ProfessorFlora Presents: The Flowering Inferno

Sending love and support your way, Prof.
Sorry the vaccination made you sick, Prof. And, I'm sorry about the home stresses as well. I hope everything eases for you soon. :hug:
Feel better soon Professor. :green_heart:
Thanks Boo. Feeling much better today.
I’m glad you’re getting yourselves vaccinated, I hope you feel better quickly. I just finished getting mine a little while ago. The second poke was the ass whooper for me.

Everything is slowed down so much here too, hopefully they can get her in and any testing she needs done soon. :love:
I hope the second isn't as bad as that lol.

The country is opening up again albeit very slowly. I just hope we can get seen soon as there is still a lot of uncertainty about this 3rd wave which might close everything down again.
Sending love and support your way, Prof.
Thanks GDB. It must've worked as I'm feeling much better.
Sorry the vaccination made you sick, Prof. And, I'm sorry about the home stresses as well. I hope everything eases for you soon. :hug:
Thanks HG. I think that was the first jab in which I had any adverse effects. It really knocked me for six.
Things will be ok. We always manage someway or another.
Hey 420. I guess it's about time for an update. When I was last here we dropped 10 plants into flower, some of which were in a questionable shape of health. I had hoped that putting them into flower might kickstart their growth and send them on their way. This only half worked and there was a little issue. Some of the plants didn't want to start growing, at least in the first week of flower. Even the plants which grew well struggled and had noticeable signs of stress. However, we achieved what we set out to do in a backwards kind of way. We somehow managed to fill both tents with a bit of a move around.

Here is the small tent. 3 of the 4 plants in here grew really well....

Here is the larger tent with 6 plants in. None of these grew well but eventually woke up and started to stretch. They should have packed this tent but they barely touch each other....

So, what to do about it? Swap tents!

I put 5 of the 6 from the larger tent into the small tent and also left the smallest plant from this tent in there as well. Following?....

That leaves the larger tent with the 3 good plants from the smaller tent. I don't know how they even fit in the small tent....

It wasn't pretty but we got there lol. There was one casualty which was removed from the grow just in case anyone thinks my math is a little off. Next we can take a look at the plants individually.
Hey 420. I guess it's about time for an update. When I was last here we dropped 10 plants into flower, some of which were in a questionable shape of health. I had hoped that putting them into flower might kickstart their growth and send them on their way. This only half worked and there was a little issue. Some of the plants didn't want to start growing, at least in the first week of flower. Even the plants which grew well struggled and had noticeable signs of stress. However, we achieved what we set out to do in a backwards kind of way. We somehow managed to fill both tents with a bit of a move around.

Here is the small tent. 3 of the 4 plants in here grew really well....

Here is the larger tent with 6 plants in. None of these grew well but eventually woke up and started to stretch. They should have packed this tent but they barely touch each other....

So, what to do about it? Swap tents!

I put 5 of the 6 from the larger tent into the small tent and also left the smallest plant from this tent in there as well. Following?....

That leaves the larger tent with the 3 good plants from the smaller tent. I don't know how they even fit in the small tent....

It wasn't pretty but we got there lol. There was one casualty which was removed from the grow just in case anyone thinks my math is a little off. Next we can take a look at the plants individually.
Professor, it's obvious that this was your plan all along! :laughtwo:
Professor, it's obvious that this was your plan all along! :laughtwo:
And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for those pesky plans!
An excellent game of musical plants, and they all won! :welldone:
We didn't do too badly but the Rainbow Cake still looks pretty turd. Smells nice though. One day I will show you some pictures of them.
Hey 420! Time to get some pics out while I have 5 minutes lol.

I will get some more pics of them all out of the tent so you can see them a bit better. First though we have these....

That post pretty much sums up my life at the moment. Confused and disorganized!

More to come and hopefully a strain review as well.
Flowering Day 1

Hey 420! Welcome to the new journal.

Usually these things start off a little wordy whilst we go into detail about our intentions and aspirations. This time we are just going to flower some plants. Hopefully they'll be beautiful and healthy plants and will provide the pack and myself with plenty of high quality medicine.

Let the flowering begin!

The first two strains to enter the arena are Bubba's Breath from Katsu Bluebird (left) and Big Bomb from Bomb Seeds (right, also a sponsor here at 420mag)....

Some quick info on how we have arrived at this stage.
The plants are a couple months old. The Big Bomb has been cut back and has eight main growth tips. The Bubba's Breath has had zero work done. Both plants are in Root-It peat free soil and are being fed with MegaCrop version 2. The lighting consists of three 100w LED units and the plants are being housed in a Gorilla Lite 2x4 closet style grow tent.

Here we are again....

We will be adding more plants as the journal progresses though I won't be focusing too much on the vegging plants. There is always a veg plant or two waiting to hit flower but I thought we could start off slowly and not rush things. Let's get this show on the road.

Happy growing everyone

drowning in those beautiful green leaves
Pretty puffballs, and make sure you save all the trim on the Double D's!
No Guy Fieri this time though.

I've done one better with the Double D's and cloned and saved both plants. Now I just need to pick the best.
Lookin great Prof. Glad you feel better now :passitleft:
Hey TC. Long time no see. Things are falling into place a little bit better now so not as stressed. Still got lots going on though. How are you buddy?
drowning in those beautiful green leaves
Hey bd69! I was. Now we're hopefully going to be drowning in trichomes. Welcome to my journal.

:passitleft: :passitleft: :passitleft:
Hey 420! Today I thought I'd show you all of the plants in the indoor garden. There are 3 more outside but guess what? It's raining lol. Outside we have a Double D's, an Orange Cane and another Afghan Landrace. I will also be getting some more of the Himalayan Landrace's out to see how they fair in the great British outdoors. That however is another story and one which has yet to be penned.
For now though, here are the warm and dry plants. Here we go....

And to prove that those last two aren't dead.....Roots!...

I almost forgot about the two Afghaniberry's (I think that's how it's spelt) which are germinating right now. I'm still looking for a male as the past 6 regs were all female. Typical.

Happy growing everyone.
Nice collection, Prof. They all sound as exotic as each other. That rainbow cake sure is a strange looking thing isn’t she?
Cheers DD. That Rainbow Cake is a bit of a weakling. She caused me a few issues back when I tried to do a hydro round last. I'll get a pic with the rest of her in for you so you can see how weird she actually is. It had better be tasty! Lol.
Frost abounds at your place. Yum! :Rasta:
I love the middle turd! :Rasta:
Me too, GDB. Me too.
I think you have a couple of Fieri candidates in there, and your DD#1 clones look even worst than GDB's.
Maybe some Fieri's with bed heads.
Those clones have been going for a while. It was close but they just survived.
There's never a man around when you need one!
I can't find one anywhere!
I'm sure you're now working on a bathroom-based game show with your product development team. :thumb:
We have one called Hole In The Wall. I mean really. No one see anything wrong with this?
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