The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

Ill be starting a wee grow this spring so lots of time for research. Regarding water testing - I'm on a well at the cabin. Getting the water tested is doable but Im not sure whats good, whats bad. Is there a chart somewhere?

I do have a small RO system there. Should that be tested as well? or instead of the well water?
OK, i was too harsh.....:hug:

You were passionate. With me, this kind of passion is delighted in. With someone else it might come off as a bit overboard and harsh. Overboard passion, :hmmmm: I might know a thing or two about how people can react. :laughtwo:

........ Forgot.......... :hug:
We do not use coco or aloe in high brix gardening! The microbes are rock-eaters! Let 'em do their thing. You'll be rewarded if you do.

These are used only with the LOS pots Doc. That won't be a factor anymore after this next cycle anyhow. The whole grow is going with your kit.

Then what is the aloe and coco water you are adding going to do to the biotas preferred diet?

I am thinking aloe and coco may be Kool-Aid for the biotas as well.


Although I can get away with adding these things to my LOS pots, they don't serve me well in the kit soil. Doc's system engages a much more aggressive plant to biota interaction. You can actually feel the difference in the energy these plants give off, at least I can. The management of the foliars encourages even more action I'm certain isn't going on in the same way in one of the LOS pots.

They feel to me like the difference I feel when I'm on DDA brownies as opposed to Carnival brownies. Both perform excellently, but the DDA is going to make my palms sweat. :laughtwo:
I looked at the report and didn't see any mention of total alkalinity. Ideally, TA should be about 60. 120 is too high.

TA of 120 will work fine for a run or two....then bicarbonates will build up and things won't work right. TA of 60 is more beneficial to the plants than RO. TA of 120 is harmful compared to RO.

I did a little digging and found out that the alkaline levels in the Pittsburgh area tend to be in the 40s to low 50s. So I'm good with using tap water, just need to use a different method to prepare it.

I appreciate the input Doc. This should be one we don't have to cover again. :battingeyelashes: :love:
How is it even possible to get to 5 PM without that first cup of coffee?
I was trying to understand what could ramp up nitrogen availability in your soil, and I considered increased microbial activity from the molasses sugars, but there really isn't that much sugar in molasses, especially in just a couple drops. The recommended dose for increasing soil activity is in the 1/4+ cup per gallon of water range. And again, not many minerals in a couple drops, so it's hard to believe that could skew the mineral balance of the soil.

And the symptoms don't look like excess calcium, as you would expect from high TDS water. I never got clawing as my soil got corrupted by 400+ ppm water. :cheesygrinsmiley: Mine showed the opposite - pale spotted leaves.

But ... perhaps there's enough sugar in the molasses to screw with the biota. They might be too active for this soil, producing too much nitrogen, independent of our feeding schedule, or what the plant is asking for. The only sugars in the soil should come from exudates, or from microbial activity.

But still ... a couple drops? :hmmmm:

Graytail, could my practice during the first two runs of only doing one plain water between drenches instead of two, compounded by the build up of minute amounts on the BSM, somehow account for the nitrogen problem I appear to have run into with my current soil? It'd be nice if we could figure out what's causing this and keep others from making the same mistake.

I believe I fell into that practice because I was running the entire tent like an auto grow, and it was accelerating the time lines. Then I neglected to retrain myself out of that bad behavior quickly enough.
You were passionate. With me, this kind of passion is delighted in. With someone else it might come off as a bit overboard and harsh. Overboard passion, :hmmmm: I might know a thing or two about how people can react. :laughtwo:

........ Forgot.......... :hug:

You are just being you know i was too harsh ,...i know i was too harsh but like you say's all passion. You will succeed Sue....ya may have to endure me a while longer but i can't just sit back ....i want to help you,..not be mean or hurt your passion but to make sure you do EVERYTHING proper....i wanna see you bored ....ya , that's right,...bored,...with fantastic , maintenance free , potent , smelly plants! Not plants that are not performing...especially while you use the "kit". There is NO reason why you can't get to this happy place. If i may , you might wanna keep one plant around ,that is growing on another system...just so you can feed your messin around impulses and not mess with your kit plants. After you start to get reliable , predictable results,...EVERY time , then start to adjust and experiment , but why not keep the experimenting to using "KIT" ingredients (like Ziggs does). That's how to really learn the KIT. Get those reliable results first , then when you start to mess around a lil , you will have a good "base" of knowledge and experience to actually understand what this does , or that does instead of just reading about it. Have a great night SS and a Happy New Years Eve tomorrow woman.:passitleft::hug::hug:
You are just being you know i was too harsh ,...i know i was too harsh but like you say's all passion. You will succeed Sue....ya may have to endure me a while longer but i can't just sit back ....i want to help you,..not be mean or hurt your passion but to make sure you do EVERYTHING proper....i wanna see you bored ....ya , that's right,...bored,...with fantastic , maintenance free , potent , smelly plants! Not plants that are not performing...especially while you use the "kit". There is NO reason why you can't get to this happy place. If i may , you might wanna keep one plant around ,that is growing on another system...just so you can feed your messin around impulses and not mess with your kit plants. After you start to get reliable , predictable results,...EVERY time , then start to adjust and experiment , but why not keep the experimenting to using "KIT" ingredients (like Ziggs does). That's how to really learn the KIT. Get those reliable results first , then when you start to mess around a lil , you will have a good "base" of knowledge and experience to actually understand what this does , or that does instead of just reading about it. Have a great night SS and a Happy New Years Eve tomorrow woman.:passitleft::hug::hug:

