Papaya Wreck - Got BOG?

I think I'll try girdling a branch or two for comparison sake when the time comes. Of course your plants will be finished, or close, by then so I might do them all if you seem to have good results. I suppose the girdling can be applied too early.
This grow will be harvested on the 15th this month. I don't know how to compare since these are the only buds I have growing. I just gave it a shot cause to me more is better:cool:ya now?
Getting close, will be done before you know it. Great job...

Thank ya Sonszor, Yes the finish line is right around the bend! I'm guessing I'll have a quarter oz. from each... :slide:
This grow will be harvested on the 15th this month. I don't know how to compare since these are the only buds I have growing. I just gave it a shot cause to me more is better:cool:ya now?

Thank ya Sonszor, Yes the finish line is right around the bend! I'm guessing I'll have a quarter oz. from each... :slide:

Well you are finishing faster than I thought so I'll maybe try a couple of branches so I'll have some idea of the real benefits. So many ways to tweak these plants. I wonder if I'll ever feel as if I know what I'm doing???? lol
Siscokid, my hat is off to you my good friend. That will be some mighty fine smoke as well. Congrats, can you see the light?..ohhh my bad, forgot they turned the light off at the end of the tunnel...well..just feel your way
Congrats, can you see the light?..ohhh my bad, forgot they turned the light off at the end of the tunnel...well..just feel your way


Sisco, good to hear you're close to harvest and thanks for the explanation. If I get two females I may very well give that a shot on one of the branches. Oh! I saw some powdered sugar on sale at the grocery store today and was wondering if you wanted me to grab some and send it to ya for your next grow? :grinjoint: j/k, can't resist giving you a hard time...that trich production is delicious looking!
Well you are finishing faster than I thought so I'll maybe try a couple of branches so I'll have some idea of the real benefits. So many ways to tweak these plants. I wonder if I'll ever feel as if I know what I'm doing???? lol
Sup Mmmmick, I forgot that I had done a test bud on my last journal but it is not reliable because the buds I girdled were the ones that I had sprinkled pollen on, they were bigger, but that could have been from the seeds...

Your correct about all the different ways to tweak a plant, we just need to experiment the hell out of them and maybe stick with a few techniques that we find beneficial, I look forward to your grow and the girdle test. Thank you for coming, come again... (in my quickie mart voice):cool:

Siscokid, my hat is off to you my good friend. That will be some mighty fine smoke as well. Congrats, can you see the light?..ohhh my bad, forgot they turned the light off at the end of the tunnel...well..just feel your way
GMT, I surely hope to have better results with these here JW than the last time, I smoked it but I really had a hard time with the taste, could have been cause the Papaya was so sweet that it ruined my taste for other smoke, or it could have been that I just had too much shit in the soil (aluminum sulfate) that could have stayed in the herb since I didn't get a chance to flush it.

The light at the end of the tunnel is cherry red from someone toking on a spliff, I's that you Mighty Herb God? I'm

Sisco, good to hear you're close to harvest and thanks for the explanation. If I get two females I may very well give that a shot on one of the branches. Oh! I saw some powdered sugar on sale at the grocery store today and was wondering if you wanted me to grab some and send it to ya for your next grow? :grinjoint: j/k, can't resist giving you a hard time...that trich production is delicious looking!
My man, Lil Neutrino! Pick me up some of that fine powdered so I can sprinkle it on my PxJW, I just switched them girls to 12/12 today! So sprinkle that sit on em' so I can take some macros from across the room. Avatar ain't got sit on this! lol:peace:
Your on a roll sisco keep it going:cheer:
OMM, how's the prisoner in the tower doing? I must go to your journal after this to check it out. Had to hunker down today so I could get my studying done. I am finished with 3/4 of my course and soon will have a piece of paper that says I'm eligible to work for McRonals. See ya soon bro!
wtc brother grower....will be smoking great soon :)

Tunes my brother, thank ya sir. I'm already smoking.. I have lots of leaf from the girls that I just put into flower. lol Hey if it works why fix it huh?

