The Perpetual Healing Garden - SweetSue's Joyful Return

peace and love sue,, chat next year,,

Whew! Busy, busy day. Let me answer your posts before I start in on the updates. :slide: It's rediculous how happy it makes me to do updates. Such creative play. :laughtwo:


Good morning Susan! Got a lil trimin to do eh. just curious Sue,...what strain/s are ya gonna tackle with that new batch of DBHBB soil ya got cookin? May i suggest one or two Green Cracks....i suggest this strain for it's obvious love for our "kit" soil. Fun choices ahead, for sure. Have a great day and a fantastic New Years Eve Sue....cheers eh!:Namaste::high-five:

I've decided I'm so happy with both Carnival and DDA that I'm dedicating this next year to those two strains. I intend to learn all I can about maximizing yield, potency, and oil pulls from both before I move on to something else. Both strains hold tremendous medicinal potential, and once I'm through reveling in the joy of finally having more than I can consume, I can turn my attention to more games.

I'll be running Criticals as needed.

On the bay, getting a Loup. Is 60x sufficient enough. Right now I'm using a clock makers Loup, no idea what strength, but it sucks... Thank you in advance.

Bumble's Humble Hive! It's Alive

Peaceful blazing ��

I use a jewelry loupe myself Bumble. It was Dale's from his days as a curatorial preparator for vertebrate fossils. Hard to give up something that tied to who I was. I worked by his side at that museum. There's a trick you may not know. Hold it in one hand and position it over the opposite eye. This causes your hand to cover the other eye and allows your brain to more easily adjust to focusing that attending eye. The sight of your fleshy hand is easier for your brain to accept than closing that eye. I think it fools the brain, but what I do know is that, with a bit of training it's less stressful and easier to focus.

I only use it to make sure I don't have any amber trichomes. I'm not asking mine to do much.

I'd certainly like to keep the Carnival train a running so will give it a try. I may ask Doc about saving the soil but unless he says to keep it, then I will toss it. I am a little worried there is something wrong with the soil. Thanks Sue!

I'm tossing my old soil. I'm certain there's something wrong with it. Let Mother Nature and her worms make it right. :battingeyelashes: :love: Someone can grow tasty vegetables with it next season.

Hello Miss sweetsue just checking in and looking like the oven is on and rolling miss sue wanna say happy new year wish you the best to come .

sent from the cave from my ismoke

Well hello Ketama. :hug: :love: Happy New Year yourself. May your harvests be overflowing. :green_heart:

Yeah fresh batch and less amendments I would say as well more perlite or drainage

sent from the cave from my ismoke

I'd say new soil. It's cooking as we speak. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Happy New Year


Happy New Year Jim :party::party::passitleft:

It's going to be so much fun seeing what magic you have in store for us next year. This year was pretty darned spectacular, from my perspective. :battingeyelashes: :love:

peace and love sue,, chat next year,,


Sweet nivek. Lol!

Harvest: Carn1:1 and Carn1:2 - Day 85

They were 53 days into flowering when they came down, and 13 days after the second CAT. The mites got an extra bit of time under the water during the budwashing and the pots went out into the freezing winter temperatures. That soil is history, coming back into this apartment only to make passage out of the building for good. Thinking it over I'm pretty sure what happened there was me ignoring the instructions to have two plain waterings between drenches.

Learn from my mistake. :straightface:

Now, let's move on to the joys of harvest. :yahoo:








All trimmed up.


The dark green leaves are from Carn1:3. Obviously, there's too much nitrogen available and being used by these plants in this soil. The only logical assumption is my messing with the drench schedule. Lesson learned.






This is all I clipped by mistake. I don't trim close, preferring to keep the leaves as part of my oil mixes. My favorite technique is to flip the branch upside down and take off all the larger fans from underneath. The Fiskar's help make those surgical cuts. I was pretty proud of myself. :cheesygrinsmiley:


It'll dry on top of the Timber Vero 240.




I've accepted that I won't be able to get rid of the bow and arrows until I move from here. Lol!



OMG, they smell so divinely of berry. I'm drooling by the time I hit the kitchen. :laughtwo:



A good day. A very good day. I'll get a wet weight in the morning. :blunt:

Weekly Update: Carn1:3 (Day 82, Flip + 20)

She took longer to need a drink after the last drench, a good sign, from my perspective. It suggests she was busy building up the root network to utilize all of the available soil.

When I stuck my head into the shelf last night, right there in front of me was a leaf with obvious signs of mites. Awk!!! I snatched it off and checked with the loupe, and yes indeed, covered in eggs, but only one lone mite to be seen. Today, I gingerly removed her from the shelf and gave her a thorough once over, using the flashlight app on my phone to super-illuminate each and every leaf.

