New City Grower 3.5 - Our Perpetual Grow - Continued

What is the white-ish looking material high on the roots of the Lemon Kush mini-scrog?
Excellent update, as always!
Good grief, just beautiful bro. You're seriously knocking it out of the proverbial ballpark.
I like that mini scrog. Brilliant. You're taking Spimps place for awesome McGuivering.

You should make a "kit" out of the mini bottle scrog & sell it.
looking great :thumb:

my money is on the mini scrog, mvp of the gang
Everyone's favorite. Let's hope she puts out Brother.

What is the white-ish looking material high on the roots of the Lemon Kush mini-scrog?
Excellent update, as always!
That's the string from a mophead we use for our SIP wicks Pita.


Lots of lovelyness going on :thumb:
:thanks: Skunny.

Nice looking ladys there BAR :circle-of-love: :cheer:
If it isn't my main man CRAZY! Wherever have you been dude? Do you have a grow going? Folks, this is another one of the guys who took me in when I first joined 420; a real supporter who helped me get started when I didn't have a clue.

I just potted up a tap rooted Jack Herer... Yours all look great... amazing turn around on your grows you have done Broke Ass... well Baby Girl....:circle-of-love:
Here you go, getting her started again. LOL
She's in my ear now bragging how she saved the whole operation. You twos are a bug out.

Thanxx Cajun but I fall considerably shy of the ingenuity of the Spimpster.

PS: My shirt's out.
Hozona, Cronic, Jimbo, and Magic, thanxx for the compliments.

After going back over our journals since using PJ's Organic Soil Mix I've noticed a pattern:
The majority of strains we've ran in it are good without adding any nutes up until mid or late bloom. Some strains run completely problem free without adding anything but Cal/Mag to compensate for the LEDs while others start needing nutrients. This along with the fact that every plant we re-veg in the same re-used soil ask for Nitrogen immediately brings me to the conclusion that after 3/4 of the plant's life span most strains have depleted PJ's Organic Soil Mix of it's nutrients.
While it starts off a little hot and you usually lose the first set of true leafs I consider it a great medium that carries everything our plants need at an astounding release rate.
Also, the Bagseed plant with Lamb's Quarters appears it'll finish without anything but Cal/Mag. Not sure if it's the LQ or the strain but I'll clone one of the strains that needed extra nutes to finish, grow it with an LQ plant, and see if it can finish without adding anything.
Backatcha Cronic.
BG, a perfect way to start the weekend was by flipping everyone's favorite this morning.

LEMON KUSH (In unsealed SIP with a Micro-scrog) Day 72 / Day 1 under 12/12

Dead Center of the Bloom Tent.


Nice BAR thanks for the warm welcome. Lets just say life has been life. Had to take a break but getting back going. Building a true space to grow in now working out of couple tents till then. Needless to say I will be stopping by maybe even start a journal got some Captain Style going been kind of fun as he was my mentor and just one day was gone from here. Needless to say you will see my ladys love the rockwool :) started dabbing a little in some cloning also now I have too many plants :volcano-smiley: Here is a quick photo

Good to see some familiar faces :) Carlwave™ to everyone :circle-of-love:
mini scrog results

~props to conradino23 for growing it :thumb:

Awesome Reg..:high-five:
Still amazes me how you keep track of so many plant's in all stages of growth.:thumb:.
Actually it's quite easy Jimbo. We have the strain, the start date, and the flip date written on each pot plus every 420 update is a date log. Also I keep a handwritten log of each plant's feeding history. Elementary my dear Watson :nomo:.

April the 10th is a momentous day in 420 history Reggie:thumb: All hail the mini scrog :cheer:
And by the date 420, 2015 she should be flowering.

Building a true space to grow in now working out of couple tents till then. Needless to say I will be stopping by maybe even start a journal got some Captain Style going been kind of fun as he was my mentor and just one day was gone from here.
You need to go ahead and start that journal Crazy & show us how it's done!

Thanxx for that pic Brother. I didn't know someone had tried this before.

Now here's part of a post by 36Grow from Sue's journal which may explain why our soil is depleted a lot of times before the plants reach the finish line.
Sue, the amendments and recharge will only last so long. It has to be replenished some how. Our pots are basically fuel tanks. We refill when needed or it slows to a stop.
I'm thinking 2lt Soda Pop Pots are pretty small fuel tanks. That is in lieu of the following post I made yesterday.
After going back over our journals since using PJ's Organic Soil Mix I've noticed a pattern:
The majority of strains we've ran in it are good without adding any nutes up until mid or late bloom. Some strains run completely problem free without adding anything but Cal/Mag to compensate for the LEDs while others start needing nutrients. This along with the fact that every plant we re-veg in the same re-used soil ask for Nitrogen immediately brings me to the conclusion that after 3/4 of the plant's life span most strains have depleted PJ's Organic Soil Mix of it's nutrients.
While it starts off a little hot and you usually lose the first set of true leafs I consider it a great medium that carries everything our plants need at an astounding release rate.
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