Sqwheels' Perpetual 2L Hempy + Moms

Wow! Where to start. Congrats on the PE harvest she looks like she will treat you right. That's a sick as bubbler, I would like one got I got to find a new vape instead. The new additions sound really good as well, just a couple days ahead of my new ones.
Those are looking nicely sugared and super yummy!

I especially love that bonsai mom... I may need to make one just to put her through flower!!!


Hi J85, :thanks:

Glad to see you caught up...I saw my first bonsai in POTM, Vapedogg entered his and she was a beauty...I was hooked, had to try it, lots of clones in a small space. It was suprisingly easy. Then OG13 suggested flowering her, and I'm so glad I did, she's gonna produce nicely, and isn't she pretty? I've got another that I'm training now to flower next fall, I think she'll be even nicer.

Thanks for following...hope you enjoy


Why :thanks: sir...appreciate the compliment.
nice im new im subed , any help/tips would be great, thanks!!@

Hi needweedhelp,

:welcome: to :420:

I'm honored to be your first post...if you're like me, you've lurked around here for a while before finally deciding to jump in.

Are you growing? Do you have a journal here? How can I help?

The best tips I can give you is to read a LOT, and then, read some MORE. MrKrip has a thread with some wonderful tips and advice for newbies...I've referred back to it several times

What The Good Growers Already Know: Top 5 Lessons For New Growers

and SteveHman has another good one
Lessons Learned from a first time grower

Here are a few other threads you might what to read
Forum Guidelines - Please Read Before Posting
How to Ask for Grow Support
How to Grow Marijuana Everything You Need to Know

Hope this helps get you started...ask questions, there are lots of members here willing to share their knowledge and help us newbies...I've only been growing just a little over a year now, and everything I've learned has come from here

Thanks :420: and all it's wonderful staff and members

Wow! Where to start. Congrats on the PE harvest she looks like she will treat you right. That's a sick as bubbler, I would like one got I got to find a new vape instead. The new additions sound really good as well, just a couple days ahead of my new ones.


Thanks a lot! I'm really looking forward to a good cured bud, I think she's gonna be really good...smells so sweet, makes my mouth water.

I really like that little bubbler, I've had it a long time...can't really afford a vape now, but will someday get one. I hear there is no going back after you've had it vaped, very clean and crisp. That's why I like this bubbler.

Good...I guess we'll be growing together again :high-five: But these girls won't see 12/12 until next fall, sometime around late sep/early oct, gonna bonsai them til then I think. I can only flower in the winter months I have discovered...it's just too hot here in the summer months

Good to see you, thanks for looking in.

thanks im going to check out those links yes im growing hydro but it seem like its taking forever to grow and i wanted to switch over to soil because it seem alot easier. i have 4 plants lemon skunk, a kush plant, and afghan and 1 random seed. i recently took off all the fan leaves ( i seen you do it lol so i did just now) i been growing them since feb except for my afghan and they look nothing like your plants (bud wise) i guess its from me just now switching the plants over to 12/12. i was wondering would it huet my little afghan plant if i changed it over to soil from hydro?:morenutes:
LOL... nope, still catching up... you have quite the journal here!!!:bravo:

She did turn out gorgeous, stayed a nice size and looks amazing shimmering with that many bud sites...:welldone:

Hi J85,

:rofl: I appreciate the dedication! The first journal I read here was one of OldMedMan's, it was like 100+ pages, took me a couple weeks to read it all.

I agree, she turned out nice...the pics don't really tell the tale. I'm really surprised at how many buds there are.

Hi Girl! I see your showing off again and you should! :high-five:

The PE looks great...especially upside down! :Namaste:

Your girls look ready to take off after defoliation....good work as usual. :yummy:

In short, Wonder Woman is a bud wonder....wow! :hippy:

Last but not least...nice strain choices for the new babies. :ganjamon:
thanks im going to check out those links yes im growing hydro but it seem like its taking forever to grow and i wanted to switch over to soil because it seem alot easier. i have 4 plants lemon skunk, a kush plant, and afghan and 1 random seed. i recently took off all the fan leaves ( i seen you do it lol so i did just now) i been growing them since feb except for my afghan and they look nothing like your plants (bud wise) i guess its from me just now switching the plants over to 12/12. i was wondering would it huet my little afghan plant if i changed it over to soil from hydro?:morenutes:

Hi ineedweedhelp,

I really can't answer ???'s about hydro, I've never done that, I'm using hempy mix (perlite/vermiculite) for grow medium, but from what I understand hydro should grow quicker than dirt, although it does require a lot more work/tinkering with proper nutes and resevior changes and such, that's why I decided against it. I'm sure you could move the afghan to dirt but I'm also pretty sure it would slow the grow even more.