This is the plan Duggan. I've dabbled in this and that and reached my conclusion. My choice is the kit. It'll simplify my life and keep the grow at the consistent level of quality I've grown to expect. Face it, we're all such pot snobs. :laughtwo: I can dabble in other areas of my creative life while I get the kit dialed in.

It's been a long journey to here. When I arrived I thought I had another five years, minimum with him. The shock to my world of losing him so quickly disrupted my center. I went a little haywire. I'm beginning to get back to who I am, but better than when I started. You all don't know the me that wasn't losing Dale. She didn't really show up until a couple weeks ago.

My emotional life is much more peaceful now. That will pay off in the garden.

:hug::hug: :passitleft:
You are just being you know i was too harsh ,...i know i was too harsh but like you say's all passion. You will succeed Sue....ya may have to endure me a while longer but i can't just sit back ....i want to help you,..not be mean or hurt your passion but to make sure you do EVERYTHING proper....i wanna see you bored ....ya , that's right,...bored,...with fantastic , maintenance free , potent , smelly plants! Not plants that are not performing...especially while you use the "kit". There is NO reason why you can't get to this happy place. If i may , you might wanna keep one plant around ,that is growing on another system...just so you can feed your messin around impulses and not mess with your kit plants. After you start to get reliable , predictable results,...EVERY time , then start to adjust and experiment , but why not keep the experimenting to using "KIT" ingredients (like Ziggs does). That's how to really learn the KIT. Get those reliable results first , then when you start to mess around a lil , you will have a good "base" of knowledge and experience to actually understand what this does , or that does instead of just reading about it. Have a great night SS and a Happy New Years Eve tomorrow woman.:passitleft::hug::hug:

Sage advice, Duggan....Sue, I like his suggestion about you keeping 1 plant around to "mess" with on impulse....the kit is proven and the directions NEED to be followed, it's as simple as that....get your baseline established asap, so you can experience what perfect is like......and then you really won't have to deviate and that's when the boredom will set in, LOL......the kit has a certain rhythm to it all on it's own.... trust that by cooking the soil for the 30 days with the amendment and water, you are giving the plant everything it needs for the entire life cycle....keep your hands outta dat soil, girl!!!!

Instead, learn to know the exact moment that CAT should be applied after the buds set in week 3.....when they could use a boost of energy during weeks 6 & 8, and then stand back and watch the I just harvested 2 of the prettiest brix plants I have grown in 3 years. I delight in surprising myself and that is my measuring well can I follow directions and increase the quality every that's the way to get some satisfaction. In closing, Sue, learn some patience to trust in Doc's award winning science and organic technology that has been tweeked special for cannabis. You do not need to sabotage an already perfect recipe to get the most consistent, most potent, and most beautiful eye candy buds on the planet. Okay, I'll shut up now.... :Namaste:
Sage advice, Duggan....Sue, I like his suggestion about you keeping 1 plant around to "mess" with on impulse....the kit is proven and the directions NEED to be followed, it's as simple as that....get your baseline established asap, so you can experience what perfect is like......and then you really won't have to deviate and that's when the boredom will set in, LOL......the kit has a certain rhythm to it all on it's own.... trust that by cooking the soil for the 30 days with the amendment and water, you are giving the plant everything it needs for the entire life cycle....keep your hands outta dat soil, girl!!!!

Instead, learn to know the exact moment that CAT should be applied after the buds set in week 3.....when they could use a boost of energy during weeks 6 & 8, and then stand back and watch the I just harvested 2 of the prettiest brix plants I have grown in 3 years. I delight in surprising myself and that is my measuring well can I follow directions and increase the quality every that's the way to get some satisfaction. In closing, Sue, learn some patience to trust in Doc's award winning science and organic technology that has been tweeked special for cannabis. You do not need to sabotage an already perfect recipe to get the most consistent, most potent, and most beautiful eye candy buds on the planet. Okay, I'll shut up now.... :Namaste:

How eloquent Shawnee. Yeah.... I can be a handful. Lol! I've done my little dance and chosen my partner. I'll work diligently to get all the ducks in a row and let boredom set in. This last couple months I'd begun to appreciate more and more the rhythm of the kit process. I'm looking forward to the point when it's the only thing I'm playing with, to be honest Shawnee. I have too much else in the medical threads calling for my time.

