SIP - Pity Do Dah, SIP - Pity A

Sorry for your loss, Bud. I'm sure she's at peace now. May your memories of her help get you through the next few years. :hug:
I'm praying for you and your family Buds. So sorry to hear this news.
Well it's time to start the healing process as I'm sure she wouldn't want me to sit here crying. So, over the next few days I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things a little at a time. I'm sure I'll still have my moments, but that will ease over time; as time heals all wounds. Hospice has already picked up all the medical equipment; so today I have to try to box up some of her things. It's not going to be easy as there are so many memories involved in this that it's bound to be heartbreaking. I just think that once I'm not seeing all her stuff all the time, that healing will be easier.
Well it's time to start the healing process as I'm sure she wouldn't want me to sit here crying. So, over the next few days I'm going to try to get back into the swing of things a little at a time. I'm sure I'll still have my moments, but that will ease over time; as time heals all wounds. Hospice has already picked up all the medical equipment; so today I have to try to box up some of her things. It's not going to be easy as there are so many memories involved in this that it's bound to be heartbreaking. I just think that once I'm not seeing all her stuff all the time, that healing will be easier.
Morning Buds. Hope you are doing ok. I lost my wife many years ago and let me tell you, time may heal all wounds but the pain will never go away. Love is like that won't let you ever forget. Then again who wants to forget someone you were spending your life with. The pain is the catalyst which creates who you will become without her. Be strong my friend, it is what she would want.
OK, when I left off on this journal I was harvesting "Aurora Indica" (Shed plant). She's all harvested & jarred; but I haven't weighed it up yet. I'll do that by the weekend & update.
The other "Aurora Indica" (Tent) got harvested really slow due to my wife's illness & spending most of my time with her.
Took me a week to chop her down. This one is currently drying in my closet & should be ready for jarring by the weekend.
I just about have everything to build my DIY SIP. After talking with Emilya who is using 27 gal. totes I decided that was just too big. I was planning on a 27 gal. but decided to go with a 12 gal. instead. Pretty sure that this would be equal to growing in a 10 gal. fabric pot (soil wise). That's plenty big enough for a 4x4 tent. So I'm using a 12 gal. Tote with a 12 quart storage container for a res. I bought 3/8" barbed fittings that will screw onto the Res & Tote & 3/8" ID Braided Hose for my drain components. Going to go to Home Depot today to get the Fill Tube stuff & Drain Pan. Then Harbor Freight for a moving dolly to set it all on.
I'm planning all this as a @ViparSpectra sponsored grow with their new KS5000 Bar light. Might be kind of a long grow as I'm going to try to max this plant out & fill the 4x4 with just one plant. I'll most likely have to use SCROG nets for support only. Not going to do an actual SCROG grow though.
Anyways, I'll do an update soon on this journal & start the new one right after X-mas. Hope you all jump in & ride along when I get rollin'.
Anybody know where to buy SCROG nets with 3" Mesh Squares ? Searched Amazon for 2 hours & only found 4" & 6".
It's for a 4x4 tent if anyone knows where to get one LMK. Thanks.
No Buds, I had to buy a soft nylon braided not stretchie one and cut it and tie it to a frame to get that dimension. I agree with that as the size to want! Don't know why they don't make them smaller.
Those are 6"x6" squares though and he's looking for 3x3. I suppose you could double them up for tighter coverage?
Oh snap, sorry.
I read it wrong.
But 2 6x6 lapped would be 3x3.
I'll check again.

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 :cool:
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