I see see no signs if any more mites. As unbelievable as it may sound, I may have caught it right at the onset. I'll be checking her daily from this point on, and keeping an eye on her companions. I'd been considering moving them into the flowering tent with Carn 1:4, but this find means that won't happen.


For today, she appears clean.



She's been twisted and turned all over the place.




Kinda crowded in there.


That's better. :cheesygrinsmiley:


I took my time with this one, determining the relative value of the solar panels I was considering removing and their potential in helping her reach a better harvest. It was great fun, and incredibly instinctive.


Then it was time to to do her Recharge.

Recharge: Carn1:3 (Day 82)

I'm a little late on this one. The Recharge is typically at day 14 of the flip. She wasn't thirsty at all and Christmas got in the way. I make no apologies for choosing to have fun and overlook this scheduling. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Begin by gathering the supplies: Recharge (throughly mixed to assure a somewhat even distribution of amendments), Roots!, EWC and some fresh soil to top things off. I start by loosening the very top of the soil. I'm going to drench her as soon as I get the topdressing in place and I want to reduce the chance of channeling the water off the hard pan soil surface.

Before I got going I did a little more work on controlling her vertical profile.


I eyeball the Recharge, trying to get a uniform covering. Then I do the same with a sprinkling of Roots! I'm enjoying myself at this point. I get a sweet satisfaction in getting even dispersment of fine powders. :cheesygrinsmiley:


EWC tops this layer. I start from the outside, creating a ring of castings. I take the time to break up any clumps. I want fine particles that'll easily wash into the soil when I drench.


Fill in the gaps.


The whole thing is topped with as much soil as I can get to fit into the pot.




There's enough soil left over to get me through until the new batch.


I'll be using pinches of it to neutralize the chloramines in the water.



Cajun calls them "little trees." :love: I'm beginning to work with them like bonsai. That makes Dale smile. I'm certain of it.

Weekly Update: Clones - December 31, 2016

Carn1:3 settled back into her space, all tidy and neat.


Carn1:6 (Day 79) is bouncing back. Yes, you read that correctly. This tiny thing is all of 79 days old. Light deprived to the extreme before I took pity and slid her into here, she has arguably the most the most beautiful leaves of the entire grow. She gets the same nutrients I'm feeding the Carn2 clones. Their last feeding was on Monday, at which time this little one got a topdressing of Yum-Yum fertilizer scratched into her surface.


She's starting to get some color back.


I think of the Carn2 clones as a unit. They're indistinguishable from each other. They look like one massive plant to me. Lol!

They're 67 days old. When they got their watering on Monday it was with a tip towards bloom. I'm simply following the directions on the bottle and winging it, to be honest. They aren't complaining.

They were treated to some langbenoite scratched into their soil surfaces, as well as a tad of the Yum-Yum fertilizer.


Carn 2:2






Happy trees. :slide:


Weekly Update: Veg Tent, December 31, 2016

The addition of the humidifier changed the game in here. It'll take me a few days to get the hang of using it, but it's becoming more familiar. It can only benefit the plants, IMO.


Yeah..... You remember the rain? :battingeyelashes:


Candy Cane Auto (Day 27) I'm hesitant at this stage to try and top her. That should have happened a week ago. She'll be flowering any day now, if she's anything like the rest of the autos. We'll see about that, but regardless, I'm committed to letting her grow wild and free.

The last drench I have on record for her was last Tuesday. She did get the leftover neem foliar dumped around her when I hit the flowering tent for mites, but for now she's holding her own nicely. I'm retiring this soil after this grow, so she's on a water-only schedule from this point on.



Carn1:4 (Day 79). As soon as I get the tent scrubbed out she gets flipped. Her last drench was on Christmas Eve, so she'll be right on time for her next water-only drench.


This is a canopy I can work with.


I started the process of controlling the branches. Once she's been flipped and has the space to herself I can open her up a bit more and encourage more growth from inside.




The mist floats across the screen. :laughtwo:



It's a happy little world. I'm getting better at this. I like that feeling. :battingeyelashes: :love:


One more to go. :ciao:

Weekly Update: The Tiny Closet - December 31, 2016

Last, but not least, my sunny living room corner of green goodness. :cheesygrinsmiley:


Dark Devil Auto 5 (Day 48) Another month to go and she's bulking up nicely. The langbenoite worked on this lovely as well as the Carn2 clones. Nice color in these leaves now.


Keeping that distance somewhat consistent. I moved the light up twice this week, and adjusted the tie down's too.



