Sqwheels' Perpetual 2L Hempy + Moms

Hi SpiriTHC,

Its so funny that you say that...I had a thought the other day about mailings. I'm sure it would be frowned upon tho, but when I was younger someone sent me a letter and I was suppose to send that same letter + a kitchen towel to five peope listed on the letter, remove the top name and add my name to the bottom, or something like that...a few weeks later I got 5 kitchen towels in the mail from people that played along, it was kinda fun.

If it was legal, I thought it would be fun to do with seeds.

Hi THsea,

Ya, she's a looker...can't wait until she gets a good cure. :rollit:
I cut her up on Tues. she was so sticky. Yummm!

Hi THsea,

Ya, she's a looker...can't wait until she gets a good cure. :rollit:
I cut her up on Tues. she was so sticky. Yummm!


Your making me jealous! I love scissor hash!!!

Once yours has a nice cure on her.. I'll still be a few weeks from chopping most likely!
Hi Folks, :ciao:

It's Monday again, and y'all know what that means 'round here :yahoo:

Garden Update
Last friday was 21 days flower for the WW clones...so they got defoliated, although they all went to 12/12 at the same time...PE didn't show flowers until a week after the WW but I'm treating them the same. I could see little differences the first week but now they virtually look the same. PE has a little shorter harvest time so they should all finish about the same time.
Group shot Friday before defoliation...PE far right



and after...


dish of debris

I couldn't wait any longer...so I clipped a couple little buds from PE last week and let in dry (not quick dry) and I was able to test it on Thursday...the smoke was a little harsh/green but the flavor was pretty good, and the high was quick to hit and lasted a long time considering I only took 3 little hits...
my son gave me this bubbler, it's my favorite pipe

I'm sure she'll cure up wonderfully :)

Saturday was day 56 for PE, so she got chopped, here's a couple shots just prior to cut



and just after

as of this morning, she's still quite moist, she'll hang for another day or two before I cut her up

Group shot from this morning

Wonder Woman bonsai is at 37 days flower, she's completely covered with buds and looking oh soo :yummy:




and the clones are growing good, I expect they'll really explode now that all those fan leaves are gone, couple of bud shots, if you look close you can already see quite a bit of sugar on these girls...ww's @ day 20, PE @ day 13


And...the newest additions. 1 Northern Lights x Big Bud and 1 Blue Widow
Both were wet paper towelled and put on the cable box on 4-10. NLxBB popped 24 hrs later, BW took a little longer, she didn't pop until 4-13



Well, I think that's it for this weeks update...hope you enjoy!


Happy Growing Everybody

:bravo: Your beautiful pictures are only equalled by the subject matter. I especially like the flowered out bonsai.

We have a bubbler very similar to yours but we haven't been able to find it! My wife was just looking for it the other day - she loves it. She still likes smoking almost as much as vaping, and really likes our little bubbler.

I hope you are able to get a vaporizer eventually, I love mine and won't go back other than the rare occasional fling with bong/bubbler/joint. Odor is almost non-existant with a vaporizer, and I definitely breathe better/ get less congested. My health sucks enough, I like the health aspect of the vape especially. ;)

Hope you are doing as well as your plants are Sqwheels! :)

Oh, and + rep for the great pics and plants. :high-five:
Your making me jealous! I love scissor hash!!!

Once yours has a nice cure on her.. I'll still be a few weeks from chopping most likely!

Hi THsea,

I like it too :high-five: always makes me a little cheesy, ya know that grin you can't seem to wipe off your face.

I'll give a smoke report once she's good and cured...I'm so excited about a new flavor
:bravo: Your beautiful pictures are only equalled by the subject matter. I especially like the flowered out bonsai.

We have a bubbler very similar to yours but we haven't been able to find it! My wife was just looking for it the other day - she loves it. She still likes smoking almost as much as vaping, and really likes our little bubbler.

I hope you are able to get a vaporizer eventually, I love mine and won't go back other than the rare occasional fling with bong/bubbler/joint. Odor is almost non-existant with a vaporizer, and I definitely breathe better/ get less congested. My health sucks enough, I like the health aspect of the vape especially. ;)

Hope you are doing as well as your plants are Sqwheels! :)

Oh, and + rep for the great pics and plants. :high-five:

Hi X,

I think my pictures are beautiful because of the subject matter...I think MJ has some of the pretties flowers of all plants, but I'm probably bias, as I'm sure most of us growers are. Ya that bonsai mom turned out so cool, it never fails to amazed me now how much manipulation we can do to them...I think my next one will be better, more nodes and just under a square foot, footprint.

Tell her good luck locating it...I love mine too. But I do think a vape would be healthier, like you said, less congestion. I didn't realize that there was no smell with them, that's cool. I never do the bong thing any more...they hurt me now :) Because of my injury I only have about 75% lung capacity.

Yes, we're doing good here, thank you for asking... the track is open now, and we're racing again, busy, busy. This weekend should be a good one, cool clean air makes the car run like a beast down the strip...just under 9.5 in the quarter.

