Sticky's Almost Perpetual Grow

just a word about the gold leaf its pretty much all head high and I went and shared some with my son and we both agree the taste is fuel and I love fuel! :ganjamon:
I tried some Gold Leaf a buddy turned me on to and I agree its all head high, I Love it Lol and I agree on the taste. I would Love to keep a mother plant from one of my seeds I will be starting in a couple weeks I Just Love the high gets me feeling Groovy :snowboating:
I tried some Gold Leaf a buddy turned me on to and I agree its all head high, I Love it Lol and I agree on the taste. I would Love to keep a mother plant from one of my seeds I will be starting in a couple weeks I Just Love the high gets me feeling Groovy :snowboating:
agreed its a happy high mr Burghman did this one right it says in the description its a sativa like high and it is imo I wonder what its going to be like after a couple mos. cure this one isn't going to be around a long time! :blunt:
grow out the whole pack take clones from each one then after harvest you can pick out the plant you want its easy lol just takes time!
I am just not sure where to keep a mother to take clones for other runs. I was think of reading up on keeping Bonsai mothers, keeping it small would help I just gotta figure out where and how to keep it going
keep it in your veg tent I think your rite keep it small good luck bud!
I will only have the one tent for now I am hoping to get another 5x5 if I can do this without my wife going off on me, well she never goes off but as long as I don't catch flack from her. That's what I will be working towards two tents one vegging one flowering then grow in my greenhouse in the spring and summer too
The way I do it is take cuts, then send mom to bloom when the cuts root. By the time mom finishes in 8+ weeks, I have some good size plants to send to bloom and as long as I perpetually take cuts, I can keep a strain alive and in motion indefinitely.
The way I do it is take cuts, then send mom to bloom when the cuts root. By the time mom finishes in 8+ weeks, I have some good size plants to send to bloom and as long as I perpetually take cuts, I can keep a strain alive and in motion indefinitely.
I love that way of growing I did that two years ago my problem now is I bought a travel trailer I plan to be on the road for 3 mos. so I cant do that it was a lot of fun though I really enjoyed growing my clones you can really tailor a plant when you've grown it out a couple times!
I will only have the one tent for now I am hoping to get another 5x5 if I can do this without my wife going off on me, well she never goes off but as long as I don't catch flack from her. That's what I will be working towards two tents one vegging one flowering then grow in my greenhouse in the spring and summer too
maybe just a small one big enough for a couple small plants!
im toking some of this gl sift pretty tasty!
have a good one! :blunt:

Sticky still at it.

"I'd hit that" GT

PC nugs look mighty fine.

I'm catching up. Was a long ruff "Harter Rd 500" this past week.

Thats me on a tractor and 500 laps. Never got much into Nascar but I start feeling it doing my roundy-round on the tractor. Lol. I even got a flat tire this time. Pit stop, tire removal and down to the Agway and they puffed it right back up for me free.

Cant puff on the tractor tho - could shoot my eye out, wait until done I will.
thanks hook how you doing bud good to see ya the durbans are from 420 I went ahead and got them there it said 100% landrace sativa so im giving them a go the verdict isn't in yet as to weather or not there genuine

Durban is a little different than what you normally grow. Dont be surprised by the surprises.

Good choice - very challenging to grow, in good ways for me.

Always the top yielder too.

Impossible to kill. or nearly
I think that's a stipule. IDK what they do, but I think they're located at the beginning of each branch.

This ^^^ Cannabis is a dicot

"A stipule is a modified leaf appendage located just below or sometimes attached to the leaf petiole. They are uncommon in monocots and usually occur in pairs in dicots. Stipules function to protect the emerging leaf or bud. They can be short-lived abscising soon after the leaves mature "
Sticky still at it.

"I'd hit that" GT

PC nugs look mighty fine.

I'm catching up. Was a long ruff "Harter Rd 500" this past week.

Thats me on a tractor and 500 laps. Never got much into Nascar but I start feeling it doing my roundy-round on the tractor. Lol. I even got a flat tire this time. Pit stop, tire removal and down to the Agway and they puffed it right back up for me free.

Cant puff on the tractor tho - could shoot my eye out, wait until done I will.
Durban is a little different than what you normally grow. Dont be surprised by the surprises.

Good choice - very challenging to grow, in good ways for me.

Always the top yielder too.

Impossible to kill. or nearly
This ^^^ Cannabis is a dicot

"A stipule is a modified leaf appendage located just below or sometimes attached to the leaf petiole. They are uncommon in monocots and usually occur in pairs in dicots. Stipules function to protect the emerging leaf or bud. They can be short-lived abscising soon after the leaves mature "
lol bob you is a funny man I think you would like that gold leaf straight fuel flavor all head high the pc is nice smoke to so are you on a ranch or something you mow your ass off lol :) I thought I would try some African see if I can get all giddy with it thanks for the description of a stipule I have extras on that cc!:D
ok tonight its the Durban poison that seems to be growing very slow everyone in the tent is bigger that this one I was planning on starting the light dep in a couple weeks but I wouldn't get much off this one even if it stretched 300% it wouldn't be to tall for my gr I originally had it bent over but when I up potted it I let it go it is a female! :)
this is about a ft. tall at 7 weeks

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