Sauga's Got Amnesia But Didn't Forget The Red Dragon

High vibes his way :hug:
Some of your good weed should help him on the mend, at least for pain management :green_heart:
Hope your day is a nice one MrSauga
He doesn't smoke, although he may have tried it. We never talk about it. He's OK even if he does know I do, but he would never say anything about it.
My day is going great Momma, thank you! Enjoy yours as well! :hug:
My former neighbour was Portuguese, wonderful family. He grew Mediterranean Annuals out front and farmed out back. Fall was celebrated with copious amounts of Sangria and some very fine smoke.
Hope your pal is up and about soon.
Where I work it's mostly farming land, albeit dwindling fast, and most are Portuguese o/o. Farming is in their blood and they are masters at producing great fruits and vegetables alongside those wonderful baked goods.
Thanks Dutchie and have a great day!
Thanks for your help as of late! I'll be watching your journal trying to learn thanks again Mrsauga!
Hi Bert!
Thanks for stopping by! I'm more than happy to help when and where I can. Most members have a great network of growers that they rely on for help if they don't have the answer. I have none. I have a bunch of circus clowns come in here and tear the place up.

Seriously though, you'll enjoy your time here. Welcome aboard!
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