Mouth watering, I gotta take a dab to your frosty harvest. :roorrip:
I feel cheap. Just another excuse for someone to hit a dab. Glad I could help. :)
On the LST, you can see why waiting until the plant is taller before bending will allow the top to be pulled lower than the lowers. You can see that both of your trunks are heading up at an angle from the bend rather than ever going down. Steal another couple of rocks from your neighbors and put them on the bend side to use for support to pull the tops down below the lowest growth you want to keep.
I think I have room to go down still. The indicas are not that pliable and the nodes are tight so it's slower than I thought. I'll get some pics tonight as the inner growth is doing well.
The neighbors bought a new dog, a pit bull. I don't think it was related to my last incursion but who knows. I'll see what I can find.
Congrats on another great harvest ! :welldone:
Even the fan leaves look yummy on that one!
Just another excuse for someone to hit a dab.
Shocked face* why I would never do such a thing it’s for... pain, and glacauma and arthritis. And and and, okay maybe it was XD
I’ll celebrate anything with a dab
even my dog barking to go outside to potty haha.
wow I actually had to catch up again lol did I hear excuse for a dab? i'm in :roorrip:. The harvest is frosty and looks amazing but I never have such dark plants at harvest is that the MC you use having lots of N?
Congrats on another great harvest ! :welldone:
Even the fan leaves look yummy on that one!
Thanks carcass! :thumb:
I never have such dark plants at harvest is that the MC you use having lots of N?
BEHR forest green in 1L containers. Shake well first. One coat coverage lasts you all grow. Fools the best of them.
For the most part my plants do finish with a verdancy that no other president has ever achieved since Lincoln. It does have a lot to do with the MC, yes.
Does all the N at harvest effect the taste? I always try to let my leaves yellow up end of flower
No. Proper drying and curing removes the chlorophyll which is the hay taste growers encounter. I feed right up until harvest.
The neighbors bought a new dog, a pit bull. I don't think it was related to my last incursion but who knows. I'll see what I can find.

Ask the dog of it wants to go for a drive, it’ll be your best friend :rofl:

Contrary to popular believe, unless otherwise trained, pit bulls make piss poor guard dogs, they love people by nature.

I used to work with a rescue and had 5 rescue pitties of my own, of them all, only one was mistrustful of strangers but he was beat bad before I took him.
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