Put a link to your journal into your signature and I'll come look. I really don't know how much help I'll be tho...I'm new to growing too.

I'm not sure I understood you...do you mean you defoliated vegging plants? This is usually done 21 days after switching to 12/12, they need those leaves during their stretch phase.

Plants can take up to 14 days to start flowering once switched to 12/12, usually showing signs of sex around day 10. Do you know your plants to be female?

I wish I could be more help...get me that link, seeing it will give me a better idea of what you have going on. And if I can't help, we can find someone who can...lots of great growers here willing to lend a hand.

thanks im going to check out those links yes im growing hydro but it seem like its taking forever to grow and i wanted to switch over to soil because it seem alot easier. i have 4 plants lemon skunk, a kush plant, and afghan and 1 random seed. i recently took off all the fan leaves ( i seen you do it lol so i did just now) i been growing them since feb except for my afghan and they look nothing like your plants (bud wise) i guess its from me just now switching the plants over to 12/12. i was wondering would it huet my little afghan plant if i changed it over to soil from hydro?:morenutes:

Hi ineedweedhelp,

I really can't answer ???'s about hydro, I've never done that, I'm using hempy mix (perlite/vermiculite) for grow medium, but from what I understand hydro should grow quicker than dirt, although it does require a lot more work/tinkering with proper nutes and resevior changes and such, that's why I decided against it. I'm sure you could move the afghan to dirt but I'm also pretty sure it would slow the grow even more.

Put a link to your journal into your signature and I'll come look. I really don't know how much help I'll be tho...I'm new to growing too.

I'm not sure I understood you...do you mean you defoliated vegging plants? This is usually done 21 days after switching to 12/12, they need those leaves during their stretch phase.

Plants can take up to 14 days to start flowering once switched to 12/12, usually showing signs of sex around day 10. Do you know your plants to be female?

I wish I could be more help...get me that link, seeing it will give me a better idea of what you have going on. And if I can't help, we can find someone who can...lots of great growers here willing to lend a hand.

Sorry not quite sure how that got posted twice

Hi Girl! I see your showing off again and you should! :high-five:

The PE looks great...especially upside down! :Namaste:

Your girls look ready to take off after defoliation....good work as usual. :yummy:

In short, Wonder Woman is a bud wonder....wow! :hippy:

Last but not least...nice strain choices for the new babies. :ganjamon:


:yahoo: that's me...showing off :love:

Yep, I'm getting pretty comfortable with my chosen growing method, I think the bonsai thing is gonna work for me and my situation. Height-weight-gerth-production...all fall within my needs. :cheer:

I can't wait for PE to cure, she looks/smells soo :yummy:

Those Wonder Woman buds are some dense nugs, she never fails to impress

New strains sound good to me too...I'm excited :high-five:

Thanks so much for all your encouragement and support :Namaste:
I agree, she turned out nice...the pics don't really tell the tale. I'm really surprised at how many buds there are.

Although I have seen some amazing pictures on here, I don't think they ever are the same as in person!! I have taken some 3d pictures of my plants that turned out pretty cool but I just wish I had a way of sharing them!!
ok, I'll try to talk you thru it...I'm a little computer illiterate, so bare with me..

go to your journal page (so the address is in the address bar at the top)...copy that address...then open your "user cp" and go to the "edit signature", about 2/3 down, on the left...once there use the insert link button, icons across the top of this page, and paste your journals address into the dialog box. Delete the "http" that appears automatically so it doesn't have two. There will be some text highlighted in blue, type the name of the journal you want people to see where that highlighted blue text is (type right over it). When you hit save it should put that link into your signature.

I hope I explained this properly...try it and let me know if you get.

Good Luck!

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