I will be feeding again in the morning so I'll take pics of them for my update, I'll have to get up at the crack of dawn to do that cause I'll be back at that Farm house to do some work. :slide:
ok if zipties work on pants for "girdling" think they would work on women??? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA aaaaaaaaaaaahhahahahahahaha :p




I figured I should do this now cause I will be too tired to do it all in the morning, just watered with 6.4 pH and nothing else.

Good night all and have a great day!
Hey sisco Man, you sure keep busy. Growing some good buds, helping your self by getting that diploma soon, supporting your family, and helping your self to another man's trash which you can sell and make some needed cash. Maybe I should put that differently. Helping an old guy do things he can't do himself. That sounds better.:grinjoint:

However we need to talk about your future. :popcorn:
I know your dream is to work at McRonalds, but I think you can do much better:grinjoint:
@Mart has continuous openings. The starting pay sucks, but with your horticultural and hardware experience, you would have your own department in no time, Then you could work your way up to management and the sky's the limit from there on out. :ganjamon::rofl::rofl::ganjamon:

Just to be safe.....I am just joking! :peace:
it may be just a peice of paper that in reality gets you nothing but when I got my GED it felt good... Keep up the studying Ive decided that school comes before my grow now... lol

seems obvious but it didnt last semester
Great Job+rep I like the girdling idea THANKS
Hey Wingman, the girdling idea was borrowed from borntorun's snotty girl journal. Some stuff sticks to the brain... Thanks for dropping in and for the reps brother!
Hey sisco Man, you sure keep busy. Growing some good buds, helping your self by getting that diploma soon, supporting your family, and helping your self to another man's trash which you can sell and make some needed cash. Maybe I should put that differently. Helping an old guy do things he can't do himself. That sounds better.:grinjoint:

However we need to talk about your future. :popcorn:
I know your dream is to work at McRonalds, but I think you can do much better:grinjoint:
@Mart has continuous openings. The starting pay sucks, but with your horticultural and hardware experience, you would have your own department in no time, Then you could work your way up to management and the sky's the limit from there on out. :ganjamon::rofl::rofl::ganjamon:

Just to be safe.....I am just joking! :peace:
LMFAO! I love WALLETMART..... I would love to have a job that I could snag perlite and buckets from.... Hempy is sounding so good. Your awesome OMM, thanks for giving me some cheer broham!
i meant PLANTS lol not pants.. but your Lady's are looking gorgeous tho :)

OMM LOL you are to funny..
Yo MDVL, I thought you meant plants... I think women came up with that hole technique of squeezing the stuff out of

I meant it in a nice way, Thanks for that and congrats on the new purchases.
it may be just a piece of paper that in reality gets you nothing but when I got my GED it felt good... Keep up the studying Ive decided that school comes before my grow now... lol

seems obvious but it didn't last semester
I feel Ya Stealthy, my first grow was like popping IT for the first time! I needed to be around the door checking for sings of growth but the damn thing wouldn't grow... I'm a little stoned from a test piece right now, so excuse me for the babble

I find myself very happy when I'm in my truck, off to "school" to meet my accessors, I'm noticing alto of things in my community now that have always been there...right in my face! History is a fav. of mine ( History channel ) and my Th grade teacher Mr. Titslap, lol it was Tetslaff or something.

I now know that I don't have to watch my grow every minute of the day, it brings on more excitment....when a whole day goes by... it feels like foreplay
I feel a green Aura around Ya bro! You love the herb and the knowledge....

Great job happy for you its time to harvest. I should be starting harvest in 2 week. I will put some picture but my main computor is down. Need to buy a new one after it will be easy to do a journal now it take to long. Take care
Peace! whats up man... you doing another journal on food or a grow? Man that would be sweet.. I would like to see you finish a Biddy, I hear they are a little tricky to keep happy?

Bring it on friend, I would like to pick your brain a little.. not too much OK!
Thanks you for your comment and for checking in.
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