Thanks for the reps...much appreciated. Have a great w/e
I think my pictures are beautiful because of the subject matter...I think MJ has some of the pretties flowers of all plants, but I'm probably bias, as I'm sure most of us growers are. Ya that bonsai mom turned out so cool, it never fails to amazed me now how much manipulation we can do to them...I think my next one will be better, more nodes and just under a square foot, footprint.

Happy 4/20! :party:
I agree! Cannabis is a unique and amazing plant that's almost as fun to grow as it is to consume! :thumb:
Hi Vape,

Hi inwh,

The last go round I got average of 7g per 2L, admittedly I was a little disappointed (have you seen 420fied's 2Lsog?, he was my inspiration) but my growing environment is nothing like his...mine is a much small operaion.

I let them veg a little longer this time, but I don't think they will produce much more because of it. It was only about a week, I have a limited grow season and had to hurry them along...must harvest everything before summer heat hits.

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to do my weekly update...but I can't seem to copy and paste my pics into my journal. Something is different since the format change on 4/20.

Now when I click on the pic I want to use it doesn't show the direct link anymore...copy/paste the url didn't work it just put a red X where my pic should be.

How does this work now? Help anybody!!!

Hi Folks,

I'm trying to do my weekly update...but I can't seem to copy and paste my pics into my journal. Something is different since the format change on 4/20.

Now when I click on the pic I want to use it doesn't show the direct link anymore...copy/paste the url didn't work it just put a red X where my pic should be.

How does this work now? Help anybody!!!


I just did a pic update a little after midnight and it worked okay for me...actually I just tried it now and it inserts the pic into the editor...

Do you use the camera icon where it brings up the Insert Photos and Images window, and have set to insert Original only? Thats the way that's working for me right now.
Thanks Vape...I'll try it

Hi Folks, :ciao:

Ok, it's time to get this update done...having a little trouble with the new format and getting pics to transfer...thanks vape for the tip, I think this is gonna work

I cut PE up, and now she's curing in a jar
When she's completely dry I'll get a total weight and give a smoke report :cheer: I can't wait!!!



I had some issues with algae this week...I noticed it a while back but there wasn't much so I didn't worry, overnight it seems like, it exploded :yikes: and the runoff water smelled fishy, like lake water. I flushed all the 2L's real good and dug off all the top mix and replaced with fresh, then I covered the tops with a piece of black construction paper I cut to fit, and let them dry out for 5 days. It seems to have worked. There is no smell now and the algae hasn't returned. I hope this will take care of it. I'm not going to water every day anymore, it keeps them too wet and I think that's why I got algae. The white stuff on the cube is a mystery to me, every cube I've used gets this...it's kinda like caulk, and doesn't seem to be detremental to my girls.



Although she didn't have any algae :phew: Wonder Woman bonsai got a good flush too, and I couldn't resist taking a few shots of her while I had her out, even tho she hasn't changed much since last week, this one is 39 days flower


and a couple from below, I'm still amazed by how much manipulation MJ will put up with, she'll grow any 'ol way you want...from great big bushes to little bity bonsais. I think these next two shots show how simply I tied/trimmed her to maximize nodes/bud sites.



a couple from the top, her canopy is approx 1 square foot and although her nugs aren't huge they are so dense and there are so many I'm pretty sure she'll give me an oz



Monday was 44 days - her buds are loaded and glistening with trics and her nugs are really gaining weight, even the littlest ones will be good bowl buds :)


The 2L's are growing nicely despite my abuse-- WW is @ 27 days


Her tops have almost no red, but her bottom buds are getting a lot of red to them...anybody else notice this on their girls? Is it common for the bottom to go red first?




and PE @ 19 days. She didn't show until 8 days behind WW but her flowers already have a lot of red. The breeder says 53-59 (56) days. WW is more like 66



Thanks for looking


Happy Growing Everybody
Amazing photos!
Love love love your plants :) looking delicious!

Question for you sqwheels!
Tonight I am going to switch my clones to flower.. I was wondering if you putt them in a dark period before having the lights on 12/12

I don't think sqwheels would mind me answering for her. Yes, give them 24 hours of dark. What this does is tell the plants that things have changed and will push them to flower. In other words, it gets their butts in gear for flowering. :thumb:
Hey Girl! :love:

The PE looks delicious Nice job!

Hope you get the algae under control. :morenutes:

Wonder woman is just incredible....I love her! :Namaste:

The pictures are the best you have ever done.....Fantastic! :high-five:

Really Happy for you my Friend! :thumb:
Hi SpiriTHC,

Thanks so much...I actually have to work for those pics, I shake too much I think, I have to take 20 to get 6-8 good ones. I'm so glad you like.

Regarding the switch...I've done it both ways. When my veg room was on a 24/0 light schedule I gave a 24 hour dark period. I switched my lights for veg to 12/1 GLR and now I just put them into 12/12...no dark period. I can't say that I've noticed any difference either way, they usually take about 5-8 days to show flowers.


Thank you, thank you. I'm anxiously waiting for her to cure, I don't want to rush it. I'm in love with that little bonsia myself, I think she's my favorite so far. The WW seems to do very well with that grow style, I hope these others I'm vegging will respond as good.

Love to you and Jo

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