LadyGreenthum's First Grow - OG Kush - 600W Top Feed

Thanks J.. that was actually really funny i'm sure the Lady will love it :)

By the way.. Marc is back here in Vancouver now.. I think he's actually off on some rally tour similar to his farewell tour before going to jail. But not exactly sure, haven't spoken to him since he's been home.

You might want to change your sig!!!
This isn't my show here Pilot, but i'm sure i can speak for my Lady when i say welcome!

She is very excited to get these babies going! I think the speedy growth she is about to see as these little babies developing a strong root system under the 600w MH is going to surprise her, and she is going to get as addicted to this hobby as i am!!

She is also looking forward to the 6 beans i am ordering her very soon. She's a huge fan of the show, and when i saw this strain in the list, i was certain i had to get it. She normally disapproves of my addiction to buying seeds (i'm a beanhoarder!) but when i told her i found a strain that A) not only benefits her medicinally, but its her favourite show!

Barney's Farm "Dr. Who" the genetics are Mad Scientist x Time Wreck, and it sounds really amazing.. also looks tasty as hell!!
Haha thanks for reminding me Greenthumb! All changed up! I know he is gearing up for something but I have not heard much on the vine.

I think that I speak for all Cannabians when I say that this BS has to end soon.
I'm guessing you live in the great white north like myself and referring to our awesome health care systems idea of medical marijuana. By idea, i mean more like a fantasy, thats in fact a nightmare for people who require the medicine but cant afford the outrageous prices that they will have to face and pay for out of pocket cause the insurance companies dont cover it!!

Oh and the legislation that was supposed to go into effect making home grows illegal.. that was overturned, but i haven't heard any real news on it.. is it going to pass? its a bit of a joke if you ask me. We ought to just vote in the liberals or hell, even the NDP, they support legalization as well. Anything to get that clown Harper out of office.
Welcome to those who are just tuning in!

I have to admit I thought Greenthumb J would have to be twisting my arm to get grow things done.. But once I saw those first little leaves it was game over, I'm hooked!

From what I'm seeing in the news I think Marc and Jodie are headed out on some education / awareness lectures.. Europe I think.. I saw some post about getting ready to go to Spain so not sure what they are up to.. But you guys are totally right. We need to get new government in... That way everyone can enjoy the amazing benefits of our lovely plants!

Hope everyone has an awesome day.. I love reading all your comments and things so keep them coming!

Time to head to the real job now.. which I also really enjoy so I'm lucky that way too!

Stay medicated and take the time to enjoy life! You only get one!
What is especially terrible is that the vast majority of Canadians are for ending the prohibition of cannabis. I don't even want to talk about the medical system. Head in the ground committee of complete idiots. Flinflon and now this stupid industrial model? Lack of extracts(bc and supreme court pending) no new home growers, no support staff, no insurance, paying above street price, etc etc.

I can't wait for a non prohibition system that not only gives access to high quality meds, but removes the fear of persecution across the board. I don't want to live in Harpers Canada anymore.
The fact that people are going to be paying well above street prices, will keep the illegal grows going. It will keep the criminal organizations that grow commercially for profit in business because people will want the cheaper products.

I haven't wanted to live in Harpers Canada since he came into office.
I know I'm getting out to vote when the time comes.. It's the only way to help make change.. Also thinking of adding onto my already full plate some kind of activist work for cannabis education and awareness of all the medical benefits but have no idea where to start with that... The only way to see the change you want is to make it happen!
Hello LadyG. Enjoying your journal & subscribing.

Welcome!! Many good times and laughs ahead mixed in with some awesome plant growing!! Thanks for signing up! Hopefully you have as much fun as I do! :welcome::party:
Good evening to you all!:welcome:

Hope you are all well and looking forward to your weekends coming up! Anyone doing anything particularly exciting? :smokin:

I think Greenthumb J and I might take our little doggy up to the lake and enjoy some off leash time with a couple of nice joints. :passitleft:

Alright so the girls homes were starting to feel light today so they got their first pampering tonight. I hydrated them with 3/4 cup of what Greenthumb J and I nicknamed "poop soup" :rofl::rofl:

So our poop soup is concoction starting with 10L water then adding 30ml of aquashield, 3ml of GH Floralicious plus, 20ml of Botanticare Pure blend tea, 6ml of GH Rapidstart, 1 tablespoon blackstrap molasses and 30ml of GH Florablend. The finial ingredient was 2.5 teaspoons of GH Sub culture M. We stuck an air stone in there, attached it to our little monster of an air pump and let it bubble for 48 hours. The air bubbles bubbling away activate the microbes.

As I giggle at the word bubbles repeatedly and GreenThumb J calls me a dork... I realize I am nicely medicated tonight. :volcano-smiley:Hope you are as well!

Okay down to the good stuff.. Feast your eyes on these beautiful little girls! :cheer::cheer::circle-of-love:

Before watering..


Close ups! My girls like attention!... Hahahahaha


Our Poop Soup:morenutes::morenutes::laughtwo:

Girls getting some love!:adore:

Top view of them after a poop soup shower:laughtwo:

Ok so that is my update for the night. The girls are coming along nicely and I'm pretty excited about their upcoming growth! Stay tuned for another exciting update soon!

PS.. anyone else kinda disappointed by the final season premier of Sons of Anarchy? :tokin::tokin:

Live long and prosper.


Beautiful set up Lady GT! I cant wait to see those ladies get huge!
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