Mars 2 LED Beginners Grow - FFOF - DWC

and chopping down Roslyn Road


and the golden goat clone and roslyn road clone in coco under the mars 144x5 3 1/2 weeks from 12/12
the room mates pawned the camera so this is with my smart phone but i just bought another one and should get here within he week so pics will be better :Namaste:
all I can say is nice fucking job man! that's one nice haul bro keep up the good work

Thanx man im actually really impressed with the way everything turned out and cant wait until I get everything set in so I can get a crop to produce 1 gram per watt!! Im on the search for the perfect strain now

Congrats on your harvest arellanobrian, looks like you should have some nice smoke to last you until your next crop :goodjob:

Yes I hope to make this last a couple of months until I have there clone harvested and cures and oglf course I also have the dreamwalker plants that would be done 1-2 weeks after the clones. Thanx for stopping buy and should have some more updates soon
Hi arellanobrian, congrats on another harvest. Really good job.:thumb:

thank you Sara!! I am very happy with this grow and hope this light lasts me several more as its performed above my expectations
i made a batch of BHO of each of the stains and will post a few pics once i get them from my smartphone
a quick vid of week 19 and trimming some of the smaller buds
and i blew some wax out of the golden goat and kosher kush trim

golden goat trim

always good to freeze the butane and tube before you start blowing, and using some butane with "near 0 impurity's"

gave the oil a couple of hot water baths


scrapped the oil onto a peice of parchment paper

and i put it on top of my T5 for 3-5 days as i dont have a vac purge


i also did a run of the kosher kush but only took this pick as i was tired after the first run and cleaning the tube

Week 20 update

so these plants havent been going for 20 weeks but it has been about 20 weeks from when this journal started and wanted to thank anyone that is following along and i hope you guys find it as fun as i do.

but back to the grow, We are at week 4 of flower and the plants in coco are both looking very good still. i received some advice to raise my PH for the plants in coco as it will help with mag uptake but since i make the switch i noticed the golden goat has started to yellow a little on the lower leaves so i will be going back to 5.5 PH. i am still watering everyday with full strength nutes from the gen hydro perf pack and so far the plants seem to be loving it, i really want to start on a drip system so i dont have to mix nutes and water every day which is so time consuming. i still have the mars 144x5 running in the tent and am still very happy with the way it has performed.

Both plants (Golden Goat on left Roslyn Road on right)

Rolsyn Road, starting to get really frosty and the buds are close together and looking like it will produce nice dense colas.

Golden Goat, growing nice and tall. had to do a little LST to keep the canopy even and has lots of bud sites but is growing longer stems at each site so looks like it will have lots of smaller popcorn nugs but is still frosting up nicely

and a few pics of the BHO i blew earlier this week, had it on top of my t5 fixture for 4 days

thats just the Golden Goat BHO i have more pics i will upload once my comp stops acting up :Namaste:
and the weekly vid as well, i will have final weights on the golden goat and kosher kush mothers as well but you can see all the buds in the vid
and a few more pics of the BHO i blew :circle-of-love:

and this is the Kosher Kush wax i ran as you can see it waxed up much more and became much more hard where the golden goat stayed very viscosious. now both give you an amazing high, where the kosher kush really puts you on your ass where you just get stuck and tired the golden goat is similar where you wont be able to move from your chair, it also makes you day dream and get lost in your thoughts haha i was watching some vids on how to make a drip system and had to watch it about 3 times as i was spacing out after doing a dab of the golden goat :Namaste:
I used about 7-9 grams of shake, it is a 7 gram tube but i pack it down really good so i get a couple more grams in there. and i actually did not weigh the final product but i would say it would have averaged 1 gram per tube maybe a little less. so 1g wax per 8 grams shake
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