Great to see ya NS! Figured if I would see you around here eventually. You seem to run with the same group of hooligans that I do. LoL
Great to see ya NS! Figured if I would see you around here eventually. You seem to run with the same group of hooligans that I do. LoL

You attract what you send out i guess:hmmmm::battingeyelashes:

It was a matter of time ofcourse and somehow i am terrible at checking in every now and then. Always in the mind, but its not only the plants i multitask around… probably i am the most multitasking men here in the Netherlands :rofl: just kidding but you def see me around here:high-five:
Hows the greenhouse coming along?
Almost done, we close on our new house Monday. I'll be moving it over and getting it plumbed with water & electricity, then the ladies will move in and switch up to 12/12 to start my photo plants flowering.

Take pics of them loading and unloading it. I hope they're careful not to tweak it after the nice job you've done!
I'm gonna be the one moving it! I'll be sure to take pictures. I'm gonna jack it up little by little, shoring it as I go until I can get a few 4X4's under it as skids. Hopefully we can winch it right up my buddy's tilt/flatbed trailer. Those 4X4's should hold it pretty firm structurally. Worst I can see happening is a broken window or flooring shifting. I'm gonna do my best to mitigate damage, but at the end of it all, everything in that little house is fixable.

I'm super excited to get this new grow set up. All the pieces are sitting right in front of me and I'm chomping at the bit to put it all together.

:bongrip: <<<This is me patiently waiting....

Grats on the eddible contributions. The outdoor glas look great P!
I'm gonna be the one moving it! I'll be sure to take pictures. I'm gonna jack it up little by little, shoring it as I go until I can get a few 4X4's under it as skids. Hopefully we can winch it right up my buddy's tilt/flatbed trailer. Those 4X4's should hold it pretty firm structurally. Worst I can see happening is a broken window or flooring shifting. I'm gonna do my best to mitigate damage, but at the end of it all, everything in that little house is fixable.

I'm super excited to get this new grow set up. All the pieces are sitting right in front of me and I'm chomping at the bit to put it all together.

:bongrip: <<<This is me patiently waiting....

That's good because no one takes as good care of your shit as you can!
That's good because no one takes as good care of your shit as you can!
True! And I sure care about that little doll house. Haha!
I think I'm gonna repair and paint up the exterior trim this weekend. Bought trim paint that should match the new house pretty well. Drastic change from my current barn that was left dilapidated intentionally to avoid attention. Now I'm trying to pretty this one up so it will blend in.

Grats on the eddible contributions. The outdoor glas look great P!
The edibles are about to pop off! I have 78g dried from Baggy that is gonna be sacrificed to my experimentation.
Sounds like a nice little project. Make it look what seems to be the latest thing...a she-shed!
Hahaha! Maybe my new neighbors will just think I'm some weird guy
What are the smells coming off BMcB?
Faint smell of fruit & dank, but overpowered by planty, leafy smells. I'm hopeful though. I dried out all the trim and tossed it in a jar... it smells like some decent fruity/skunky herb. Sadly, most of the smell is really faint. Definitely not the kind of buds that are gonna skunk out a room.
I'll try to snap some macro shots of the buds tonight. You'll immediately see why it will become edibles... lol

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