Here we go again. :slide:





Carn2:1 Emerald (Day 67) Two days ago she got a feeding that keeps her right in the veg stage. I'm going to hold her here as I gently increase her nutrient feed. I'm looking for some color in those leaves and a perky profile.



I'm getting a bit of both out of her already. Sweet girl, to be so forgiving. :love:


CBD Critical Cure (Day 30) Yesterday she had a plain water drench. Perked her right up. Her next one will be an Energy drench. I'm wondering if I can get her to stay in this pot for another month. I'm not really seeing that as a possibility, unless I treat her like an extreme bonsai, and I'm not sure I want to risk that. She's too important to the continuity of my daughter's regimine.


She's a beauty already. I'm not sure what putting her into LOS will do to her development. Oh well, it's all a big experiment.


I was noticing that all of the damaged leaves on Emerald were old growth. All the new growth looks much healthier. I recalibrated the ph meter before I fed her last. I've been PHing to 5.5 consistently. She's responding well to that. Those damaged leaves are a strong indicator that I fed her with water too acidic for health and wholeness.



She's gonna surprise us. We have lexort to thank for that. His patient encouragement made all the difference for her.


That's all for me tonight. Shiggity has a party going on somewhere and I need to get something to eat.

whew! That was quite a journey, wasn't it? I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. :battingeyelashes: :love: Thank you for stopping and being part of the joyful expression. Have a wonderful celebration of your own. Be safe and try to party in a way that you don't have too much to pay for in the morning. :laughtwo:

I love you all. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug: I'm gonna get wasted now. See you at the party.


Wow those close ups look like bud shaped candy. Now i know whats missing from my walls. :passitleft:

Sent from my SM-G935P using 420 Magazine Mobile App

:welcome: Demon. Make yourself comfortable. They smell like candy too. :laughtwo: I have to say, I love the choice of avatar. I've a special place in my heart for purple strains.

"Learn from my mistakes, they are often and abundant. " :rofl: You could very well be talking about me. Lol! I think we're gonna get along nicely.
Lookin nice! :goodjob:

Why thank you Greenmtnkush, and a hearty New Years Eve welcome to my joyful journal and to the :420: community at large. Are you finding everything to your liking? If there's any way we can help you settle into our little neighborhood, please let us know. The neighbors are a helpful lot. :battingeyelashes: :green_heart:
:welcome: Demon. Make yourself comfortable. They smell like candy too. :laughtwo: I have to say, I love the choice of avatar. I've a special place in my heart for purple strains.

"Learn from my mistakes, they are often and abundant. " :rofl: You could very well be talking about me. Lol! I think we're gonna get along nicely.
Thank you for having me. :passitleft: i love the colors too, i recently saw a rainbow one i have to get now. Heres a pic of my cotton candy im thinking of using for my new years card lol.

Sent from my SM-G935P using 420 Magazine Mobile App
So happy Lex has been helping you along with Emerald.
One sometimes can come to a point where recovering from damage is not worth the effort and one might just pull and replace rather than recover. Of course, when one is growing as a learning effort, this doesn't really apply.
Your damaged leaves will fall and be replaced by the new growth of course. Sometimes this can increase the plant's 'lanky-ness' making it all a touch wild to control.
Gee... you'd think I'd dealt with this sort of wackiness before... wouldn'tcha? Getting a plant off without any of these sorts of things is pretty rare in my world.
So happy Lex has been helping you along with Emerald.
One sometimes can come to a point where recovering from damage is not worth the effort and one might just pull and replace rather than recover. Of course, when one is growing as a learning effort, this doesn't really apply.
Your damaged leaves will fall and be replaced by the new growth of course. Sometimes this can increase the plant's 'lanky-ness' making it all a touch wild to control.
Gee... you'd think I'd dealt with this sort of wackiness before... wouldn'tcha? Getting a plant off without any of these sorts of things is pretty rare in my world.

I'm switching the grow to Doc's system, but I'll be keeping a hempy, at least until I learn to make it work consistently. It fascinates me and I have a strong desire to master it. Someday Rifleman will have me playing with DWC too, I'm sure. I'm done messing with any soil for cannabis other than the kit, but we know I have to have something else to play with. :cheesygrinsmiley:

lexort assures me she'll bounce back. As you say, she's a teaching tool. One who will reward me with sticky buds of euphoric promise. Aren't I the lucky one? :laughtwo:
Roots and recharge are part of docs kit.

Yes Morglie "Roots" is part of the "kit". it is to be used at all transplanting and when we add leaves and trimmings to our cooking soil. We put a lil in on top of those trimmings and give a lil water on top, then cover. The "roots" help dissolve (eat) those trimmings and break it all down into usable humus. Cheers.
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