pray for the least amount of suffering as possible. :circle-of-love:
I am praying for him :love: and Jo. Sending all the good vibes to him he sent to me last year when I was having such a tough time, even though he was hurting himself. A great grower, friend, and human being. :angel:
May the Angel of God be with our dear friend in his time of need.:circle-of-love:

I received a phone call from jo this evening
jim is in the hospital as of yesterday he is very a really hard time with his breathing
please send our buddy all our prayers and good vibes to get better he does feel like he isn't going to make it according to jo
so lets all send love and good vibes to him :circle-of-love:
Love you Buddy prayers love and good vibes your way we all want you to get better if not we hope and pray for the least amount of suffering as possible. :circle-of-love:

From me and Padmavati Jim we love you mate only yesterday I was hoping to hear from you
Honestly I am right here sending everything positive your way in fact every one in our house is with you :love:
Love you and always will :circle-of-love::love::420::love::circle-of-love:
I received a phone call from jo this evening
jim is in the hospital as of yesterday he is very a really hard time with his breathing
please send our buddy all our prayers and good vibes to get better he does feel like he isn't going to make it according to jo
so lets all send love and good vibes to him :circle-of-love:
Love you Buddy prayers love and good vibes your way we all want you to get better if not we hope and pray for the least amount of suffering as possible. :circle-of-love:

just got back from 3 months in jamaica (no internet) and this is sad news

:love: OMM you have been a friend and mentor to so many souls here on 420. I feel blessed to have known you here. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jo during this struggle. :love:

:love:Chronic, I know you are real life friends with him. Sending prayers for you too and gratitude for the updates on our old friend.:love:
thanks guys I'm going to try and visit him this weekend and let him know
you all send love and good vibes :circle-of-love:
OMM praying for your recovery I wish to thank you for your friendship and help with finding a strain for my wife's Chrons my the Lord bless you and welcome you when the time comes for you to leave this life and journey to what lies beyond.
Peace be with you OMM
so I saw him today unless he can get some kinda 24 hr care he might stay there
he is in good spirits and was happy and smiling when I visited him today
I told him how you all miss and love him sending him good vibes prayers and love
he said he loves you all
ill try and see if next time I visit him I cant get a recording off him and ill post it for you guys:circle-of-love:
so I saw him today unless he can get some kinda 24 hr care he might stay there
he is in good spirits and was happy and smiling when I visited him today
I told him how you all miss and love him sending him good vibes prayers and love
he said he loves you all
ill try and see if next time I visit him I cant get a recording off him and ill post it for you guys:circle-of-love:

Thanks for the good news cronic :love:good to hear that he is in good spirits and the idea of getting a recording of him is exctting to say the least :thumb::thanks::circle-of-love::420::circle-of-love:
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