Vick074-OG Kush Last Run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5Tent-with Porta Scrogs!? Porta Wha?

Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Love the new journal brotha! sorry I haven't seen it till now, been real busy busy busy over here. The porta screens are very innovative and I might just have to copy it :sorry:

Keep working hard my man. my wishes are sent that your back feels betta

Thanks my man!
no apologies necessary.
I've been super busy too, and haven't made it on here as much as I want.
You go right ahead and copy anything you want.
It's a crazy time of year, but looking forward to some chill time in the new year.

the same well wishes right back to you brother.
Hey wait..

Wasn't it supposed to be the end of the world today!!
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Seeing your girl's bush, gives me recurring fantasies of bending them over and stripping them and....oops sorry, the dream carries me away sometimes.

Looking really nice Vick074!

Thanks Bass!!
You can get lost in my girl's bush's anytime you want brother!

Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

I got a chance to finish making the porta scrog cages, and threw a few on to see how they're gunna do.
Tannis in the back right corner there is pretty much ready to start tucking shoots. The other three are catching up quickly.
For some reason, of all the spots in that tent, that right corner always produces the tallest strongest plant. I'll be hanging some 42 watt 6500K CFL's in the corners to supplement the gaps and might keep them around through flower but replace with 2100K's. Will hopefully have the rest of the cages up tomorrow..
Should make for a busy Christmas this year, tucking, pruning and positioning shoots, not to mention elfing for mrs Claus.
(love ya honey!:cheesygrinsmiley:)
Hopefully Santa has a new spine for me in that sac this year.:xmas:



Tannis first headgear fitting.



Two words: Saaaaaaaa weeeet!!
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Very stylish headgear on the girls haha
Looks awsome man! I cant wait to do the same in my next grow, prolly gonna use PVC pipes instead of wire tho.
cant wait to see em blow up into flower man!

and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, and so on! have a great holiday to everyone!
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Quick little photoless update.
I've been really busy these past few days so I apologize for not getting back to everyone til just now.
Looks like I'm going to be away from the computer now til Sunday, so I just wanted to post up that all the cages are finally in. Each plant seems to need a defoiliation almost daily because growth is so fast right now. Tannis is going full blown now and I'm tucking her bits back under the screen in effort to fill it up. When I caged each one of them I did another defoil and clipped away SO many shoots that I didn't think would make it, and sacrificed a lot to those that deserved more. Hell I could have made about 200 clones with the amount I snipped away.
Added 2, 42 watt CFL clamp on lights on the front corners to help even out the growth a bit. And will probably be adding another 2 tothe other corners, so I've got total coverage.
For future if I run this same setup, I think I will just go with 4 plants instead of 5. Cuz once the cages are in, they don't leave much room for their poor little sister in the middle. I've got the back 2 side by side, but the front 2 are angled until I can figure out how I'm going to cram the pig in the middle into the equation.
Switching to GLR tonight to get them amped up for the flip to 12/12.

Thanks to everyone for following along!
When I get back to reality sometime Sunday I will do a new photo update to show how the ladies are liking the cages, sorry "Porta Scrog's"!

Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Two words: Saaaaaaaa weeeet!!

Thanks X man!!!!!!
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Very stylish headgear on the girls haha
Looks awsome man! I cant wait to do the same in my next grow, prolly gonna use PVC pipes instead of wire tho.
cant wait to see em blow up into flower man!

and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, and so on! have a great holiday to everyone!

Thanks D!
A PVC version would be rad, but might block too much light.
Maybe a combination of the 2, PVC foundations with wire uppers might be clutch..

Again I apologize for not getting back to everyone!
Mrs Claus gots me working it!

be back Sunday!

:xmas:Happy Holidays everyone!!!:xmas:
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

You can gift wrap these up and send em to me for Christmas thanks Vick lol.


we'll see about that..
If I give you some, then everyone's gunna want some!!
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

This will definitely NOT be my last grow. Just gunna move onto some other strains I think. There's just too many amazing ones to just be growing 1 forever. But I will grow OG again. I fricken love the stuff.

Thanks for the kind words Whiz!:cheesygrinsmiley:

Im pretty sure your going to get the same weight as last grow

Now THAT would be nice...:winkyface:

se ya'll in a few days!!
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

looking real nice as usual buddy.

Thanks C!
photo update coming tonight..
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Aint that the truth, I'll pm my address:high-five:

Uh oh..
What have I gotten myself into..
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Here's a few photos at lights on yesterday Dec 22nd.





And here's some at lights on tonight, Dec 23rd.
Getting a bit worried. I have to leave for 2 days on Christmas day. So I have to leave the girls unattended for 48 hours. And I can't get anyone to drop in for me while I'm out. It couldn't have worked out worse timing wise. Being the critical time to tuck and redirect shoots through the screen, and I won't be around to do it! Fork!
I might just turn down the light to 60% do the best I can tuck wise before I go, and just hope they don't go too nuts. Since everything has gone so smoothly so far, kind of expected something to come up to pose a challenge. But other than that, they're healthy as can be. CO2 @ 1600 PPM. Feeds are PH'd 6.3, PPM's are at 830. Temps at lights out 68-72 degrees F, lights on 75-80 degrees F






Here's the piggy in the middle, might supercrop it so it reaches between the cages without poaching the screens.

Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Lookin' mighty good friend!

I'm sure your girls will be fine when you get back... They will survive just fine and be ready for some touch when you return. Have a safe trip Vick. Happy holidays.
Re: Vick074-OG Kush last run in CocoSoil-CO2-1KHPS-5X5tent-with Porta Scrogs!? porta

Lookin' mighty good friend!

I'm sure your girls will be fine when you get back... They will survive just fine and be ready for some touch when you return. Have a safe trip Vick. Happy holidays.

Thanks Doc!
Those are the kind of words I need to hear..
It's like parent/child separation anxiety when away longer than 24 hours.
They'll most likely be fine, I just worry as a parent.
But after all, they are about to become women, so some time alone should be good for em.
Should be flipping the switch as soon as I return..
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