OMM's Social Network Grow Part 2

Just Do It OMM ...............I've been strugling too !! But I have noticed what one day away from cigs can make,... I sleep better and Well you know all the up sides. I had a few this AM with my coffee but That is it !!! The pack is empty and I'm not buying more.
I'll drink a lot of water ....seems to help me. GOOD LUCK ..... I am quitting today also .....:goodluck:

And the same to you Clayhead...GOOD LUCK!!!!
i feel like a shitty friend the way i have been neglecting you omm i have like 60 journals i follow and yours is so long i keep skipping it with the intention to spend a day getting all caught up , you know what they say about "good intentions" the road to hell is paved with them!! im gonna try to get in here tonight and get caught up, i have new gear to install and very neglected plants to tend first, damn those led lights look cool im coveting over here!! lol:circle-of-love::thumb::goodjob:
good luck mate quiting the cigs, you will feel a whole lot better for it once you have stopped for a while, it is hard the first few weeks but you soon benefit from stopping not long after,

sorry i just had to stop that conversation, im looking out my windo and the clouds are pink, and i mean bright pink, never seen pink fluffy clouds before, pink and purple, wish i had a good camera cuz id take some pics,

back to the quiting, are you just trying the patches or are you using other methods as well, just keep at it mate and the benefits will all be more than worth it
reps coming your way mate
good luck mate quiting the cigs, you will feel a whole lot better for it once you have stopped for a while, it is hard the first few weeks but you soon benefit from stopping not long after,

sorry i just had to stop that conversation, im looking out my windo and the clouds are pink, and i mean bright pink, never seen pink fluffy clouds before, pink and purple, wish i had a good camera cuz id take some pics,

back to the quiting, are you just trying the patches or are you using other methods as well, just keep at it mate and the benefits will all be more than worth it
reps coming your way mate

OMM just had his tent open Don! Thats all.
Plants look great man! I quit cigs after 15 years cold turkey not gonna lie it was the hardest thing I ever did but it was worth it just from the monetary aspect not to mention the health benefits. I could only imagine the cost of a pack out there. I quit with my wife and we made it a competition and I hate to lose especially to her.
You all will be sucessful in your quest to quit smoking. We all did not learn to grow over night, so if the urges get to much, it is okay, calm them down, don't get upset. And then try again in the morning. We shall all be free of cigarettes one day.
Good luck with quitting again, OMM. I hope the patches work for you. I may have to resort to that since having issues with the chantix.
Good luck with quitting again, OMM. I hope the patches work for you. I may have to resort to that since having issues with the chantix.

Chantix has always worked really well for me except for the short term memory loss. When i'm on that stuff I am very forgetfull but works really well.

GOOD LUCK can do it man
I wish you all the luck in the world with this one OMM. I quit for 5 years but started again end of last year because of the rough ride. So not happy about that as I've got to go through it all again. Go for it, the patches certainly worked for me.

And thank you so much for the gorgeous pictures, especially as they are the alien landscape :) I'd just sit and gaze at them all day if my girls were as magnificent as yours! :thumb:

Thanks Fluffy, :love:

Thank you for the compliments about my girls, I usually stay in the tent to look at them for while.

I have no choice, I have to quit. I gurgle when I breath. If I don't I will be carrying an oxygen tank with me. Gulp! :smokin::yikes::yikes:
i feel like a shitty friend the way i have been neglecting you omm i have like 60 journals i follow and yours is so long i keep skipping it with the intention to spend a day getting all caught up , you know what they say about "good intentions" the road to hell is paved with them!! im gonna try to get in here tonight and get caught up, i have new gear to install and very neglected plants to tend first, damn those led lights look cool im coveting over here!! lol:circle-of-love::thumb::goodjob:

That's it BID ! :smokin: Get yo green self over and take a look! :high-five:
good luck mate quiting the cigs, you will feel a whole lot better for it once you have stopped for a while, it is hard the first few weeks but you soon benefit from stopping not long after,

sorry i just had to stop that conversation, im looking out my windo and the clouds are pink, and i mean bright pink, never seen pink fluffy clouds before, pink and purple, wish i had a good camera cuz id take some pics,

back to the quiting, are you just trying the patches or are you using other methods as well, just keep at it mate and the benefits will all be more than worth it
reps coming your way mate

Thanks donpaul.p.....I have no choice but to quit. it's literally killing me, Brother. Thanks for the reps. That will inspire me even more.!! :thumb:

Coming back from Lake Tahoe once I saw clouds like that, stopped and just stood there looking at them. Just too beautiful not too. Nature is good to us sometimes. ;)
Plants look great man! I quit cigs after 15 years cold turkey not gonna lie it was the hardest thing I ever did but it was worth it just from the monetary aspect not to mention the health benefits. I could only imagine the cost of a pack out there. I quit with my wife and we made it a competition and I hate to lose especially to her.

Wow! Cold turkey! Good for you! I've been trying to get Jo to quit too....she always tells me OK, next week!
Thanks for the encouragement GG.

You all will be sucessful in your quest to quit smoking. We all did not learn to grow over night, so if the urges get to much, it is okay, calm them down, don't get upset. And then try again in the morning. We shall all be free of cigarettes one day.

Hey Sinful. I'm serious big time about this ...... none of them even in the house. Jo smokes and has promised not to give me any! :high-five:
Good luck with quitting again, OMM. I hope the patches work for you. I may have to resort to that since having issues with the chantix.

Thanks My Queen! :love: They seem to be working. Tell you one thing....they make you have some very strange dreams. Even though I know I'm dreaming I can't wake myself up. I was in an African village last night! :popcorn:

It would be a good idea for you anyway, but you know that! Queen first young lady!:high-five:
Chantix has always worked really well for me except for the short term memory loss. When i'm on that stuff I am very forgetfull but works really well.

GOOD LUCK can do it man

Thanks A1.....I can't tell...I can't remember much anyway! I am going to quit though. :high-five:
YA OMM, good luck! A wise man has told me that there is no "try", only "do". It is tough though....I have struggled with nicotine addiction on and off for about 22 years.

I hear you BPN. I am going to "Do". 45 years for me. :smokin::smokin:
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