OMM's Aloha Journal Part III

Holy stink'in cow! I should have read back the other day. Well I just read all the posts and took the roller coaster ride with each one... dang.

More prayers coming your way OMM.

I just signed back on after almost 2 years.... this saddened my heart. OMM, you are such an inspiration, praying you are comfortable~:circle-of-love::Namaste:

Hi Pinky... It's so good to see you...:circle-of-love:

:circle-of-love:THANKS FOR THE UPDATE!:circle-of-love:

so I saw him today unless he can get some kinda 24 hr care he might stay there
he is in good spirits and was happy and smiling when I visited him today
I told him how you all miss and love him sending him good vibes prayers and love
he said he loves you all
ill try and see if next time I visit him I cant get a recording off him and ill post it for you guys:circle-of-love:

OMM praying for your recovery I wish to thank you for your friendship and help with finding a strain for my wife's Chrons my the Lord bless you and welcome you when the time comes for you to leave this life and journey to what lies beyond.
Peace be with you OMM

Sending you all my love and positive healing energy through the Universe, brother Jim :love:


Channeling my positive energy, love, and relaxation thoughts towards brother OMM & Jo, hoping for the least amount of discomfort as possible. :circle-of-love: :Namaste:

Aloha, brother OMM. :green_heart:

Healing thoughts & prayers to one of 420's warmest & endearing members.:Namaste:

Sending every prayer possible island bound. You and Jo are always in our thoughts and so dear in our hearts, much love as always my old buddy!

just got back from 3 months in jamaica (no internet) and this is sad news

:love: OMM you have been a friend and mentor to so many souls here on 420. I feel blessed to have known you here. My thoughts and prayers are with you and Jo during this struggle. :love:

:love:Chronic, I know you are real life friends with him. Sending prayers for you too and gratitude for the updates on our old friend.:love:

Greek prayers for you and Jo.


I wanted to do this in the real world with all of you guys sorry for anyone that I have missed :circle-of-love:(if I did miss you we can do another) But lets all have one huge :420: Group:hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::phew::geek::trance:
We all are praying for you to be well an comfortableOMM you know that saying 1 stick will break easy but a hole bunch of us will be like an unbreakable staff of love coming your way,, like so many of us praying for you and sending our love
:circle-of-love::love::420::love::circle-of-love:From 420 world of happiness love and peace:love:
ok heres the update for our buddy for this week


hes not doing so great he is fighting but he does look like hes wasting away
there is a difference in how he looks from last week to this week
the picture in the audio message was taken about 3 years ago
when he looked a lot better :circle-of-love:
I received a phone call from jo this evening
jim is in the hospital as of yesterday he is very a really hard time with his breathing
please send our buddy all our prayers and good vibes to get better he does feel like he isn't going to make it according to jo
so lets all send love and good vibes to him :circle-of-love:
Love you Buddy prayers love and good vibes your way we all want you to get better if not we hope and pray for the least amount of suffering as possible. :circle-of-love:

. . . . Jim, we all love you. I wish that you would get better. I know you're tired, and, if you have to go, know that you will be sorely missed. If you wander off, may The Mother to take you into her bosom, so that you may know peace, rejoin the flow, and complete the circle. Our tears will be for the wonderful life you lead, the good you did for all of us, and the countless others that your kindness touched. Our own lives are forever changed, knowing you, and we hope for your return to health. I just don't want to have not said "Farewell" to a very dear friend. Your soul is a good one, and I wish you the best, whatever that "best" is. Your memory will live forever. Aloha!
OMM...I just wanted to tell you how great it's been to have had the opportunity to have met you here. We had some good laughs and grown up some nice weeds together.

You sure keep me grinning every time I think of some of the stories you told us about yourself...what a life!

If I never get to speak to you again it will be okay buddy, cause I can always hear you here. Thanks again for sharing OMM with me.

Love, Peace, Respect.
next time I see him and it will be soon I will make sure to read all of this for him thank you all :circle-of-love:
Hey OMM, been away from the group for a while. I've been thinking about you for a while and wanted to check in. Hang tough old man.
Sonic, just simply tell him; if ever there's been anyone to embody the true spirit of this great place we call home its been him! He been an inspiration to so many of us and somebody who we all feel proud to have known, even if it was only fleetingly and in cyber land. He brought joy to us all and my life's genuinely richer for his swift but telling presence in it! Wish we'd gotten to meet up as id hoped.
Simply know your loved by so many and all our thoughts and prayers are with you and Jo, may peace find you on your own stubborn terms my friend!
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