Crawdaddy's Fall 2013 TopLED COB Grow

Ok everybody here are the 3 plants that will be flowered under a 200 W Advanced LED Diamond Series, so far they have been vegging under a 100W Diamond Series. They 200W should be here Friday or Monday. Also a shot of screen I made, not squarest in world but should work, my first SCROG screen ever. This tent is 20" X 36".


Here is an update on the ladies under the Top LED COB. Kind of disappointed in the Choco Chunk, It seems to have been stressed by what I think is bleaching, but not sure. I have decided I am done with any more training on all the plants, may have to take out a few more lower branches/leaves, but no more pulling down. Also wondering if I got too aggressive with my training leading to many small tops. Time will tell....

plants look amazing. i'm surprised you have nutrient burn, but no nitrogen claw at all. they're gonna love some more watts! :thumb:
plants look amazing. i'm surprised you have nutrient burn, but no nitrogen claw at all. they're gonna love some more watts! :thumb:

What makes you think it nutrient burn and not light bleaching? I have seen nute burn before and it does not look like this. The Top LED is intense for this area, was rated for 4' X 6' coverage and this tent is only 3X3.

or are you talking about the upgrade from 100W Diamond series to 200W? If so I think those 3 plants are going to love it. I am more worried about the Choco Chunk under the Top LED COB light.
it's odd that light bleaching would effect all the tips like that. notice how the new growth isn't highlighter green? you're probably feeding better now.

now that I look I actually see some nitrogen clawing at the bottem of the super cheese.

they should love some extra wattage :) I can't wait for bloom.
light bleaching is usually on the buds for an example look at the nycd i chopped recently
you can see some small beaching on a couple buds
Chronic Weekend to you Crawdad :thumb:
Hey Chronic, hope you having a good weekend.

So if these light areas are not bleaching, anyone have any idea what else could be?, I do not think nute burn.

I just sprayed the plants down with mighty wash after lights went dark. Hopefully last anti-mite spray, no sign of any live mites last time I checked 2days ago.
I did have one plant a sativa that bleached on the leaves a bit but it started on the bud and bleaching is usually white:thumb:
Hi Crawdaddy! thought I might follow along- interested in seeing the advanced leds in action. Have a great weekend!:peace:
Hi Crawdaddy! thought I might follow along- interested in seeing the advanced leds in action. Have a great weekend!:peace:

Hey flower, hope you having a good weekend too, so far i have been very pleased with my little 100 W diamond Series, expecting twice as much from the 200W

Happy Sativaday Crawdad :thumb:

Same to you Chronic

So got my SCROG screen setup, still under 100 W light, 200 W not here yet. Moved the clones into closet under T5 till 200 W gets here then the 100 W goes in there. 200 W should be here Monday or Tuesday. I am thinking a week or two tops till flip. The Hawaiian snow will stretch more so glad it a bit shorter for now. Will update the top LED COB grow tomorrow most likely.

Always great to see update pics
pictures are worth a thousand words
and keeps me from reading a thousand words lol
Happy Skunkday Crawdad :thumb:
they do look good besides the nitrogen abundance. I would not feed the next time you water
Five day update of the 4 ladies under Top LED COB light...

I am kinda disappointed so far, so far new growth seems minimal and not really any stretching out for bud space. I do not know if my training, the light, or some other factor. Or if I just judging too harshly too soon. So here are the ladies...


And here are two photos of the problem I can not figure out. Does not look like nute burn to me. It effects the Chunk and Double Berry the most don't see at all really on Brainstorm or Hawaiian snow, and all in same soil/feeding...
it's the mild nutrient stress. I've noticed that for some reason the plants that get too much in food bloom have small flowers.

if you take a look at people who don't overfeed (like lightaddict) the flower and swell like crazy!

I still don't get how you have so much burn yet almost no nitrogen clawing? the first form of stress my overfed plants show me are the claw, then the yellowing tips

don't those plants look a little too green to you?
it's the mild nutrient stress. I've noticed that for some reason the plants that get too much in food bloom have small flowers.

if you take a look at people who don't overfeed (like lightaddict) the flower and swell like crazy!

I still don't get how you have so much burn yet almost no nitrogen clawing? the first form of stress my overfed plants show me are the claw, then the yellowing tips

don't those plants look a little too green to you?

I do not think they look too green, but could be me. Have not been feeding much at all, but they are in a 60/40 mix of Fox Farm Happy Frog/fox Farm Ocean Forest. Could be the FFOF?
I'm just repeating what I've read here. It's been said that FoxFarm's was very hot.
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