Themaddabber's Hempy Bucket Bathtub Grow 2017

I m not native English speaker so maybe I didn't express myself well. What I meant is that when I see your plant which is close to harvest and which is wonderful (you did made an awesome work of training), I m just wondering how it would have been with 2 or 3 weeks more of veg. In fact, at a point when you have trained and topped or fimmed, number of colas won't really increase if you don't do anymore training. There will be only vertical grow of those colas. So I was wondering if maybe you had given 2 or 3 more weeks in veg you would have obtained the same plant, with same even canopy but a little bit higher (allowing even more final yield. I hope it clearer

More time in veg = higher yield. It is worth the wait. I never switch to flower until the plants have vegged at least 3 months.

BUT, you have to grow them in bigger containers, if you let them veg longer. I use 3 gallons for 3 months. I would go 5 or more gallons for 6 months.
I vegged for about 30 days. Can you imagine what they'd be like after 3 months in veg? Rather than an arbitrary time frame you have to work with what the plant gives you. That's only three plants over five feet tall in a 7'x11' room. I should have flipped at 14 days.


I could never get this kind of harvest that quickly where I live, on my budget, with my available floor space. It takes 3 months for my ladies to get 2 to 3 feet tall, and I've only had a few as tall as 5 feet.

I could never get this kind of harvest that quickly where I live.
Wouldn't it be wonderful to live somewhere tropical where you could grow outside? What I wouldn't give for a warm tropical breeze blowing in off the ocean right now. Excuse me, I'm going to go cry in my beer...

I could never get this kind of harvest that quickly where I live, on my budget, with my available floor space. It takes 3 months for my ladies to get 2 to 3 feet tall, and I've only had a few as tall as 5 feet.
Don't listen to this jerk gramma! .. just kidding. He's running hydro, co2, and build his own state of the art lights. It's been a beautiful thing to watch for sure!
I vegged for about 30 days. Can you imagine what they'd be like after 3 months in veg? Rather than an arbitrary time frame you have to work with what the plant gives you. That's only three plants over five feet tall in a 7'x11' room. I should have flipped at 14 days.

Well some people warned you a week before you flipped and now look at that jungle your stuck with.... have you gotten stuck to a cola yet?

But yes you are correct rider it a best to have the plant grow into the space not out of it. Something you have a lot of experience with huh? A lot of that is "planning" has to be done around genetics, and over optimal environment ..
Wouldn't it be wonderful to live somewhere tropical where you could grow outside? What I wouldn't give for a warm tropical breeze blowing in off the ocean right now. Excuse me, I'm going to go cry in my beer...
Well if you need a perspective adjustment come on up! The beers always cold, but your tears will likely freeze at our balmy -15
More time in veg = higher yield. It is worth the wait. I never switch to flower until the plants have vegged at least 3 months.

BUT, you have to grow them in bigger containers, if you let them veg longer. I use 3 gallons for 3 months. I would go 5 or more gallons for 6 months.
100% agree. Solid roots equate to a solid yield. One of the reasons dwc do so well
4:1? That seems like a lot. Is that 3% solution? I only picked up two small bottles and I want to use 19Litre buckets to do my wash. I may have two or three different harvest times too. That's a lot of hydrogen peroxide lol.

A 4 litre milk jug worth. Is that correct?

(Incredible looking buds by way. Dab. Very excited for you)

Yes that is the 3%. First bucket is the water with H2O2, second is lukewarm water, and last is cold water (faucet cold...not ice water). Hang them to dry.....and you are good to go!!
Yes that is the 3%. First bucket is the water with H2O2, second is lukewarm water, and last is cold water (faucet cold...not ice water). Hang them to dry.....and you are good to go!!

Too late lol, already washed and hung them, was concerned with that amount of H2O2 and went with less. 32:1 ratio.

I will say, the wash water had a yellow/orange tint to it and a ton of debris and fine dust/particulates after the few plants were washed. It was pretty gross. The two rinse waters got quite a bit of what was left.

I could see some trichomes on the upper rim from the sloshing of water, and some probably in the bottom of the bucket. But if that is the price for not smoking my arm hair then that's ok lol.

The buds smell fresh and clean. I don't regret a thing.
Saw your grow in the Hempy HQ thread so I came over and Subbed up...better late than never, right?? Ive got 132 pages to catch up on
Well it's been quite an adventure that much is for certian! Glad to have you along and feel free to drop the link to your journal when and if you have one up running!
Do you have some kind of steroid solution?! Those are beasts!! ...
Co2, hydroponics and thousands in cutting edge leds. Did I miss anything shed? Oh a 3 month flower strain....
Now that would have been a very boring journal.
That it has not been!
Okay time for a Lilly update. Now let me remind you all she threw pistils about a week before flip and were day 66 post flip. So day 73 of TRUE flower days for her. She should be done in around 2 weeks. So starting tomorrow it's time to check trics.

Enjoy everyone have a wonderful Saturday night. Time to surf some journals. I was busy starting an Insta today TheMad420Dabber if you care to join along. Thanks for stopping by my garden and as always my your plants prosper and buds swell.


Okay time for a Lilly update. Now let me remind you all she threw pistils about a week before flip and were day 66 post flip. So day 73 of TRUE flower days for her. She should be done in around 2 weeks. So starting tomorrow it's time to check trics.

Enjoy everyone have a wonderful Saturday night. Time to surf some journals. I was busy starting an Insta today TheMad420Dabber if you care to join along. Thanks for stopping by my garden and as always my your plants prosper and buds swell.



Love the frost! and love the nice color (making me drool lol) :circle-of-love:
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