The Boptang Carnival

1 out of 5 seeds... at least one sprouted,
You're having luck like mine....:straightface:...but at least you got one to go!
Your 12 other plants look great....
I didn't know this thread was here, or I'd of been in here earlier...I gotta start reading signatures....
Congrats on the new little seedling
Thanks Pc!! :ciao: :high-five:
Everyone's looking far happier now.

Congrats on the new family member.

Yeah man! They look a lot better!! I agree :high-five:
thanks man!! We’ll have an actual new family member here in 14 days... down to two weeks left. The anticipation is killing me!!

You're having luck like mine....:straightface:...but at least you got one to go!
Your 12 other plants look great....
I didn't know this thread was here, or I'd of been in here earlier...I gotta start reading signatures....
Yeah man! Had terrible luck with those autos!!

I met up with 780grow yesterday and he gave me two auto seeds! Hopfully I have better luck with those!

Yeah I kinda snuck this journal into the mix. I mean, I did make a big post about it in my last journal! But hey no body’s perfect!!

They were all droopy so it was officially feed day. I bumped the nutes up to about 7-8 ml idk it’s hard to accurately measure out small increments with the cup that cane with the nutrients.

I dropped the light a couple inches. Not sure the exact height... I’m about 5’10 and the light right around my nipples... let’s just leave it at that.

GG4-1 does not look good ladies and gentlemen!! I may be down a plant, early... unfortunate, but not the end of the world.:smokin:

There was a crazy shooting on a busy highway today, had a large portion of it closed off for my drive home... had to take the long way home and almost ran out of gas lol! But that’s okay! I made it home! All that matters.

It’s my daughters birthday tomorrow! Turning three years old!! I can’t believe how smart she is, and she tells me unexpectedly how much she loves me, a lot. It’s so good to hear!! I love her back!! :battingeyelashes::cheesygrinsmiley:
Happy birthday to your daughter Lip!

I’ll be following along to see how the Remo line does for you as I have the same kit. Might run it after this MC run to try it out but it’ll be hard to go back to multiple bottles if the easy peasy MC produces for me on this one.
She not looking happy at all, did you give her a time out or something?
Worse!! The light fell on her head and knocked her out for a few minutes! Lol
This one never really recovered when they went south on me. It’s still got a fighting chance... just needs to strengthen that stem of hers!!

Happy birthday to your daughter Lip!

I’ll be following along to see how the Remo line does for you as I have the same kit. Might run it after this MC run to try it out but it’ll be hard to go back to multiple bottles if the easy peasy MC produces for me on this one.
Thanks bro!
yeah I felt the same way. My MC ended up absorbing some moisture and was giving me wrong weights when I was weighing it out. I had to do something. I would have to say, remo saved my crop.:thumb: No doubt!
Congratulations brother. :high-five: I guess I did not realize you had so much going on in your life. :passitleft:I have 2 boys. 4 1/2 and 20 months, so I have about a 1 year head start on you. But our Boptang babies are the same age.
Thanks man!

you were blessed with boys. I’ve been cursed with girls. Lol jk my oldest daughter is amazing. I love her to pieces. She amazes me everyday with how smart she is! It’s amazing!:high-five:
Thanks man!

you were blessed with boys. I’ve been cursed with girls. Lol jk my oldest daughter is amazing. I love her to pieces. She amazes me everyday with how smart she is! It’s amazing!:high-five:
No to blessed with boys and cursed with girls no such thing . I put my kids in karate by 7 years old no bullies picking on either kids , one of each . Daughter at 16 beat a butt head ass that grabbed her wrong and got physical, I waited till he turned 18 simple assault was $236 at the time ! You’ll be there just the same !
You know what I missed about them growing up is I watched them from waiting at the front door when I got off work waiting for Me to play to adults that didn’t need my input anymore till the son broke his back and had to replace disks .
Wait till you put that baby girl in college and she rewards you with a 4.2 grade !
Stay blessed
Must say, I have 2 boys and never a daughter, in some ways that was a good thing.

In their teens, I had 2 boys to worry about, those of you with teen girls, have ALL the boys to worry about ;)
Haha yep, you’ve only got one dick to worry about... I’ve got them allllllll to worry about! #FacePalm :laughtwo:

No to blessed with boys and cursed with girls no such thing . I put my kids in karate by 7 years old no bullies picking on either kids , one of each . Daughter at 16 beat a butt head ass that grabbed her wrong and got physical, I waited till he turned 18 simple assault was $236 at the time ! You’ll be there just the same !
You know what I missed about them growing up is I watched them from waiting at the front door when I got off work waiting for Me to play to adults that didn’t need my input anymore till the son broke his back and had to replace disks .
Wait till you put that baby girl in college and she rewards you with a 4.2 grade !
Stay blessed
Lol I don’t think about it as “being cursed”. It’s my cards I’ve been dealt with. It’s up to me, how I play those cards!

I don’t even want to think about college. I’m having a hard time coming to grips that she can put her own pants on by her self!! Lol

sorry to hear about your son WH!! Hope he recovered well from it!!
Well, here they are today... the boptang crew is picking up speed and running with it. I’d say they enjoyed they’re last feeding.

that’s the auto^
still only been spraing the water around the plant with a spray bottle. Will be giving her some food here in the next couple days... just a small dose, enough to get her used to what’s to come!
Still no word back from dr seeds on what or if they’re going to do anything about the four duds.

that’s the troubled one. Still seems to be growing, not at light speed or anything but that stem is just too weak. Hence the stake, it’s supporting the weight.

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