Solo Grow Challenge 2014

Hey guys!
Looking good guys, gonna be a real contest come the end, so many nice strains.

I won't be on a lot till mid Nov. Working has me loaded down. If anyone needs me for anything use private message and I'll try to get back asap.
Its all so bloody exciting now, can't imagine 2 months from now. My clones are all alive still lol.
Ricorico have you considered supporting the stems of your seedlings with either bamboo skewers or wire to stand them up?

I do shout at them a lot :hmmmm: Maybe I could give them a little support instead :thanks:
I do shout at them a lot :hmmmm: Maybe I could give them a little support instead :thanks:

:rofl: Oh man, picturing a grown man shouting at seedlings is cracking me up! Perfect for the wake and bake. Thanks Rico and KJC! :rofl:
My plant in the grey fabric pot won't make it. It has tiny root nub, but leaves are quickly dying.

Question: could I take one of my stock cup clones and transplant it to fabric pot or is that against protocol? I'm fine either way, just curious. I'm guessing it would probably be bad for the plant too
I don't mind if you transplant, Peyton :thumb:

I'm trying to take KingJohn's advice into consideration - but poking them with skewers didn't help.

I've just been telling them how wonderful they are :cheer:


They can do better than this :high-five: I know they can, because I believe in them :amen:


This might seem like a daily struggle, only to end up as bong-fodder :bongrip: Or even worse - trim for extracts :skeptical:


But it doesn't have to be that way, you can do better, you can be 3rd runner-up champions of the mini-world :hug: (and then bong-fodder)


Still looking a bit demotivated :dreamy:


Maybe I'll try the wire :hmmmm:
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