I have to say, it gives me thrill bumps to listen to you speak of your grow. I often wonder when that greenhouse I keep getting flashes of will materialize in my own life.

You know I adore you, don't you Duggan? I give you full permission to use me as an object lesson on why one should follow directions. I have no ego, so you won't hurt my feelings by pointing out my missteps. I'd rather we save others the problems I encountered.


You know I adore you, don't you Duggan? I give you full permission to use me as an object lesson on why one should follow directions. I have no ego, so you won't hurt my feelings by pointing out my missteps. I'd rather we save others the problems I encountered.



Nice,...don't mind if i's time i got off my lil ass and away from this PC. Go to kitchen and have a puff at the "airport" (range hood!). Now if i could just learn not to yell at you....HAHAHA:rofl::grinjoint::Namaste:
How eloquent Shawnee. Yeah.... I can be a handful. Lol! I've done my little dance and chosen my partner. I'll work diligently to get all the ducks in a row and let boredom set in. This last couple months I'd begun to appreciate more and more the rhythm of the kit process. I'm looking forward to the point when it's the only thing I'm playing with, to be honest Shawnee. I have too much else in the medical threads calling for my time.

I have to say, it gives me thrill bumps to listen to you speak of your grow. I often wonder when that greenhouse I keep getting flashes of will materialize in my own life.

LOL, every time I drive by an empty warehouse I'm thinking "this would make a lovely grow facility." There is a 2 brother/sister grow company in Denver called Medicine dream is to be the Medicine Girl of Michigan!

To be honest, Sue, the kit is the most straight forward, no nonsense, let's not manufacture problems where there are none scenario....very streamlined and efficient, so you have time in your day to do other things i.e. dive into your medical are a document oriented person like me; I have 5 separate grows going at different stages, so I just write everything down on a large desk calendar, get up in the morning and I know exactly what I need to do to each grow....BAM & DONE. Problems don't generally arise, in fact, my plants tell me "ba bye", we'll call you if we need you...I harvest now 3 weekends out of every month and have spent 2016 doubling my legal plant count. I couldn't grow this volume if I didn't have the kit.

Then comes the harvest....oh the buds I trimmed about the epitome of camera ready.....and then, finally, the feedback on my product from my wholesaler, who has many many customers and knows loads of growers in my area.....he always calls me first.....SO, what's not to like about Doc's kit....promise us that you will follow Doc's instructions to the letter for the next 4 grows and then we can revisit this discussion....this is my New Year's wish for your 2017 :high-five:
LOL, every time I drive by an empty warehouse I'm thinking "this would make a lovely grow facility." There is a 2 brother/sister grow company in Denver called Medicine dream is to be the Medicine Girl of Michigan!

To be honest, Sue, the kit is the most straight forward, no nonsense, let's not manufacture problems where there are none scenario....very streamlined and efficient, so you have time in your day to do other things i.e. dive into your medical are a document oriented person like me; I have 5 separate grows going at different stages, so I just write everything down on a large desk calendar, get up in the morning and I know exactly what I need to do to each grow....BAM & DONE. Problems don't generally arise, in fact, my plants tell me "ba bye", we'll call you if we need you...I harvest now 3 weekends out of every month and have spent 2016 doubling my legal plant count. I couldn't grow this volume if I didn't have the kit.

Then comes the harvest....oh the buds I trimmed about the epitome of camera ready.....and then, finally, the feedback on my product from my wholesaler, who has many many customers and knows loads of growers in my area.....he always calls me first.....SO, what's not to like about Doc's kit....promise us that you will follow Doc's instructions to the letter for the next 4 grows and then we can revisit this discussion....this is my New Year's wish for your 2017 :high-five:

Agreed. By the book all the way through the three runs. I don't think you all have anything to be concerned with. You've been wonderfully patient with me through this part of my journey. I'm good now. Better than ever and ready to do this right. :high-five:

Lol! We've a number of old buildings in this area that'd make the most amazing grow spaces.
Nice,...don't mind if i's time i got off my lil ass and away from this PC. Go to kitchen and have a puff at the "airport" (range hood!). Now if i could just learn not to yell at you....HAHAHA:rofl::grinjoint::Namaste:

Spend some time around me. Watch yourself chill. You won't be quite the same again. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Agreed. By the book all the way through the three runs. I don't think you all have anything to be concerned with. You've been wonderfully patient with me through this part of my journey. I'm good now. Better than ever and ready to do this right. :high-five:

Lol! We've a number of old buildings in this area that'd make the most amazing grow spaces.

Another huge bonus, already have a relationship with other Brixers.....if you are growing with the kit and following Doc's instructions, the help you need will be more focused and immediate because we have already been more wondering what the heck you have done lately....your growing skills are going to hit the roof and be over the top.....don't let it go to your head now....:rofl:
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